What turns you off
February 26 2023
I'm very sensitive to the smell. Even if the guy says he hasn't smoked for a few days. If there's a slightest hint I'm not feeling it. Am I odd? Do others feel the same. What other things turn you off when your about to play.
RHP User
2 years ago
Yeah cigarettes are a no go for me as well. Bogans. People who are really up themselves...like when a woman who says she has an army of men who want to ruin her. Ugghhh...pass.
2 years ago
Jenny, I'm with you and I used to be a smoker until 18 years ago.
I can't stand the smell of cigarettes. It's just like kissing an ashtray.jack069
2 years ago
Smoking is a definite turn of for me also.
2 years ago
Other things that turn me off are passing wind. We can laugh but it spoils the moment .
No foreplay before sex , I fail to perform if a woman just lays there like a starfish.RHP User
2 years ago
You’re not odd. It’s a massive turn off for me. And it’s amazing how many smokers deliberately ignore “No Smokers” in a persons profile.
And how many smokers won’t admit that they’re smokers and rock up to a meet, reeking.
Smoking has been socially unacceptable for a generation (as science and legislation showed how damaging it was), and so it’s implausible (and deliberately disrespectful?) that a smoker wouldn’t know to a) share the knowledge that they’re a smoker, and b) make an effort to minimise the tell-tale signs of their habit before a meet/date if a person agrees to meet them.
We all have turn offs. Poor hygiene of any description is a huge turn off for me. And it’s staggering how many guys don’t make an effort. Dirty fingernails. A stained t-shirt. Unwashed hair. And worse 🤢FeistyFatty
2 years ago
Hmmm, profiles with no photos (face ideally) irks me big time 😜
2 years ago
She’s a 10, but lights up a smoke,………. 3
RHP User
2 years ago
Bad teeth and body odour.
2 years ago
Yes to smoking & poor hygiene as a big turn off.
And we'd like to add poor communication. When you look at a chat and it's all one sided, with the other party saying next to nothing, not asking questions, or showing interest. That's a NO thanks.
- Alex.CuriousAsianCpl
2 years ago
Anything with bad odours is a turn off for us. Smoking is an instant no
RHP User
2 years ago
One or two word messages, underdeveloped profiles, all photos being close up shots of arse, boobs and dick with no face photos and no verification.
A lot of profiles have gotten shirty with us when we've asked for verification. Massive red flag.RHP User
2 years ago
I don't have anything against smokers because you can use mouthwash. Plus enjoy a foreplay shower if you want.
I'm a smoker yet most are surprised as I hide it well and don't smoke prior or during a catch up.Sawadee
2 years ago
If l say what l really think , it would probally fall into " POSITIVE COMMENTS ONLY " so i'll bite my lip... Some things are best left alone...
RHP User
2 years ago
No banter
Over indulges in alcohol
SelfishRHP User
2 years ago
Unverified profiles. If my time on here has taught me anything on here and that is if you can’t be bothered to spare 2 mins to verify a profile than the likely hood of them wasting peoples time and ghosting is incredible high. It’s a big red flag for me.
2 years ago
Smoking and bad hygiene.
2 years ago
What annoys me somewhat is the amount of alcohol that I have to sometimes consume so that upon meeting people in real life they end up looking like their profile pics. 😵💫😊
2 years ago
Oh, and those probing aliens as well. 🤔
2 years ago
And anyone from the Mundubbera County Women’s Knitting Association. ☹️
2 years ago
When they say they forgot to bring condoms.
It's ok to be too fussy. Especially if someone lies to you about who they are.madotara69
2 years ago
People who work inside with paper and chew gum to put up with people working with paper, paper airplanes are ok as soon as the people working with it let it fly away.. but if people working with paper catch a paper plane, they chew gum and most likely over excited about catching the paper airplane while all the people working with paper cheer, some twirk and the people chewing gum catching the paper airplane inhale when closing their eyes scared the paper airplane misses their hands crashing into their faces and choking on the chewing gum go home shaken up afterwards so that’s a positive
Mado Tara xxMsSuperFoxy
2 years ago
I don't like it when a person tries to DISRESPECTFULLY shame a woman and/or women of their sexual choices and antagonizes them to gain attention. Its creepy and stalkersish behavour, especially when they have not met nor had contact
It turns me off more, when they deliberately leave out Positive aspects of her "RESPECTFUL" choices, which includes full consent.
So what, if they have a line up of men. ALL POWER TO HER/THEM! 💪
Ther body and/or bodies, their choice and/or choices
Ms FoxyMsSuperFoxy
2 years ago
PS: I don't mind, Respectful smokers.
Ms Foxy73bandit
2 years ago
People who whine .
2 years ago
For us, smoking is a no as we love kissing when we play and we can't stand kissing a smoker. Vapers are a no as well. Heavy drug users are a no. We aren't keen on hairy bodies. For me (Ann), I don't like uncircumcised, guys must be at least well manicured but preferably smooth and someone whose first pic they send is a dick pic. I also dislike women who are pretending to be attracted to other women just to please their hubby. Fussy aren't we?
2 years ago
Unpleasant smells for sure and yes smoke is up there as is undesirable body odour (sometimes it is desirable)
We once met a couple, the girl was supermodel material and we all got on so well. Then the guy stated talking about how he had several rotting teeth and even the perfection of beauty with him couldn’t get us past that hurdle!RHP User
2 years ago
I have two . Drunks especially with the smell of alcohol on their breath and profiles where they don’t look anything like what they look like in real life … hate liars .
RHP User
2 years ago
All health aspects aside, what about vapes? I used vaping to kick the smoking habit 9 months ago but I’m pretty sure I don’t stink like grape… I hope… is that dishonest to vape but say you don’t smoke? Legitimately asking anyone
2 years ago
We are with you !
2 years ago
I don't smoke at all and I hate its smell. Turn me off
2 years ago
Smokers/Vapers, men in G-strings, body odour and hair downstairs.
2 years ago
Biggest pet peeve Snapchat filters - seriously they don't make you look hotter.
2 years ago
I only just found this out while playing on the weekend. The smell of the smoke was gross.
RHP User
a year ago
When a partner is on her phone…
RHP User
2 months ago
I dont like men who are dirty and have messy / dirty homes. Men with long nails scare me. Men who are selfish in bed are a massive turn off. Men who smoke, drink and take drugs. Men who sleep around too much. Men who expect BJ's but dont lick pussy.
2 months ago
Yep, im much the same, but strangely in the opposite persuasion, being an ex smoker i love kissing a smoker it has a positive effect! Havent smoked for 5 years and can smell it from a mile. Perhaps you simply dont like smoking.
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