RHP User

RHP User

M51 F53

Why are people so rude?

January 12 2019

Is it just our experience on here or are there a lot of people with no manners?

Here is the situation. You’ve flirted, exchanged messages and maybe even swapped some photos and all of a sudden the conversation stops without explanation.

Obviously for whatever reason they aren’t interested which is totally fine but are we expecting too much to have a quick thanks but no thanks message or sorry you’re not for us no hard feelings.

Maybe we are expecting too much, we would love to hear others opinions on this

- Posted from rhpmobile


  • FeistyFatty


    6 years ago

    This topic has been covered extensively in the forums, one such topic is active at the moment.
    This is a common occurence in the online world, people just disengage, especially after they've got What they wanted...... your Private Pics.
    Pay it no mind, move on to the next, think of the bullets you've dodged.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    Quoting “Here is the situation. You’ve flirted, exchanged messages and maybe even swapped some photos and all of a sudden the conversation stops without explanation”. These kinds of people are the ones you don’t bother with anyway there game players, I think it makes them feel powerful!

  • MsSuperFoxy


    6 years ago

    You are expecting people to do what you want. You opened your gallery, they didn't like what they saw, they ghosted. Shit happens. Move on. Until you meet people face to face, there's should be no expectations or pressure.

    Ms Foxy

  • SpicyKale


    6 years ago

    What Ms Foxxxy said... while we're sure there's a lot of pic hunters on here, we just accept we're not their type and move on. In amongst it all we've found some amazing people on here, but it can be an interesting search. While we generally try to reply with a "sorry, not for us" sometimes people come up with messages that just get a ghost. Like the male half of a couple wanting to meet up alone, just a red flag for us.

  • madotara69


    6 years ago

    Tell them it's a safe guard for the chance it could be a pimply arsed teen, and well, we will be held responsible to ensure we are sending explicit images to adults.
    It's probably true anyhow.
    That sorts about 90% out.
    Mado Tara xx

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    It's just how it goes around here. It felt rude to me at first also but after you've sent 50 "thanks but no thanks" messages and received a few back it starts to feel redundant. The thing is, that elusive "thanks but no thanks" message doesn't feel quite as nice as you imagined it might especially after you got excited to see a reply thinking it was a yes and you realise that rejection sucks in whatever form it's served in.

    It's also worth noting that things are not always yes/no. There's a whole range of no; hell no, thanks but no thanks, not right now I already fucking 3 other women, I'm not in a tall fit chick with nice tits phase at the moment maybe in a month, yeah I would but I have hotter girls chasing me at the moment so na, I think you're sexy but there's something a bit odd about you I'll just let this message sit a week or so and see which way my mind goes if this causes you to freak out then that makes my decision easy, ect, ect. Most people don't practice that form of radical honesty either here or in real life. Are white lies any better?

    Presumably other people have a similar range on no. Once I came to understand all of this, I came to prefer the no reply option. If you try force a maybe it'll pretty much always turn to no so best just let it sit as a maybe and move my attention on to other prospects, that is certainly gentler on the ego than some of the other options.

  • teamaj2


    6 years ago

    We hear you and we agree with the other posts - best not to take it personally .

    We do reply to most initial contact messages if we can see they have read the profile and have gone to the trouble and time to make contact with more than a one line message .

    As was said previously any form of rejection is never ‘great ‘. We are all attracted to different looks etc . No one wants to read no !

    The part I find difficult is , as SJ said if we have exchanged PG and started to chat and for a variety of reasons chosen not to continue . It maybe that something they said didn’t ‘feel quite right ‘ , what they are wanting from the experience is not for us , they are too intense or their way of communication is not for us or real life has simply gotten in the way and it’s not a priority.
    Either way it’s terribly difficult to say -‘actually we’ve had a change of heart’

    We do try to be polite at all times but sometimes there is no easy way to say thank you but no thank you , especially after chat has been initiated.

    I’d like to think we are all amazing , fun , sexy , exciting human beings . It’s about finding the right ones for us . We think RHP is great in enabling that .

  • AnnieWhichway


    6 years ago

    I had a lot of inbox traffic. Lots of interested guys until.....they find out l dont do daytime meets ever. Conversations stopped dead. Didnt even open my next message. Their profiles say single......

    Surely they wouldn't be married and lying about their status and sleeping around during the day whilst wifey is at work?

    So changing my profile with the words no day meets has stopped the ghosting. Matter of fact, no messages at all.....

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    Respect is the key word but sadly that word is not known for many people ..

  • MsSuperFoxy


    6 years ago

    Respect, does having self-respect fit into that category?

    Ms Foxy

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    Those darned single no day meet guys.....Ive come across a few of those too

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    I think the key is patience and persistence. It would be great to encourage people though to respond to messages. Worst case is a simple ‘No thanks, best of luck with your search.’ just gives you some hope that people are real, they do exist and eventually you may find people that you can connect with.

    Anyway we have met many great people and we would just encourage people to be patient and go reply to messages. It’s easy.

    Best of luck in your search people.😜

  • totally_normal


    6 years ago

    I find it difficult to maintain communication sometimes.
    Messaging often fizzles out when meetings can't be scheduled easily. New messages arrive and older ones move down the list and get lost. People stop messaging us or we stop messaging them, not necessarily because we aren't interested or because we are rude. Most often because the app is not ideal for on going communication, life has become busy with family work and vanilla life and because we do not always have rhp open. Like everyone has said don't take it personally or assume it is just rudeness.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    Being ghosted is so annoying and such a waste of what limited time I have. I've given up now. Too old for sad and pathetic game players with no soul.

  • Mischeviouslad


    6 years ago

    It happens everywhere in life and is not limited to this site.

    One usually learns to understand and accept the flaws of others and develop better filtering mechanisms to avoid them in future

  • compressor


    6 years ago

    No need for anyone to be rude. Alot of different people from different backgrounds on here for many different reasons. Good manners and respect is a must

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    Glad to hear we aren’t the only ones one here experiencing this. I agree with most of the comments on here

    It does take time and persistence and meets are hard to arrange around our normal day to day lives. Hopefully on day soon we will find the right people to play with.

    I guess at least with the ones who can’t reply to messages we find out the arent the respectful people we are looking for

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    or people have changed their account settings,,,, and sometimes cannot reply,,,,, therefore it is good to swap ph numbers like we have,,,, and that way people can continue to msg.... hey guys,,, how ya doing :)

  • ozmelbcpl4cpl2


    3 years ago

    Wow asked to.opened our pics gallery and did showing us both asked them to do theirs and only put hers up .asked him or her can we see the guy too .reply fuck off hes discrete WOW! was only asking there needs to be an attraction between all 4..
    Was that too much too ask of a couples profile .?
    Then he or she proceeded to say cant deal with our shit lmao
    Block delete fun button to use i can say😂