M43 F41
Verified profiles
March 01 2021
RHP User
4 years ago
Green dot = online
Green shield = verified.
There’s no test for genuine profiles or symbols...even verified members are still not a guarantee.
I hope this helpsMsSuperFoxy
4 years ago
Green dot = on line
Green shield = varified.
Ms FoxyRHP User
4 years ago
My profile’s genuine and I’m not verified, just as some verified profiles are not genuine 🤷🏼♀️ you tell if they’re genuine by talking to them.
RHP User
4 years ago
Cool, thanks everyone
RHP User
4 years ago
verified profiles are not 100% but we've had a lot of supposed couples profiles go silent on kik when we've insisted on them getting verified. Its very easy and quick to do so we're instantly suspicious we people don't
4 years ago
I must sound really naive but what's U with the non genuines...what is the point? Do you just mean fake accounts so people can troll and snoop on others?
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