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Unicorns myth or real?

June 29 2020

Why are they so rare?

And who agrees a tagging catch and release style program should be implemented ? 🦄

- Posted from rhpmobile


  • FeistyFatty


    5 years ago

    Real. Doesn't work that way though. They find you when they want you😊

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago


  • ExhibitionistEve


    5 years ago

    Are you being satirical or genuinely asking?

  • FeistyFatty


    5 years ago

    Reading the OPs profile; I'm thinking they're rather satirical😊

  • ExhibitionistEve


    5 years ago

    Oh thank goodness! I thought so but I didn't want to assume. To me it kinda hits like a retail flashback of when the price doesn't scan and the custy's like "that means it's free right? 😉"

  • Sawadee


    5 years ago

    Tag and release... luv it... 😂

  • AnnieWhichway


    5 years ago

    They are around. But their numbers fluctuate with the numbers of fucked up couples that habitate their hunting zones

  • Mischeviouslad


    5 years ago

    There is creature in RHP which appears strikingly similar to the unicorn in most respects, parading around as the available single female waiting to lure an unsuspecting victim

    And it lures many victims who fall for their allure without reading to the end of the profile to find the cunningly concealed phrase....

    .......” I also have a male playmate who likes to watch (etc) ...”

    ... which reveals its true identity as a parasitic mimic....

    You have fallen victim to The Fauxnicorn

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago

    We meet up with the elusive unicorn a few weeks ago, it was great as you could imagine. She was very private with no friends on here and will not add or take validations from other people. Her reason l don’t want to get pested or harassed by couples. We felt very privileged 😜😜😜😜

  • ExhibitionistEve


    5 years ago

    It seems to me there are heaps of couples who have no luck, while the unicorns continuously seek out the same special couples who "get them" every time. You need to become one of those couples if you want to attract them. There are some good tips in this article I think:

    You also might be more approachable to single bi women if you make an effort to appear less judgemental and not make dehumanising jokes about them - some people may find it funny but plenty will be completely turned off (particularly the younger generation). Unless your goal is to screen out people who don't share your sense of humour of course ☺️

  • ExhibitionistEve


    5 years ago

    Oh, I don't think links are allowed. The article was by Luna Matatas, 10 Things Couples Do ☺️

  • FeistyFatty


    5 years ago

    @exhibitionisteve..... very insightful. Well said 😊

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago

    Annie got in one.

    There was a time when I enjoyed being a unicorn. Blessed with great couples that ultimately ended in LT friendships.

    Its been almost a year since my last ffm and then another year between the prior one.

    A few play sessions or arrangements ruined by one thing or another. One couple wanted to meet for dinner. When I asked if it was okay to bring a date they refused. Considering it was a meet first no play date and that i had said there was no intention on my part to include my date in any future play. I just asked as it would ave been safer to go into city with a friend. Which i did explain clearly. Being considerate is a two way street.

    Couples who decide that they arent ready once play is underway. Which leaves the unicorn feeling badly.

    I prefer a mmf now or would consider ffm if all.single.
    Couples are just complicated and full of drama mostly.

  • 2EssesExploring


    5 years ago

    I don’t think couples are more or less complicated than singles apart from both needing to feel a positive vibe with anyone they play with. We have had a few unicorns but never found them on sites like this. I deduce that it’s supply and demand. Too few and too great a choice for them. Just like when we thought we’d accept advances from single guys, was just too overwhelming (so we found him elsewhere too).
    We still have the desires to play but just find it all too time consuming and we have so much else going on. I enjoy the forums and do try to reply to any interest but we are over chasing unicorns...for a while at least!

  • 3SM_Events


    5 years ago

    I probably have more unicorn friends than male or couple friends these days. Probably because I don’t particularly think they’re any more special than anyone else on here and treat them like humans 🤷‍♂️. The way some couples salivate over them is actually quite sad.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago

    Hahaha yes!

    Ps, plenty of single Bi girls here on the Batavia coast.

  • DDDaisy


    5 years ago

    Can i please have the definition of unicorn.