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Tyre kicking
February 24 2021
Often we'll see people have liked us (or even favourited us). Both guests and premium members.
We look through the profiles and if we're interested we'll shoot them a polite introductory message- no problems with starting the conversation.
But nearly 50% of the time we won't see any response at all after they've read it.
So the question is simple, if you're going to go to the trouble of looking through a profile, liking and favouriting it why on earth wouldn't you be willing to return a "hello"...
We hardly oblige people to be interested, but we'd rather not waste our time
RHP User
4 years ago
Maybe it’s accidental, I’ve accidentally hit like on a profile I haven’t actually liked before, lol.
4 years ago
They are just repeat offenders.....wanking.
Ms Foxynightingale8
4 years ago
You’re on the shortlist but you didn’t make the final selection 🙃
RHP User
4 years ago
What have you lost as a direct result of them not replying ???
Have you ever applied for a job in writing and never heard back before??? How did you manage to deal with gross inconvenience that that surely would’ve caused ??RHP User
4 years ago
Glad to see you are not the only one! I would say 75% of my polite introductions go unanswered. but same thing, checkout each other's profiles, liked, matched. cool!! will send a nice intro message. Nah, nothing.
RHP User
4 years ago
Could be people just liking based on pictures then they read your profile and realise they're not after the same thing.
4 years ago
It's like the Facebook like button.
People like the post, a quick tap of the finger to be polite but really, it engaged the senses for the few seconds it took to take in what some poor unfortunate fucker went through but really, they moved on the moment they tapped. They really didn't give a fuck.
Maybe they liked your tits?
That's people for you. Fully engaged in their own shit and not much else.....sw1ng3rz
4 years ago
Possibly liked to show their partner and see how they feel about chatting and see where it goes.
RHP User
4 years ago
Liking people is easy, it’s like tinder swiping. In terms of actually wanting to converse, we’re all busy and just because you ‘like’ someone doesn’t necessarily mean you wanna do the whole hey how was your weekend biz. Especially if you’re already doing that with 11 people who came along sooner.
Don’t...stress it, don’t watch and wait for it to say ‘read’ and definitely don’t get emotional about it.SpicyKale
4 years ago
What Annie said! It also depends on what that intro message is like, if it’s a few words long a lot will just ignore it. We get an absolute stack like our profile through our interactions on the forum and just take it s as a polite acknowledgement. Some we’ve chatted with, others that we’re interested we’ll get to when we’re out the other side of covid. Same at the moment with locals, we’ve stopped liking profiles back, even those we’re interested in because we’re still a way off meeting new people. You’re both young and attractive, like Annie said people are going to react to that. Having a bi curious guy in the couple will put some off, trust us not everyone reads a profile at first! What ever you do don’t change it, go after what you desire, if we were ten years younger and in Perth we’d be chatting to you! Good luck, you’ll find good people 😊
4 years ago
Kick 600 tyres, meet one genuine awesome person. For me the 600 tyre kickers are worth the friends I've made.
4 years ago
@Elwood1738-i think i understand and agree with @the_antichrist about the job analogy as I have experienced it first hand. You apply for a job you think are better suited and never hear back because they only look at face value. They're not willing to let the person learn on the job or at least give the person a chance or provide reason on why they weren't selected and what did they lack in terms of the position and help improve the person by offering things on improving to become better at the job.
It's same here on this site. I like a few people on here. They're only look at my profile I'd I have liked or favourite them. They probably read my profile and check my photos ignore me or block me as they don't want to know the person instead it's easier to throw the person like a piece of trash and ignore and people think just to ignore and everything will go back to normal. The people Here only want slim or average body and six pack guys who have everything they want instead of giving someone a chance. As the saying probably goes everyone looks at the ugly duckling and doesn't see the same duckling can become a beautiful swan.RHP User
4 years ago
Sometimes the likes are just being complimentary, I know I gave you one because I think you two sound great but I’m outside your target audience. Meeting anyone is the real world a complex scenario with senses, feelings, time constraints, life issues and a multitude of of other factors thrown in and then add the secret naughtiness of here and it’s extra so. You guys are young and hot and the right people or person will come along. X
4 years ago
While I have accidentally hit like while scrolling, I generally use it to flag profiles I have read and liked (I read them at least twice then think on it; strange I know), for when I have space to message and meet up if everything gels. I will return messages if they are in my specified profile parameters, but only check RHP here and there. It’s probably much easier as a single guy in regard to volume, as I have said you know where I am for couples, so contact me if I fit what you after. I never like or message anyone if I am outside of what their profile specifies they are looking for, that would imply I can’t read or follow basic instructions. 😜 I will message if someone/couple has liked me and I am outside their specifications. In the end, it’s availability and time I find the hardest part to line up.
4 years ago
It's the meat wagon phenomena... liking and favouriting are methods for tracking because RHP has limited tools...but if something better comes along a certain kind of person can't be bothered going back and removing any flags once they are after the next glittery thing...
RHP User
4 years ago
I think its the law of averages really.
The more women I message or like , the more replies I will get, well thats the theory lol
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