bad breath

December 09 2023

hey just curious to find out others thoughts on an interaction I had.
I was seeing someone a bit and after a night together she would like to pash in the morning.
but morning breath was .......not pleasant.
after a couple of times trying to ignore it I couldn't any more and said maybe we should brush our teeth.
she was highly offended and said I should not have said anything because if I had bad breath she would ignore it.
was I wrong?


  • RHP User

    RHP User

    a year ago

    I would have suggested oral sex to clean her taste buds lol

  • EarthQueen


    a year ago

    No. If there's that much drama over brushing teeth what comes next? Its not that hard to get up and brush them? I couldn't kiss someone with bad breath either.

  • MsSuperFoxy


    a year ago

    You complain of her breath, but I bet you're quite happy for her to have your cock in her mouth and suck you off, and even swallow too. 🙄

    Ms Foxy

  • MsSuperFoxy


    a year ago

    Would it be acceptable if she complained, your cock had bad breath too??

    Ms Foxy 😇

  • Swede712


    a year ago

    Keep some breath pearls near the bed, they act the same as some arousal drops just with the benefit of fresh breath, great little things

  • Yellowpenguins


    a year ago

    I mean , weird. Call me crazy but I literally keep mints in my bedside table for this reason 🤷

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    a year ago

    You did try to ignore it but just couldn’t, and suggested a practical solution. That’s great!

    I’m not sure about the timing though. If she was already hot and ramping up when you made the suggestion, that’s a mood killer to something she feels quite sexy about.

    Both of you popping mint from bedside might also be less disruptive to the mood than brushing teeth.