Where to Start?
June 21 2022
I have been interested in BDSM for a while now, I have done a bit of online research, but I don't know where to start or go from now. Any advice?
I am located in Perth.
Thank you
3 years ago
1. Fill in your profile in its entirety including photos and more about yourself, interests, etc.. try to be specific.
2. Interested men (and possibly women) will no doubt message you from then on based on the quality and sincerity of your information
3. Select one who piques your interest and establish a connection via messaging... from there meet in person at a public place with an understanding of no obligation.. from there continue on establishing trust and communication, including rules, safety, respect etc
(NOTE- take it slowly and use your instincts and intuition).
4. When YOU are comfortable then take it from there..
Lots of wannabes and potentially dangerous types out there (but also genuine guys worthy of your trust), so take your time and be unashamedly discerning in all respects.
3 years ago
Join FetLife. Attend a local Munch in your area and speak with people who have actual experience in the BDSM lifestyle..... Too many wannabe Doms around here. Best of luck x
3 years ago
I sent you a pm.
RHP User
3 years ago
There is a Kink club in Perth called Himitsu. Find them on FB.
They are an invitation only club, however there’s no sex allowed on site.
But they are open 3-4 nights a week and have numerous munches, displays and other workshops every week.
It’s is the most ethical place in Perth to get introduced to the Kink scene and it’s truly brilliant. 😈✨😈RHP User
3 years ago
Fetlife is a handy resource if you are willing to spend the time reading the information available. Alot of my growth has been through reading hundreds if not 1000’s of articles. I don’t agree with them all, but it helps promote growth and opens you up to more than just one opinion.
Many people are willing to help and answer questions so don’t hesitate to reach out.
Before attending events, depending on the theme, I suggest that you are comfortable with and able to explain your boundaries. Have a think about what you are and aren’t willing to do and stick to it so you don’t make any decisions under pressure that you might regret later.
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