
January 02 2022

Do validations make a big difference when people scroll through profiles. Do they help you lovely ladies decided whether you answer a text from a guy.


  • Obi1kenietzsche


    3 years ago

    Yes, this question has indeed been asked before, but it is also as relevant as it always has been. šŸ‘šŸ‘.
    Having undertaken several trips around the bakery floor in my time here, I have always viewed the validation thing somewhat with indifference, but having spoken to many others regarding this topic, I can tell you that the range of opinions is quite diverse.

    If one views this place (The Pie) as a bakery shop, one could argue that some members are positioned up the front counter (you know, the cabinet where all the delicious lovely looking cakes and sweet things are displayed). That section of the bakery is always quite busy with many customers wanting to sample all the delicious goodies on offer. They all look so damn yummy donā€™t they?, hmmm... but how to choose without wasting your time and effort in attempting to place your order?
    Perhaps thatā€™s the reason for the validations?
    A bit like the extra frosting on obviously tasty looking treat that just goes with the territory.

    Or, Is it a genuine way of saying ā€œwe are real, and we actually do meet other people, and here is the proof of thatā€?
    A necessary action due to all the cat fishing and scammy experiences that one has possibly experienced?

    OR, is it a select subset of people who just like to let everyone ELSE know who they have fucked in the past? (Sort of the electronic online version of the good olā€™ public toilet door?).
    (You know, ā€œSo and so is a good root!ā€(and, by extension so am I), and so on?

    OR, is it to claim certain bragging rights and
    to potentially physiologically piss on anotherā€™s attempt to also engage with that particular person/couple? (You know, ā€œHey dudes, I fucked her and, as I have most emphatically stated for ALL you otter guys to see, Iā€™m DEFINITELY looking for a repeat performance, and I probably WILL get one, and so (unless you look just like me) perhaps you should not bother and just fuck off?ā€.

    Mind you, many others use the validations on peopleā€™s profiles as a good guide on who NOT to fuck (hmm.. yep, looks perfect... (then at the end of the profile).. whoa! I know that guy/woman/couple and he/she/they is/are a complete fuck wit(s).

    @To validate, or not to validate, that is the questionā€
    But perhaps (irrespective of validations) the most important questions, and the ones that really matter, are ones that are discussed in private,

  • Rising_Phoenix


    3 years ago

    Nope, I donā€™t look at validations or check for verification at all, if the message isnā€™t enticing I donā€™t even bother looking at the profile.

  • FeistyFatty


    3 years ago

    Nope. I'll reply, it's rude not to. Lots of Validations are an instant turn off for me. I removed mine (and friends list) years ago. Got to the stage where I really didn't like every swinging dick knowing who I'd played with and comparing themselves to those people.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    3 years ago

    I find validations a turn off... I'm less likely to converse with a validated person. I understand why some people use them to determine the authenticity of a profile, but I prefer to figure that out myself rather than read how great they are at this or that. And unless I know the person who has written the validation, I guess it's not worth the paper it's written on anyway. Yeah, no thanks

  • MsSuperFoxy


    3 years ago

    Put it this way, for a guy to text me who has 100+ validations on his profile, he's done something right, used his manners and I've screened him well.
    If he's messaged me and has 100+ validations and those message are disrespectful, no way in hell would I give him my number to text. He's an instant block or report.

    Ms Foxy

  • Kattere_70


    3 years ago

    I donā€™t read Validations ā€¦ just seems to be a notch on the bed post in my opinion .. Iā€™d rather receive a respectful but witty message .

  • Ex007


    3 years ago

    Iā€™m going with Obi1ā€™s toilets door analogy. I do believe itā€™s quite fitting.

  • shor2b


    3 years ago

    Some very interesting comments, I first thought that a validation made people more real. I thought it might give someone respect. But any way as a guy here it's hard enough to get noticed. Thank you very much for your replys and time. Have fun.....

  • Sawadee


    3 years ago

    No.. whenever i see validations and something grabs me l might read it.. But as soon as l suspect something not quite right .. l move on.. Its my opinion many validations are not really valid at all .. l prefer to read a profile where l know the person has either made a good effort or not.. Thats why l can never understand ppl asking others to help them write thier profile .. lf someone else writes your profile ... Its really not you ?

  • nightingale8


    3 years ago

    Depends on how horny I am ha ha. If Iā€™m after something specific then yes I would pay attention to validations. Thing is, validations accumulate over time so having a few validations can mean a lot of encounters over a short space of time or a few encounters over a very long time, and anything in between. They tell me that the person is real and capable, and give a positive vibe especially if I have met or heard nice things about those giving those validations. As with most things itā€™s about the bigger picture, as Ms Foxy alludes too.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    3 years ago

    I stray from men who have friends or validations. This isn't Facebook šŸ¤”šŸ˜‚

  • Yellowpenguins


    3 years ago

    They put me off.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    3 years ago

    Makes me find the reals from the fakes šŸ‘Œ

  • jacksback


    3 years ago

    Verified and validations help sorting out people who are actually interested in playing and the time wasters , pic collectors etc

    Just our opinion