Where to find true bi couples
April 10 2024
RHP User
a year ago
Do you mean on RHP or just in Perth somewhere?
If you mean on RHP,
Go to the discover tab
Select couples and women, check the 'with photos' and 'verified' boxes
Go to advanced search
Click on sexual orientation
Select bi-sexual and bi-curious
Hit search
a year ago
Definitely understand it’s not easy to find bi couples. I think honesty and patience is your best approach. As a couple we get a lot of messages from guys, but truthfully it’s about timing for us , we have got to be on the same page and finding that guy who is actually willing to play and not stuff you around is just as hard for us .
a year ago
They'll find you essentially as most will message directly or post Datefinders etc.
From personal experience, you get inundated with messages and most aren't genuinely Bi themselves.... Which results in ALOT of time wasted sorting the wheat from the chaff. Make sure your messages are enticing and making you stand out from the herd.
Attend Events, its honestly the best way to meet people and build up your network.couplelooking
10 months ago
For us as a bi curious couple finding others bi people is so hard to find.. we find mostly single bi men to join but find a lot of them are just wanting to get with Mrs and in actual fact she seeking more so the female play than a male as it’s me that’s wants the male interaction hence looking for bi play. And we seem to get alot of negativity when we say that’s what we actually looking for and the Mrs isn’t looking to just sleep with all the men .. don’t understand why it’s hard to get she is
Not looking for men for herself to sleep with .. she loves men joining and sharing with me and making sure all have fun. Love to meet genuine bi people that actually looking for bi funRHP User
10 months ago
Hey guys send us a message we are definitely keen to meet you both we are guests so can't xx hope to hear from you and yes both bi here xxx
RHP User
8 months ago
Hey we are both bi and looking for the same, only guests so cant message our snap is same as our user if thats easier
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