Unicorn escorts

January 16 2023

Hi just wondering everyones thoughts on paying for a genuine unicorn (single girl) that escorts. A friend is considering it but thinks theres not much demand for couples that would pay for a unicorn. Whats everyone's thoughts?


  • RHP User

    RHP User

    2 years ago

    We did… a few times
    And it’s a perfect scenario- no bullshit

  • Ex007


    2 years ago

    Oh, I'm sure there would be a demand.

  • FeistyFatty


    2 years ago

    Definite demand but also no shortage of escorts and sugar daters that do it. We've used a few as we get exactly what we want when we want it. Worth every penny.

  • newyboy70


    2 years ago

    I think we will end up getting a Male escort for Our next adventure.

  • MsSuperFoxy


    2 years ago

    If singles can book single/couples escorts, I don't see nothing wrong with couples booking.
    I've considered it.
    After all it's a business transaction. You get what you pay for/request.

    Ms Foxy

  • madotara69


    2 years ago

    Maybe, if dealing with picture collectors and fake commitments with endless questions ire guard less of what may be listed, in droves and doesn’t do her head in, then it’s all just a learning curve we believe some figure out and enjoy, some become exhausted and question if it’s worth or not worth, fair enough, little to the service offered nor for fair pay in business and worth every penny in confidence, all that unlikely for troubles not worthwhile. Guess some may think easy money for fun, no the women are treated pretty rough 24/7 asides any clients, hard work for some fun some of the time is more the reality and respectfully acknowledging the endless disrespect tricked up as respectful and respectful professional given as to the real folk, plenty more are good at pretending the same, tough for the women to experience and learn the way to manage and somehow forgive unforgivable behaviour and relentless abuse shame and spite included.
    Reckon some flowers and chocolates and pay the asking price without silly ideas easy money easy discount, further humiliate a professionals confidence in good service exceptional most likely and the best experience likely most important from her to the friendly personal fun be had enjoyed helped even council and advice, caring to boundaries and to some who are vulnerable cared to too.
    Not just a simple answer for a simple question, especially if a friend is not privy to the last thing in contemplating her own values to sharing values and courage to put a price reasonable a couple or few hundred, perhaps couple of thousand either iether and plenty willing to meet any payment fair.

    The short answer in thought and somewhat in the know
    Guess read on for the rambles of the stuff some don’t care for or some who do care for worse stuff most time in disrespect but in respects all respects not a mention or known overlooked, unfair easy money easy for money or get one or a few good things low risk for any troubles in camp to rest out or prove pay a few bucks and get a pro to handle shit if shit goes down, at least it’s payed for and all that matters. Happens often enough common realities. Still far from the fun easy money, kept to them self also most likely and professional still something that is the promise kept and a choice made with meanings personally committed and if any one everyone were to be fair, an awesome service sharing some awesome experience and taken for granted the want to share the most personal and values can’t be found even if luckiest lucky luck not within a packet of cornflakes, never two for the price of one trick, and passably paying a small price for a lifetime memory or relationship saving experience depending on professional positive experience, non for care half serious caution for trust or something or another and not so positive even negative and disastrous outcome distorting relationship non professional, wished for or grateful and mostly dipping the toes risking something go wrong or hurtful and damaging and love and family and love and the all times where trust and faith and pride and earned hopefully where emotions and feelings are powerful and most sensitive for hurt and betrayal if healthy of I’ll narcissistic behavioural disorder in a range of traits common enough to be in part often enough hidden at best and when enraged extremes to the ends of the spectrum weighted heavier for the worst extremes of the spectrum for little to none control of emotions raging and no management in practice to calm or care jealous fits of rage and spite and something a professional for one in danger
    More so decides something so prepared should a professional, Unicorn escort payed acceptable for chances high in an toxic test used as trigger or not triggered violent abuse spite and an imaginary serious delusional situation, mostly so well kept secret behind closed doors.
    Not easy money and what demand there is for couples willing to pay for an escort can and is a challenge for most if not all the women escorts, independent targeted relentlessly by for all counts abuse, sexual abuse by easy free predators, no Intensions paying anything, so much time wasted and for nothing is about the worst of worst disrespect from cowards and weirdo safe behind the keyboard and private number incognito shadows in the dark amused if doing some woman’s head in by cheap thrills. Certainly not easy money for fun times most of her time, overlooked most of her time, and at least if still reading then more less overlooked and perhaps the truest answer she is someone’s friend and by no means expected as an escort, accept abuse full stop.’ Won’t stop anytime soon, but not completely alone, agree ?

    Mado Tara xx

  • madotara69


    2 years ago

    Fair dinkum…pto
    Two words and a thing more is all

    But not completely…. alone agree ?

  • Sawadee


    2 years ago

    Im with the majority on this one... find a escort and skip all the BS and mountains some females want you to climb.. Find a agency that provides for this type of arrangement . Im sure it cant be to hard ..

    And yes ' l also think ' if any single or married females want to indulge with a male escorf , go for it ? Its only to scratch a itch , no different to a male with a female escort. .. Once you have your fun , you go back to your cosy home and reflect.. without any drama.. ?

  • countrytouch82


    2 years ago

    Most of the usual sites, including the one's hosting independent escorts, allow you to filter for those happy to cater for couples. Which seems to be most of them, so then you have to narrow down by other desires, physical appearance etc

    Of course, she will be playing as a solo, but as their private life is not your business, you will not know if they are actually single or not, but for this experience, it shouldn't matter.

    As for rates, depends on how long you want them! Some do overnights - great for cuddles etc, but not for a play only couples scenario. You have to consider all the time involved, which could be an amount of social time prior to moving to the bedroom/venue. Rates could end up being not much more than a day or two of your usual work's income. Sounds like a reasonable reward for usual life's hard work, let alone a one-off reward after a much longer period.

  • madotara69


    2 years ago

    She is In Victoria homebase ?

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    2 years ago

    It would definitely be something I'd consider if the situation were right.

  • Kinkcouple9876


    2 years ago

    Hey Theres a demand for it, my bf and i are searching now. We have been searching for ages and only found couples that show any interest in us

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    2 years ago

    It’s interesting that I asked a question about escorts and sugar dating and my question was banned yet here we are.

    Escorts have their place as it is a business arrangement, all cards are on the table before you meet, no need to bond with them before the night. You can ask what they do and ask if they will perform services you require and you will be left in no uncertain terms with an answer. The chances of developing feelings should be minimal as it would be rare that you become friends. You really are purchasing a fantasy so you can go all in.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    2 years ago

    We did as a way of testing the water so to speak and make sure we were comfortable in what we were doing, we also organised another meeting with the same escort where she arranged a male to join us as well once again to test the waters before jumping into the lifestyle boots and all.

  • Moore3960


    2 years ago

    We started in the lifestyle by seeing escorts. Was quite sometime ago now!
    Our first ever experience was with a professional dominatrix (I really hope that’s grammar). Absolute eye opener and we were hooked!
    Salon Kitty in Sydney was the name of the establishment… enjoyed it so much, we went back the very next night….plus some.
    From there we became a little more bolder. Experimented by seeing couples but we were so shy then….

  • DreamKitty_Event


    2 years ago

    Me and a partner hired unicorn 🦄 escort and it was DEFINITELY worth every Penny ..

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    2 years ago

    Tell her to go for it, if she can handle being a sex worker and all that comes with it, absolutely!

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    2 years ago

    How would one advertise here that she would be willing to participate? As the said escort/ play friend for the night who will do all that they are asked?

  • 2_OAK


    2 years ago

    Also some of the brothels do threesome services. The viper room does. $500 - $1000 depending on what you want :)

  • ikigai


    2 years ago

    Finding an Escort who can truly work with couples is hard. She would have a true USP and would be booked out

  • Braxi69


    2 years ago

    Yep have had some hotly girls that way

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    2 years ago

    We’ve toyed with the idea before, unsure if it would work for us because of the transactional nature. But I think that’s a personal thing, we want to build some sort of a connection before we get into it.

    But we personally know a few couples that would be interested in this.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    2 years ago

    We hire the unicorn when the unicorn pool runs dry. Do your research, and read reviews, visit parlours for face to face chats Both go they respect that as it puts their mind at ease knowing both of you want this.. Have a list of wants and check them off with potentials. Then make your choice. They're not cheap, and you cant get your money back on a dud. Preference is not to hire why? There's major difference between a bought experience and the genuine Unicorn . Once you put a dollar value on sex, it taints it. Once it's on the clock it's tainted, That makes a huge difference to the experience, and one you need to keep in mind. However, if your talented, resourceful, and love what you do then every now and then the hired unicorn turns off the clock and before you know it the suns come up and your making her breakfast. In our opinion there is no better experience than that had with a unicorn that wants to be there as much as you want her there and the reward isn't cash it's the experience . The genuine unicorn is a rare and wonderful creature, they are real, and if they're looked after and fed right they come back. Building a relationship with a unicorn ....is a whole topic in itself.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    2 years ago

    Why pay an escort a fortune when there are so many ppl busting to do it for free.don’t understand why ppl are so reluctant to give ppl a go. Always see the same ppl online but never bother to communicate