Women looking for sex outside of their relationship
March 04 2025
I get lots of messages from married men but wondering how many women are in the same situation ?
22 days ago
Your situation isn’t unusual. I have met married women over the years. Some with the support of their husband and others secretly. The secret ones didn’t work for me as I like to socialise - have coffee, go to see live music etc. Not sneak around.
While I am here you should verify your profile. So many fake couples on here.Reefplay
21 days ago
Thinking your post will guarantee no shortage of interest.
Have fun and hopefully you can negotiate an understanding with your partner.Dramafreeguy
5 days ago
Sometimes I think women in that situation feel safer if they take someone on that already exists in their life. Someone who has made it obvious that they are attracted to her and she trusts to be suitable and discreet. ( rather than some random online man who could do anything )
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