Voices are sexy so how about…

December 04 2024

…we have an option to send a voice message when messaging on here?

I often use voice messages on chat apps to convey tone, intent and sometimes ideas. I find it has more flexibility for me and love a voice note from others too.

It adds richness, colour and a greater sense of who you are.

How would you all feel if you received a voice note from a prospective other rather than a written message on rhp as an opener?


  • NeoAndTrin


    4 months ago

    It would be better than the usual:

    "Hey awesome tits" texts we usually get.

    Unless they voice that, then it's just as shit.

  • MrandMrsEss


    4 months ago

    I’m one of those super sensory types. As a typical bloke I’m big on visuals but the other senses can make or break an attraction especially sounds and smells.
    Voice messages and scratch and sniff photos would be awesome!