What are some moments that have made you cringe?

June 15 2024

I'd be interested to hear some stories of things that have made people cringe but you can look back now and laugh at it.

Like a date that has not gone the way you expected, when someone has looked nothing like their pictures, they've said something that made things super awkward, or just something really embarrassing has happened.


  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 months ago

    @Alexis I was seeing a lady for a bit a couple of years ago. We were out for dinner one night, and for whatever reason, our food was forgotten. When I called the waiter over to ask about it, she went full rant at the waiter and then was making racist comments after. Needless to say, we didn't last much longer than that. It's interesting how certain instances bring out someone's true nature.🤔

  • Opalrose


    4 months ago

    Um. We decided to ‘convert’ some friends into swingers. Had the whole discussion planned out and how we would approach the subject.
    Went to dinner, did all the pre prep convo getting ready to hit them up. Totally out of the blue the hubby says ‘how about swingers huh. Such dirty people yuck’. She followed up with ‘yeah couldn’t even be friends with anyone who did that!’

    Abort mission!

    They broke up six months later. Within a couple weeks they’d both approached us and asked us if we were swingers, told us they got nervous at the dinner and asked if they could come to a party 🤣

  • Opalrose


    4 months ago

    In one week I shared private galleries with one of my best friends, a mum from school I chat to in the mornings, and a client. Didn’t recognise any of them from their profile pics. Oops.

  • Opalrose


    4 months ago

    Hubby had a client come into his work and say ‘oh I recognise you! You used to go to swingers parties back in the day!’ Only six staff were standing there at the time 😬

  • wanderlustQLD


    4 months ago

    I like to give myself a naughty treat for my birthday. A few years ago it was a gang bang experience being organised by a couple I had played with. As lots of people experience with GB's, all the male players dropped out at the last minute, bar one. So it was me, the pair I knew, and a dude who had also played with the same couple (who was the nicest guy and 🔥🎆🔥)

    None of us are the type to waste an opportunity and made the most of it the experience anyway. After we'd been having fun and games for a few hours, something just went wrong and couple had roaring fight. It was excruciatingly awkward. There was back and forth to my room (I hosted at hotel) and phone calls and tears and shouting 😬

    Which, in the end, when the dust finally settled, left me and new guy. We didn't miss a beat and managed to do #allthethings until the sun came up 🌅 I've never met anyone who can genuinely keep up with my Energiser Bunny 🐰 enthusiasm. It was The Best Silver Lining Ever!

    The whole fight scene was super cringe and unexpected and we still laugh about it now. It's three years later, and he's my favourite person 🥰 #TheWildOne

    It's unlikely we would have ever crossed paths if we hadn't experienced the GB Gone Wrong. It's always amusing which version of answering "how did you guys meet?" we use when asked 😂

    Sometimes I wonder what happened to the couple... They disappeared from RHP and ghosted us when we checked if they were okay. I'd quite like to thank them!

  • MsSuperFoxy


    4 months ago

    One black eye and a torn gluteus medius tear during one sexy activity. Try explaining that to the ambulance drivers and my Team Leader to have time off work.
    All I could come up with was a slip on a bathroom mat. "Yeah, sure. Lol I dont belive you" was the reply.

    I suppose it's better than being tied up and a carrot left in ya bum!
    LMFAO! 🤣🤣

    Ms Foxy

  • boobsandbusted


    4 months ago

    Being accused by a
    Single dude
    Who looked and acted nothing like his profile ,so we weren’t interested in proceeding from the bar ,so we had bought him a couple of drinks to try to ease out of it nicely,but we copped a spray of ,you rhp
    couples using us single men tou couple all the same 😳and that’s the direction the conversation went of whoa is is single guys ,we have feelings ya know ,until I received a text
    Message from
    The ladies toilet of ,get me the hell out of here ,not going to happen ,lmao

  • nightingale8


    4 months ago

    I farted while orgasming hard with a playmate. I hope he didn’t notice 🤣

  • CachelessSociety


    4 months ago

    We had been chatting to a couple (A&B) on here and organised to meet up at a swingers club. We met up, grabbed a drink, conversation was flowing and everything was going well. All of a sudden another couple (C&D) showed up and A&B invited them to sit down with us, we quickly figured out A&B also had been chatting with C&D leading up to that night, C&D seemed nice and were both very attractive. The problem was A&B didn’t tell us they had organised to meet up with C&D as well. We then noticed A (female) was more into us and B (male) was clearly into C&D.

    C&D eventually went up stairs by themselves, we could tell something wasn’t right with A&B and they started having an argument right in front of us, about A not engaging/talking to the C&D as much. It was obvious what was going, they had ‘double booked’ us. A short time later we told A&B to go do their thing with C&D, we got up and started mingling with other people.

    Later on in the evening we were in the play area and noticed A walking out of one of the private rooms. A appeared disgusted with what had happened in the private room, that is the last we saw of A&B.

    Not the greatest first impression made by A&B, setting us up so we felt like the ‘back up plan’ and having an argument right in front of us = a very cringe worthy experience.

  • Blueflamingo


    4 months ago

    A few years ago I connected with a guy and we texted heavy for a few weeks. He was really lovely and had some interesting hobbies etc. We decided to meet for dinner at a local pub. When we met he completely clammed up, I could not get more than one word answers out of him because he was so nervous. We ordered food, finished our meal and I was out of there within one hour! The shortest and most awkward silence dinner date I've ever had. From that day I decided to NEVER do dinner on a first date 😂
    Ps, we never met again

  • fun2behere


    4 months ago

    Yep. My very first ‘date’ after I separated and went online. Winked at a woman who replied immediately. We messaged and swapped numbers. She was going to the races with friends and texted a few times during the afternoon. That night I was in bed and the phone rang. It was her and she drunkenly said ‘Listen to this’ And on came a buzzing sound. It took me a minute to realise what was making the sound !!! We decided to meet the next weekend. As I walked into the shopping centre I saw her sitting in the food court. Her photos were probably 20 years old and she was a weather beaten red-faced drunk. I nearly kept walking but she was looking at me. Sat and had the most awkward conversation for 10 minutes and I left. The good news is things got better from there and I soon met lovely women.

  • Obi1kenietzsche


    4 months ago

    Well… ASIDE from the carrot in the bum incident, my best cringeworthy moment was a few years ago when I attended a Sunday afternoon BBQ.
    Attendees at this BBQ were all sorts of people who were staying at the same project accommodation complex, and many I had come to know quite well over the previous month.
    The event was held in a courtyard which everyone’s units faced onto and I had kindly brought a large Bluetooth enabled work stereo and set up some groovy playlists on my mobile phone for background music.
    All went well until late afternoon when, feeling a little tired and nicely buzzy from a few drinks. I decided to retire to my room and so bid everyone a good evening, I departed.
    Lying there very relaxed on my bed I then reasoned that it was an opportune time for… yep.. you guessed it.. a nice long wank.
    And so I searched for some appropriate porn to assist in my intended activity, only to find that there was no sound coming through my phone.
    Hmmm… I thought. This would not do at all.
    And so I turned up the volume on my phone.
    To no avail. Could still hardly hear anything at all.
    Tried a number of different porn clips and had to suffer through the stupid adds from women saying “hey you, don’t wank alone, come join me on blah blah” and so on.
    So I turned the phone right up as loud as it would go, and then I could sort of hear the participants on the porn clip going off, but it was rather faint and muffled.
    Almost as if it was being played through a large Bluetooth enabled work stereo that someone had left outside in a courtyard full of people enjoying a late Sunday afternoon BBQ.



  • Alburycouple4fun


    4 months ago

    When we had a couple over, first time they'd visited us and we started getting sexy.

    She brought out a Mary Poppins- style bag with a number of very interesting toys and accessories, including a gimp mask, and proceeded to encourage us to try it on. It was quite an interesting experience to say the least.

  • Ourmalibu


    4 months ago

    Not date related… but just recently my partner joined a swingers group on Facebook and wrote an introduction which he thought he posted on the swingers page. A friend of mine sent me screenshot of it saying “wtf??”. He wrote it as a status update on his own Facebook Page 🤦🏼‍♀️ I did more than cringe!!!

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 months ago

    I was an erotically charged 16 year yr old Web camming was new and my obsession. Turns out the camera took stills and saved them. Dad opening the computer and cam next day was an epic facepalm moment! He laughed his ass of and we like dude you need to focus on school!

  • HighburySam


    3 months ago

    I met a woman on here... must be almost 15 years ago now. Chatted with her for quite a while and we agreed to meet. She wanted to go to an event at the Adelade Wine Centre, it was a dinner, like a four or five course thing with accompanying wines. It was a little expensive but it was something that appealed to me so I agreed and was delighted to take her.
    We met mid afternoon at a bar outside of the city for a couple of drinks before heading into town ( in my car).
    The afternoon went well. We chatted about our respective jobs amongst other things and she told me she was a psychologist.
    The dinner was even nicer and I was having a very good time and she appeared to be having a good time too.
    Anyway, about three quarters of the way through the night she said can I ask you a question. I said sure. She asked how do you expect to die? Well, I tried to make a bit of a joke of it saying is this professional curiosity and then said that I'd like to go in my sleep... no cancers, no pain... just drift off one night and never wake up. I should have left it there but instead I said to her can I ask you the same question. She looked me straight in the eye and said I expect I'll commit suicide.
    I think for the first time in my life I didn't know where to go with it. The conversation and the date came to a grinding halt. I did drive her back to her car at the end of the night but there wasn't a lot said.