Who Pays For The Condoms?

November 27 2024

So a couple of times when lads have had a sexy play session with Margo, they've helped themselves to my condoms, which happen to be on the bedside table at the hotel, etc we're staying at.

Obviously they cost next to nothing... but c'mon buddy. Do I even have to pay for the condoms, for you to fuck my wife?

Haha, tongue in cheek, but who pays for the condoms in your world?

- Alex.


  • MsSuperFoxy


    4 months ago

    Good question!
    IMO It's ALL parties that are responsible.
    We are all adults and are educated well enough to know about safe sex.
    I always have condoms on hand and I also expect and do have conversations with others regarding safe sex and use if condoms and to carry. It's duty of care to myself, but others also.

    Ms Foxy

    PS Having condoms next to your bedside table was a safe thing to do. Condoms are easily accessible! I wonder how awkard it had been if you didn't provide, nor the other, leaving Margo in an awkard position.

  • TheFriendYouWant


    4 months ago

    I most certainly bring my own, I know what I like and is comfortable plus, it’s just common courtesy. Kudos to yourselves for having them but it’s a bit much to expect you to provide them.

  • Massage_Donor


    4 months ago

    Omg, surely this is a no brainer? I always take my own. Always.
    Except ... that one time I forgot. I was mortified at myself, as I thought she'd accuse me of trying to go raw. But she was really good and understanding and we used hers instead. Phew!!

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 months ago

    If you want to use them then buy them?

    I would take it as my responsibility as the guy if we agreed on safe sex.

    How would it look turning up and thinking the other was sorting them out and nobody did?

    Like turning up to a dinner party and everybody thinking everybody else was bringing the wine 😬

  • nightingale8


    4 months ago

    Think of them as public property. Like umbrellas! I’ve donated quite a few on the train, outside cafes, etc and don’t feel at all bad when I pick up one that’s been clearly left behind.

  • boobsandbusted


    4 months ago

    Everyone ,as a host I’d always have ample supply at the bedside table ,just in case one needs a swap out for whatever reason ,better safe than sorry ,for the safety value a pack of condoms and lube is a small price to pay ,,imo

    Mr b

  • boobsandbusted


    4 months ago

    And to add ,Mrs b has a preferred brand of latex free ,🆓 condoms and lube ,if rather supply those than someone use their own which may or may not be to her liking ,

  • Cheekyeurocouple


    4 months ago

    Not only have we paid for the condoms but we also have paid for the hotel room.Some males have no idea thats why they are single

  • NatSquared


    4 months ago

    We usually supply them, we always keep a stock in our toy cupboard so why not. Except one time, I put some condoms and lube in a bag to take with us then forgot to take the bag 😅

  • Sawadee


    4 months ago

    Goes without saying we all need to protect ourselves. .. Expecting someone else to look after you is naive and careless, l hate condoms with a passion , but l put up with them.. just the way it is these days...

  • NeoAndTrin


    4 months ago

    Put them in a vending machine beside the bed Alex.

    $1 a pop.

    Problem solvered.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 months ago

    Always BYOC as a single guy.

    Have you ever tried to put one on that is too small?

    It's near impossible and looks ridiculous.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 months ago

    Has me thinking - what if condoms became scarce? A rubber shortage or someone shorted the world’s largest condom producer?

    Assume intercourse (cock in the pussy or butt) was off limits.

    How creative could you be? What would try and what would you learn?

  • Mrs_Deep_Love


    4 months ago

    I can see the rudeness you feel when they're coming to fuck your wife and use your condoms too.

    If you were a cuck, maybe. But you're not.

  • Blueflamingo


    4 months ago

    I expect the guy to be carrying condoms as they usually have a favourite brand and size. I do always have some spare just in case, but not the full selection like Vivian in Pretty Woman 😂

  • CallMeV


    4 months ago

    I would never take someone’s time for granted. I always carry condoms and chuck it in the bin before I leave house/hotel.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 months ago

    I prefer to know there are condoms and they are good quality and not hidden in a wallet for months 😝

    We always have our own and prefer using our own

  • ReyandJean


    4 months ago

    But do you trust day visitors to use a condom that's not going to break? I won't say doctored, but maybe been in the wallet for a few months....

  • Dalidreaming


    4 months ago

    These days, I think it should be common practice that both parties have them on hand and never assume 💕

  • gazpacho


    4 months ago

    Great topic thanks!
    I think the rules of engagement are very clear. Nobody could care less about your sexual health. It’s every man (or woman) for themselves.

    That stated, if I want someone to use protection, it’s up to me to make sure that they do.

    There’s plenty of punters around quite happy to pass on their crabs or whatever. No matter when someone says “yeah, I’m clean” you can’t seriously expect any random fuck to be truthful.

  • Fuckmywifexxx


    4 months ago

    It's a huge reflection on the dude...

    But your own personal responsibility to be prepared.

  • SweetSerenade


    3 months ago

    We always bring and supply our own. We use latex-free only and insist our play friends do also.
    We only buy Skyn and specifically the variety Mr serenade uses costs out at about $1.40 each.

    We actually ask other men to use the ones we supply and certainly don't ask anyone to pay. $14 a pack for a night of safer play is negligible cost.

  • Polynesian_BBWx


    3 months ago

    i totally get you ! nothing makes me cringe more than when a guy asks me to buy condoms before meeting them..... im not the one wearing it mate. but even in your situation, they should bloody bring their own

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    3 months ago

    I have never worn one mainly because my dick goes soft trying to put one on
    It's just an awful feeling.
    Feeling smelling tasting a pussy is too good to be spoilt by rubber
    Ever ever

  • danum


    3 months ago

    to tell the truth, we dont use condoms. i dont like it. my wife doesnt either.

  • GenuineSeeker


    3 months ago

    I always bring my own but some playmates have preferred to use the ones supplied by them for peace of mind safety in regards to untampered, expiry dates etc. I would rather bring them than miss out on any safe fun!!

  • realcpl4funBris


    3 months ago

    We always have some available on the bed side table too but the guys invited should most definitely bring their own.

  • DonnaBrett


    3 months ago

    We always bring our own condoms even if at a party or club that do supply them. We both have a brand/type preference so it's easier. However on that subject, any guy that rolls up to a play date with a lady and he isn't carrying his own condoms then that's a red flag. It can only be assumed that he's willing to play without protection if he can get away with it and if he does it in that instance then he has probably played unprotected with others.

  • Doug1972


    2 months ago

    Man wears it man pays

  • supern0va


    2 months ago

    Who are these miserly people? They should bring their own raincoats!

  • Baldivis2


    2 months ago

    Who pays? Easy...the guy. Like you said "they cost next to nothing" so come prepared

  • WkdWolfnkitten


    a month ago

    We do, kitten has a sensitivity and has worked out the hard way which condoms and lube don’t react negatively with her body. We keep several sizes and then know they are in date and not tampered with……in saying that no male has ever turned up without his own but they have always been happy to use ours at her request.

  • DonnaBrett


    23 days ago

    Everyone should carry them, male & female. Even when we go to parties where they are supplied we always use our own. You never know when the supplied ones are out of date or inferior quality.

  • TheaussieBull88


    20 days ago

    I always bring my own.