Woman on Woman

March 11 2019

Hi all

Im finding it really hard to find women looking for women. Even couples with a genuinely bi woman who is happy for girls play, guys watch. Im happy to be watched by the right partner.

What im finding most frustrating is the number of single female profiles who say they are looking for women to play with, then upon chatting its actually a couple.

Any advice?

Where all the ladies at!?

- Posted from rhpmobile


  • sweetnsensual72


    6 years ago

    Yes we have encountered the same thing with some female profiles.
    Chat away then out comes the make partner lol
    I’m truly bi and enjoy another woman
    It can be hard to find a bisexual woman but when you do it’s bliss!

  • HotNightsGC


    6 years ago

    It is pretty frustrating. A lot of women state in their profile that they’re bi or bicurious, but when it comes to the crunch, they’re really not interested as they’re only doing it for their partner.
    We have a pretty good small circle of friends who include genuinely bi women. So we enjoy that a lot. But finding genuine bi women lately has been difficult.

  • curiousgirl35


    6 years ago

    Genuinely Bi here 🙋‍♀️.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    Obviously your messaging or profile needs work....

  • kmfun


    6 years ago

    A little different issue but I also struggle to find genuine bi women to play with. We are a couple who only play together but my husband is more than happy to just watch me play with other women and has on a number of times. A couple times we have met a couple who I start playing with the women and her partner won’t leave us alone. It’s fine if we all play but the worst is the times where my husband gets told she only plays with women so he happily sits on the side but her partner won’t leave me alone. I have had to stop a couple of fun times where the women was definitely into it because of this. One even pushed his partner off me to try and get a turn. He was mightily disappointed.

    We have stopped looking at bi-curious women as this seems to be mostly a male partner adding this as he would love to play with two women.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago

    Hotnights love your pictures you have very sexy eyes

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago

    I enjoy some girly play, especially if hers or my male partner is on the other side of the wall/ door listening in and then joining us when we're ready.


  • Tara72


    5 years ago

    I find the same problem, they always seem to be in the wrong city :)

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago

    100% agreed with you KissesAndCream. A pity we are in different states, see you next time you are in Sydney

  • jayne2555


    5 years ago

    Yep wifey is very bi and loves to hook up with a girl and be left to have their fun. But they seem very few n far between.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago

    Same here, I’m very bisexual too and would love to find a female I could play with on a regular basis.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago

    I’m a unicorn who loves to play with both.... it’s the most delicious sex to watch a guy fucking his partner while she’s giving me multiple orgasms with her tongue.. plus reciprocating is always fun as well 😉