M35 F32
Unvaccinated only?
December 21 2024
Totally respect that’s your right, but if you are happy to share, would love to know why?
I.e. Medical reasons, if so are you happy to elaborate? Or because you’d have more in common? Or because of any backlash you felt from people that got vaccinated?
Something else?
Again this is not about trying to change minds (from either side). People have differing views, please articulate any responses respectfully. Otherwise it demeans your comment.
3 months ago
We assume that you are referring specifically to Covid vaccinations?
If so we too have seen a few posts and profiles, on other sites, in which the posters say that they will not become close & intimate with people that have been vaccinated for COVID, because the vaccinated will be shedding altered DNA, COVID and nano bots and also will be transmitting information to the WHO & New World Order.
Perhaps a tinfoil condom needs to be used in those cases ?
3 months ago
Apologies if it’s hard to read. I did write in seperate paragraphs, but the app has bunched it all together.
RHP User
3 months ago
A decade in the online dating world has taught me people have all sorts of (what appears to us) bizarre requests / conditions.
People stand hard and fast by some beliefs depending on their environments and communities and curiosity (or lack thereof).
With regards to vaccinations…it’s almost a religion in some respects and often people feel comfort in being surrounded by those tho think like them.
Plus you can imagine the kind of arguments / debates / ridicule they’re subject to online (maybe IRL too) which would condition them to be wary of engaging with people who could subject them even further to this.
That’s my best idea for what you’ve encountered in this regard.73bandit
3 months ago
It's the modern day version of an STD and I do not need either in my life.
RHP User
3 months ago
I’ve seen that a little bit on here and quite a lot on other dating apps where people are looking for long term partners. It was quite common around 2022, when I was on them. Not sure if it is anymore.
All it makes me think is no wonder they are single. They are seriously limiting their chances of ever finding someone.
97% of Australian adults are Covid vaccinated at least once. So they have cut out 97% before even thinking about compatibility, attraction, age, location, etc.
As for the reasons, I’ve always assumed they either think vaccinated people are somehow ‘infected’ with something that they might catch, or that they are such sheeple that just follow along and can’t think for themselves.Pangolin28
3 months ago
Either way it makes no difference to me. But I find it a strange one like I find a lot of things a strange one. It is something that very much divided people when it was going on. Now I really don't see any sense in it. But shit I am one of the cruisiest and not give a fat rats clacker being. If I find something on a profile like that I walk away
3 months ago
People are weird
3 months ago
It's all a bit ridiculous
3 months ago
When people are vilified for standing up for their beliefs (even when their beliefs are supported by real scientific facts) then they tend not to want to associate with the perpetrators.
3 months ago
Some people don’t talk politics or religion , we would rather keep our friends we have and not talk covid,the world has become diversive enough and only getting worse with dis information , damn it’s so hard now , you don know who is telling the truth anymore , eg Lindt, all these people getting on socials pretending to be a qualified something ,and you instantly think pffft off but then you think, well of Lindt is in trouble they are getting away with it also cos people dont believe everything on socials ,can’t bloody win anymore ,the next generations are stuffed ,there will be no trust of anything soon
3 months ago
Has anyone seen the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration Database of Adverse Events Notifications for the Pfizer, Moderna & Astrazeneca Vaccines? If you use a search engine, look up TGA DAEN. Then when you go onto the site, you can look up specific medications and see how many and what type of adverse events and how many deaths have been linked with that medication. So type in Comirnaty (Pfizer), Vaxzevria (Astrazeneca- no longer available for some strange reason!) and also Spikevax (Moderna). Then after you have finished seeing how many adverse events have been reported, you can look up the same medications on the USA VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) and also the UK YELLOWCARD System. All 3 reporting systems show the same safety signals to me. Then you can consider how many people under 50yo have died from or with Covid in the whole of Australia. The Australian Bureau of Statistics has that info (290 people between 2019 and 31/1/24). There has been scientific reports of DNA fragments and SV40 in the modified RNA vaccines that potentially could cause cancer but there is definitely evidence to show that they cause inflammation in the body. Either way we look at it, our government procured Billions of dollars worth of these medications which some people say have saved lives and we know that they have caused harm and death. So the question is… do people regret not taking them? Should the government and other human beings use legislative powers to coerce and force a medical procedure upon a fit and healthy person with no risk of severe disease or death? Should we have been divided and people who decide not to participate in a global clinical trial be labeled “antivaxer” (they were Provisionally Approved under Emergency Authorization Use). The government sure does spend our taxes on some interesting things and the cost of living as a result of the “pandemic” is astronomical. Was it all worth it? We all would agree that consent for any sexual activity would be 100% required so if you think that the government screwed you, feel free to hit the love heart button.
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