What if validations…

November 29 2024

…weren’t the kind of sycophantic people wank we see about 99% of the time?

But in fact, we’re rated on a scale of 1-10 for a number of variables?

What could those variables be and what rating out of 10 would be acceptable to you?

Would it raise the overall engagement effort and in-person experience?


  • NeoAndTrin


    3 months ago

    Urinate on a skeleton

  • Briscouple29


    3 months ago

    We do look at Validations and for us it useful to increase the likelihood the following is true:
    - the profile is real
    - with MF couples, a Male and Female will turn up if we spend the effort to organise a date
    - we look for key words such as RESPECTFUL
    - F half of the couple is into the lifestyle (too often we have seen couples where M half is clearly driving it)

    It provides ZERO indication on attraction and sexual comparability.

  • MsSuperFoxy


    3 months ago

    OP, What would you write in your profile if you could write anything in your profile without fear of judgement or without any legal legality?Would you want women running a mile from you if you mentioned, "kinks" that are not socially acceptable, or your profile being a 10 (in your words)?
    You are aware, women do have the best intuition when it comes to reading profiles and meeting people. Just saying.

    Ms Foxy

  • CandiKane


    3 months ago

    We feel validations should really be all about being REAL and RESPECTFUL as Briscouple29 describes. We hate all the sexual prowess and ratings stuff, it's why we don't have any validations. People have offered to validate us but have so far told them not to as we dont want performance refrences on our profile.

    This is simply our preference/ style but we also see the fun and appeal of a ratings type of system. It would be cool if a seperate ratings system was added that is optional to pasrticipate in or display. You could have a site leader board and all and would make for some interesting annual awards. ;) Validations should be just that as they can play an important roll in safety.

  • friendseeker


    3 months ago

    I’m a maths nerd. Any rating on a scale would be completely nonsense as it's subjective. And not able to be compared to a standard. I am wondering what problem you are trying to solve. I’d say it is finding real people on here. Like trying to find a needle in a haystack. She-doop, she-doop, la la

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    3 months ago

    Good communication, turned up as agreed, and appearance and personal hygiene. That's all I need to know. " Knows his way around a woman's body".....🤔 Did he bring a map and compass? And the sexual ones. " His divine thick member had me soaking the walls with squirt nectar". I think they serve a purpose, i e. letting you know that they actually meet people. Other than that, I'm not interested.

  • MrandMrsEss


    3 months ago

    We only have a couple of validations only to help people see we are real. I think that’s helpful but too many validations may work against some.

  • Pangolin28


    3 months ago

    I don't know about ratings but I love seeing a validation about the person themselves, not about how great they are with sexual shit. Years back I met a lass and she wanted to put a validation on my profile. I wasn't keen as validations mean very little as some people click while others don't. But she wrote a lovely few sentences on what a gentleman I was. They are the validations that count for me and pique my interest in a woman when I read those type of things. But alas that be a rarity in a place that is mostly about sex and physical satisfaction

  • nightingale8


    3 months ago

    I feel sorry for any of those ladies that ever left you a validation. It’s a nice gesture toward the other person most of the time. Isn’t fantastic to completely objectify one other in this little corner of the internet

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    3 months ago

    Validation is not subjective because its the ticket to enter in “the club”. I mean “”. People understand