Trying to Think of a Better Username
March 19 2024
I came up with a bunch but narrowed it down to my top 10. As you can see, they are all a play on either very attractive actors or movie characters. Let me know what you think and if you come up with any others I'd love to hear them.........
1) Luke Pie Walker........
2) George Swooney........
3) Huge Ackman........
4) Flirty Harry........
5) Colin Girth........
6) Professor XXX........
7) Mr Bean Tickler........
8) William Phallus........
9) Dr Spankenstein........
10) Johnny Deep........
I'll post some other funny ones that didn't make the cut in the comments.
P.S. Also open to just keeping my current username if you think these are totally cringe and that's a better idea.
RHP User
a year ago
Ones that didn't make the cut but I thought were pretty funny
Hand Solo (No More)
Cocky Balboa
The Sperminator
GanDilf (I'm not a dad so this doesn't work for me. Any dads out there feel free to steal this one)
Count Smackula
Scrooge McCuck (Not a cuck but this would be great for a cuckold couple)No_probLlama68
a year ago
Ooh another great post by @Alexis and I can’t wait to see more responses. It’s so hard to pick a good name, and there are so many to choose from…Throbbin hood, Tom wanks, rocky balboner, John cutesack, Freddie flapfondler, the list goes on and on!! Sadly when I tried bigcocklover it wasn’t really clear whether I HAD the big cock or if I WANTED the big cock, and whilst it was nice to feel wanted, the inbox messages weren’t really from my target audience IFYNWIM 😅
a year ago
Biggus Dickus?
Ben R Over?
Dixon Kuntz?
Harry Azcrak?
Kenny Dewitt?
Luke Atmaass?
Willie B Hardigan?FeistyFatty
a year ago
Keep your original 💗
a year ago
That is the most creative list I’ve seen! 😂
I think you should get a stand up piece together and use this list and your other observations! You are so fun!
The Sperminator 😂😂😂CrouchingTiger
a year ago
Alex Is
a year ago
Dr DoItAll.
When Harry Met You.
Home Alone 4
The Whole 9 InchesLostyanumber
a year ago
I've had some very corny ones, enough said...
a year ago
a year ago
a year ago
Alexisoflongitude? (Not as funny, so maybe use Longadude instead)
a year ago
Ok these are bad.
ET the Alexa-terrestrial , try saying it fast 5 times.
Alexsaurrus Rex
Alec Bald-Quim
Alexa ....say bonk me. The possibilities with this one are endless.Andrea_Sydney
a year ago
What about gangbang names?
9 Inch Males
Blow White and the 7 Dicksusrightnow_Again
a year ago
Way back in February 2016 when Mrs urn and I joined the site, we were setting up our account, I turned to her, she was making cup of tea in the kitchen and I said, how about usrightnow because this is us right now, she said yes. We left briefly at one point and returned as usrightnow_Again, as we were back. Simple and reflective of you is always best, stick with current name as the always wise Ms Foxy suggested
Mr. urn.
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