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Why is it so hard to find decent and respectful single guys??!!
February 20 2023
2 years ago
Never ever knew we could be invisible 🫥
2 years ago
We've been astounded at how many serious injuries guys have on or the day before a date. I'd estimate it's a statistical impossibility, or there'd be no single guys left in the world. Hahaha, they are frustrating f$%$%kers.
- Alex.RHP User
2 years ago
Probably because we can’t see your profile.
Almost every time I’ve arranged to meet couple I’ve had the same experience.
Just sayinMischieviousTwo
2 years ago
Have turned profile off temporarily because we are so sick of being contacted by people that don’t read it anyway…
2 years ago
0ver 98% of males have not showed up with us.
100% of couples have .Mrs_Deep_Love
2 years ago
We've had the same experience.
All talk and no action.
I've stopped trying.madotara69
2 years ago
Have you tried searching and messaging guys that tickle your fancy ?
2 years ago
It’s a shame so many guys on don’t show up, can’t communicate properly or are just disrespectful!! Saying that, there are a lot of couples on here that do exactly the same!
Is it that hard to send a message or simply being honest to others…?Hedonist_fun
2 years ago
Possibly looking in the wrong places... ive always been respectful of a couples relationship and only ever play by their rules if lucky enough to be invited into their world so to speak.
I'm the outsider joining their dynamics.
Unfortunately many men make the rest of our lives very difficult when it comes to apps like this....Thirdwheel
2 years ago
Yep I get it , the annoyance of having your time and energy wasted . I was slammed by a couple because I put off meeting them due to my work commitments . I expect that couples and singles have a life outside of RHP . I only devote part of my time to sex and it’s easy to see misalignment in energy and availability . That said , an appointment is a commitment
2 years ago
If I say im going to meet I do
RHP User
2 years ago
Pick me pick me. I’ll definitely turn up….
2 years ago
My husband and I are always intrigued that we seem to find it near on impossible to meet a couple that remotely matches our criteria.. funny human genuine
Many are one or the other swinging to please their partner. Huge turn off as this behaviour is not allowing all 4 to express themselves in a genuine wayRHP User
2 years ago
RHP User
2 years ago
I can assure you us decent and respectful guys do exist it's just we often don't have the bodies of a Greek god. So we probably don't a reply often
Ive had 3 or 4 potential couples that I was trying to even just get a initial drink with but they all flaked out so the disappointment swings both ways trust me
On the upside, I've managed to meet who I think may just be my soul mate elsewhere so I'm getting out of the lifestyle to focus on her.Barrabuoy
2 years ago
If you are not here to meet up make it obvious. It is very disappointing when you are open and genuine and left literally high and dry lol I have had some really fun times but don’t take anything too seriously. Don’t love the ghosting it really is cowardly.
RHP User
2 years ago
It’s not that hard ! Maybe couples should be a bit more flexible easygoing with responding to messages !
2 years ago
I was in a swinging relationship with an attractive lady, we had all the games played, cancellations, couples where the wife just left town but he's available, single guys invited cancel, weird weird behaviour.
Truth is so many guys are jerking off in the next room while the wife tends the kids, no idea what he's up to🙉
Saying that we did, despite all the bs, did get to play with lovely cpls and single guys.
As a single guy I'm staggered at the amount of guys pretending to be a cpl, again wankers with no life.
It's not hard to be real, there's fun people to actually meet 🙂RHP User
2 years ago
Agree.. we get all the above as well.
Hence why we have decided to only play at clubs, with whoever happens to be there on the night..
Sick to death of dudes seemingly getting an ego boost by managing to get a date organised with us, and then bailing last minute, Orr as you say ghosting..RHP User
2 years ago
Me personally (and I’m new “at this” being in charge of your own exploration but) I’m not into doing stuff with another dude in the same room. It’s not that I’m anti it AT ALL but it’s just something I’m not personally in to.
I reckon there’s probably a good chance that some guys may be curious about engaging it that experience, or it meets one of their fantasies that they are insecure about, but being on here with anonymity, allows them to explore that, and even have the thrill of saying yes to it, but then their self doubt might come in or even that may have been the extent of the experience they were able to get to before they backed down. Definitely reckon it comes down to them liking the idea, but overthinking it.
I know I do that when even hearting a woman’s profile. I freak out thinking “ah shit what do I do next!?!?” (As I said. New here). But yeah, not that this helps at all, but maybe that’s why?
I hope you two are able to find what you’re looking for. 🤘RHP User
2 years ago
Super disappointing to hear you and others have experienced this behaviour. There are guys like myself that respect the time of others and keep their word when they make a date and time to meet someone. Totally agree that before someone chooses to message another person they should at least read the profile. Once again sorry to read that couples have experienced this.
2 years ago
We have been in this scene for nearly ten years and we have a formula that seems to reduce the frustration. My husband knows what I like in men (physically) and what I'm comfortable with in personality. If I find a candidate I like, he contacts the candidate. Most of the one-word wonders seem to drop off at this point. The first meet and greet is always my husband alone. Most of the men who are uncommitted seem to pull the pin before the meet. We are then left with a very few that my husband actually meets, and he tells me from his vibe which are worth pursuing (all have been super hot!). We have a 95% rate of them showing up for a proper meet and greet after that, and we have found many decent respectful single guys through our formula, some we have seen for five or six years running.
2 years ago
We are out there, you just need to keep looking. Feel free to message me, happy to share pics 😊
2 years ago
Maybe it’s the age range ? Maybe it’s men with body images and profiles that speak of self obsession and fantasy rather than a profile that displays interest in others ? I do now better understand why one couple went ballistic when I cancelled even though I gave him my number and asked him to call me . Maybe try a 57 year old who will travel to chat over a cuppa
2 years ago
You already know a decent respectful reliable single guy....me 😜👍 my validations speak for themselves. Hit me up
2 years ago
Trust me, couples and single girls can be just as unreliable....in fact the worst is likely the single girls by far. I’ve swung as a couple, as a single, and I host group play parties....it’s really no different....it’s not just guys, girls, or couples....it’s across the board really.
RHP User
2 years ago
Fully concur, just been ghosted by a single guy after he initiated contact and proposed the date, time and location of meet.
2 years ago
Im Healthy & Ready !
RHP User
2 years ago
Because if they have made 30 they've all been through the dating mill and have learned accordingly.
Dating for men is get bitten keep going.Mctag9
2 years ago
Sadly that is too common, some guys are pornstars online but not so much in real life lol, hard to find respectful and reliable guys (especially for GBs) on here but the validations help - I have the occasional small party at my place and I always meet potential girls, guys and couples for coffee or a drink first unless mutual friends validate them...
2 years ago
Our experiences in Swinger Clubs have always proven to be more positive than negative. It's very difficult to be a good judge of character online.
RHP User
a year ago
Entilitis syndrome, each generation becomes more infected. Don’t give up; be patient and a rare gentleman such as I will surface for you all.
a year ago
In the past 10 / 12 years we have been on and off this site and a couple of others and our preference is for single clean cut bisexual guys.
We cannot tell you the enormous number of hours we have spent chatting with people to have similar experiences. We have had the pleasure of meeting a few decent guys and couples over the years and made quite a few just social friends as well.
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