Why are the Validations on this site so prominent?
March 07 2025
19 days ago
I find them really helpful, mostly that the person is likely to be real, actually show up, look like their photos, not just be here to collect photos and chat without meeting, and that people who have met them had a positive experience and felt comfortable and respected enough to write a validation. It feels safer for me meeting validated people and I check who validated them to try to avoid fake profiles.
This is just my experience but when I’ve met validated people they have all looked like their photos and their bios seemed accurate in terms of what they were looking for and were into. I haven’t had a red flag from any of them so far.
Yes they can feel like bragging but I don’t mind because I only want amazing experiences. They also know they have to live up to their own hype!
I think some people use it as a way to say thanks, you made me/my partner feel amazing and I want you to know your effort and consideration was appreciated.
I’ve met people who aren’t validated and overall there’s been more cat fishing and other negative aspects, manner or behaviors. Some I straight up wouldn’t give a validation because their photos were so out of date or I couldn’t be sure it was even them, or something else was off about them so I wouldn’t want to contribute to other users feeling that they were safe to meet.
Not everyone likes them, I’ve had messages slut shaming me for having them, I guess having them filters out some people I wouldn’t be interested in talking to anyway so that’s for the best.
There’s some earlier posts about this with varying opinions on whether they are positive or negative and what the reason is for holding that opinion.Number456
19 days ago
Yep. Thanks for the insight.. You have valid points.
19 days ago
To answer your actual question it’s probably just marketing tactic on RHPs side. it’s evidence of active users rather than just permanently online lurkers. They want people to pay for accounts.
It adds to user engagement, it’s almost like voyeurism so some people probably get off on them, more people see the validations and then look at the profiles then pay to send messages.
It could be seen as a mark of success for rhp that people are meeting and had a good experience so it’s something they want to highlight.NeoAndTrin
19 days ago
I do often wonder what percentage of validations are fake on this site. Like from BS accounts made by the same person under another throwaway account.
I only really trust the ones made by verified accounts.Felicitous
19 days ago
They're a great way of vetting when one is new on the site... For me wouldn't only be that someone had one.. I would include and exclude potentials based on the way they spoke about their experiences and others.. ie Anyone too crude or overtly sexual wouldn't be a match for me.
For those of us that have been around for a while though - eventually you outgrow them. I don't want to be validated nor feel pressured to validate another. Personally it cheapens the experience.. though as with everything depending on what experiences one is seeking they might be the opposite.
Each to their own.
There are definitely fake validations.. we've seen and reported a few times a female unverified profile that is validated by a verified male - who is - we are 100% sure the same person. Pictures are stolen.. originally names were similar now his game has improved and the names are different but same images / similar validation 🙄
He just creates a new profile and re-validates her... So proceed with blissful caution :)nightingale8
19 days ago
I’ve hooked up with the same men as other ladies I’ve met, on occasion. Have known all thanks to validations. It’s good for that and kind of hot. I know that some other ladies do the same!
I wouldn’t trust ones given by people I don’t know or whose taste I don’t agree withRachWandered
18 days ago
I use them to filter guys. If I see a single guy with heaps of validations from couples and very few from single women I know not to bother. Some of the biggest flakes in my experience are single men who have heaps of validations from couples.
It is an odd feature now that I think about it. After 5 years on this app I’m used to them but yeah … they’re kinda weird. Like I love opening the app on Monday and checking out who bonked who on the weekend and who squirted or gives great head blah blah
I love the couples validations when they say “Mr was such a gentleman…”was he? Reeaaallly a gentleman?? lol
Cracks me upObi1kenietzsche
18 days ago
Don’t want them
Don’t need them
Don’t give them
Don’t accept them
If I wish to engage with someone (or them with me), then I prefer to let such circumstances eventuate based on actual interaction between ourselves, and not initiated by some unknown third party’s supposed experiences.Mrs_Deep_Love
18 days ago
So what if it is a flex? Do other people flexing make you feel inferior? Perhaps you are just envious. And no, not 3somes are great.
The 3some I am 'flexing' about in my validations was pretty fucking great though 😜TheMinx
16 days ago
I quite enjoy reading them and writing them. I'm a sapio so reading validations float my boat. Going down the rabbit holes thru each profile is like an adventure.
I've had 3sums that were not great, and I've had some that have been amazing.
One person's ick could be someone else's yumPangolin28
15 days ago
Validations are a take it or leave it thing mostly. Considering what one does for another does not really do it for someone else. I am talking about the validations that make me wanna retch. The ones that say man she can suck cock like nothing else or wow that guy was so good and talk about hung. I however do like the validations that talk only of personality, thoughtfulness and generosity
15 days ago
Reposting my original comment as I was horrified by all the typos 😬
But my 2 cents, from the majority of the comments is, I am not a fan of them at all and don't rely on them to meet with people.
I'd rather judge for myself through chatting and getting a vibe. It actually does the opposite for me and men with a lot of them are red flags and just says they're just looking to collect them and then onto the next person. Which is fine for most people, but I'm looking for something different and not just hookups. And some are just downright cringy and laughable 😂Lookng_4_fun
12 days ago
I don’t think we would ever meet with a single male without validations, simple as that
3 days ago
I just read this one…..
”She has a lovely texture and colour. The right amount of labia to please all skill levels! She had the right amount of moisture…….”
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