

M52 F46

Women in lingerie, men in.........

July 21 2020

The other day I picked up Mr D from the train station after work dressed in a black lace, very sheer piece of lingerie and black strappy platform high heels. I like dressing up or should I say down for him. He loves it!! He loves women in lingerie.
Thinking out of the box so to speak, I took it out of the bedroom and surprised him at the station. Getting into the car without the neighbours seeing was quite a challenge haha
The look on his face when greeted in such a sexy way, even made me feel super sexy. It was a very fast and quick drive home. Unbuckling his belt and dropping his pants before we shut the front door....... well, I'll leave the rest to your imagination.
After the very hot, erotic and mind blowing orgasm and a few moments after that, Mr D asked what can he do to turn me on like that. He can't always make the bed haha
The question is, what have partners/husbands do that is equivalent to us females when it come to lingerie and the like to turning us on visually?


  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago

    Actually......I like men in lingerie. Otherwise a white cotton tee or white shirt gets me going for some reason.

  • LadyandMrD


    5 years ago

    Come to think about it Koko, I love men in suits...... hmmmm

  • LittleGiant


    5 years ago

    SUITS. Yes. A suit gets me every single time.
    Miss Little

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago

    I am ready to wear lingerie@koko.

  • dianet


    5 years ago

    I also vote for suits and white shirts!
    even better if a button or two undone just enough to see some chest hair...

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago

    Suits 😍 Uniforms (Navy, Army, Air Force, Police) oh my!! 🤩

  • mixtures


    5 years ago

    I like this thread, I always am asking this question and I found the most time woman don't like to answer it. Which really is shame I believe personally.

  • LadyandMrD


    5 years ago

    would you dress up or down to turn on a woman? I'd like to know form a man's perspective.

  • ShinyThings


    5 years ago

    I'm Shiny, the M of ShinyThings. I have a wardrobe of outfits and lingerie I love to wear. Love to wear stockings, suspenders and waspie corset under a suit; or just wait at the door in minimal lingerie under a sheer dress, in killer heels. I love seeing my partners jaw drop and we have the hottest fun :D

    I really love being able to express myself in this way, that it turns her on too, and that dressing up together is such fun.
    I recommend all you ladies to encourage your menfolk to try it and any guys reading this to man up and get sexy! You will be amazed at how horny your lady could get.

    Shiny :D

  • LadyandMrD


    5 years ago

    For sure!! I'd love to see Mr D dress up in lingerie. Small steps first... What could be the garment to pop the cherry do you think? I'm thinking a g-string and top less to greet me at the door would be HOT!!

  • KittyDeluxe


    5 years ago

    Once the suit or hi vis comes off, cotton boxer briefs - the tight type - are a massive visual aphrodisiac.
    Some types of male underwear can dampen the enthusiasm, but if we've gotten that far undressed it's easy enough to whip the rest off ;p

  • secretadventure


    5 years ago

    I'm a tradie, and surprised my wife one night when she arrived home with myself in nothing but a hard hat, open high vis vest, tool belt and boots. Soft music, candles, cologne.....

  • KinkyHugh


    5 years ago

    I am also curious to know. Where do you men buy your sexy outfits from?

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago

    Borrow your partners, otherwise have a look at Johnnies Closet.........

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago

    Hugh would look fucking hot in lingerie 😊

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago

    I once attended a summer themed dress up party where my date and I went has a Baywatch cpl. She wore a bikini while I wore red speedos. (Her idea) I was a bit embarrassed making small talk with alot of guys just in hawaiian shirts and shorts. At least I didnt have to get undressed to jump in the pool or the spa.
    Lady its good to see you got over your worries of the neighbours seeing you by the time you got home :)

  • LadyandMrD


    5 years ago

    Speedos you say?! Now that looks hot!! I bet you were the eye candy for the night. Very original to hawaiian shirts.
    Well we think the neighbours have seen us in our birthday suits, more than once. Our bedroom window faces the street and we never draw the curtains close hehe
    So, there are a few ideas here. Lets start with those.....

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    I do like my man to wear my panties to work and around the house as well

  • babeneel


    2 years ago

    Do you want a rider for a night out with me tonight and fuckme up all night long I’m tired and really horny honestly I can just imagine eating that pussy right now 😈

  • Kinky_DnA


    a year ago

    Nothing hotter than coming into the room and my man is buck naked and playing and has put my fave porn on. Instant lady wood, he is a sexy beast!