
June 16 2023

Why is the occupation 'tradie' used as a selling point on male profiles?
I don't get it.

Your thoughts?


  • RHP User

    RHP User

    2 years ago

    Skilled with our hands and used to hard work!

  • Opalrose


    2 years ago

    Agreed. Most likely won’t turn up on time, under estimates his abilities, takes too long to get the job done, ends up telling you it’s probably a two man job, and in the end you feel like you’ve been somehow ripped off.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    2 years ago

    Guys appealing to the fantasy many women have I suspect. Although I’m sure the women who have a tradie fantasy, if you ask them to describe what a tradie looks like they would describe a chippy.
    I think that the perceived income may have some influence for some women ( not generalising)

    Like most fantasies the reality isn’t as exciting, long hours/ away from home/ working weekends. And if like me your trade involves getting covered in dirt,diesel, grease and oil, well 🤷‍♂️.
    Usmechanics aren’t as romanticised 😄

  • Sawadee


    2 years ago

    Tradies have been glamourised as buffed and manly in advertising , and the rest just jump on board.. 😁

  • Supernova


    2 years ago

    Because women (particularly younger ones) absolutely froth tradies.

    Try looking at womens dating profiles on a variety of different apps, many of them specifically ask for tradie men so seems no surprise many would put that on there.

    I also saw one of those “street talk interview” vids asking young women what the “hottest job is for a guy”

    Literally 90% of them said tradie.

    So there’s your answer 🤷‍♂️

  • Ourmalibu


    2 years ago

    It’s a very Aussie thing to say…’Tradies get the Ladies’!
    Whether that is true or not 🤷🏼‍♀️

  • ElectricDreamers


    2 years ago

    I (Mrs) have been known to dip in and out of finding the stereotype of a hot tradie very attractive.

  • Flirty2020


    2 years ago

    Because the unions have pushed the price of tradies up and said tradies now have inflated egos (and salaries) and as a result most feel that they are gods gift to womankind. Only in Australia !

  • Ex007


    2 years ago

    I just love manly men who like getting dirty and sweaty whether it be on weekends or through the week. 🤫🤭 don't tell anyone.

  • Lovinglifenow202


    2 years ago

    A man that works with his hands is very sexy. The tradies get the ladies

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    2 years ago

    Match ‘tradie’ to ‘professional’
    Same same

  • Somensafun


    2 years ago

    Is hairdressing a trade.... just saying!

  • DPWithME


    2 years ago

    Assumedly is a 'Type' of Dirty, Well Worn and Physical Working Man that Stereotypically is Muscular and Well Shaped. Quite often, the complete Reverse is true - but StereoTypes have never been much of an indicator for Reality.

    I am FAR From a 'Tradie' and Make sure EVERYONE Knows it. I am VERY much a Nerd and quite reluctantly have that StereoType also. This too is the complete Reverse - Thankfully.

    So Why is it used? My opinion Only - Because a Great number of Ladies seem to have a Fantasy of such StereoTypical 'Tradies' Ravishing them with their Buff Muscular and Fit Bodies.

    Oh Well - Looks like Us Nerds will have to sit in the Shadows and Work our Magic elsewhere ;)


  • RHP User

    RHP User

    2 years ago

    natural muscles, not fake gym ones

  • mjaussie


    2 years ago

    I will tell you why, tradies are not snow flakes. They know how to use their hands and their hands are not softer than mine as a female. They have strong arms and know how to have fun. Some of the comments on here are disgusting. Inflated egos my ass, people who sit in the office all day often think they know it all. You couldn't pay a plumber enough to literally work in and around someone's shit and electricians work in ridiculous temps and dangers so pretty boys can have power.
    Women want real men and tradies a lot but not all are real men.

  • nightingale8


    2 years ago

    I don’t mind the label and it’s sometimes a selling point for me ha ha. It tells you more about the world the person works in and trying to figure out someone’s context is very hard online. Better than nothing. Depending on the skillset, it will also tell you what they spend a lot of time thinking about.

    ‘Corporate’ type descriptions I run away from. Identifying as a “professional couple” makes me laugh (Only Fans boy-girl content creators might be the exception). Any description that implies the profile holder is of a better class than the rest I think is embarrassing. Australia has a fantastic working class history and values associated. Tradies can fall under that, which is kinda sexy.

  • Swingingnudist


    2 years ago

    A lot would go back to our hunter gatherer past. Strong man who can build and provide.
    After the GFC there was a survey done on ladies preferences and because the men in banking, finance type sectors were out of work the ladies actually started going back to tradies for love because as they said, tradies can work multiple jobs, can labour operate equipment yada yada if required where finance men were 1 trick ponies.

  • RHP User

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    2 years ago

    These hands just weren't made for typing but but they are useful for opening tight lids and other things;)

  • boobsandbusted


    2 years ago

    Just finishing building a house ,I have no idea why ,they start off buff and young and eat junk food like machines to feed themselves for all the physical hard grunt work but the longer they stay in the job the more they off load the heavy hard work to the younger ones ,but keep eating like they are hard on the tools , and turn into not so hot ,is my honest opinion of tradies ,watching them for two years ,

    but if I was to glamour up a tradie I’d say it was cos they have plenty experience of working their way around
    with skill in limited time for breakfast lunch and dinner ,lmao ,Mrs b would also agree at the end of the build she said pffft was only two the total time she even thought would be worth the effort ,very disappointed,at the start she was all ,wow ,maybe I could wear no undies and accidentally flash them etc ,nope never happened ,sad for them ,and her in a way ,😂😂

    Mr b

  • kit_03


    2 years ago

    I was with a tradie for nearly 10 years before I was introduced to the lifestyle. He's obviously long gone 🏃🏽‍♀️

    I agree with @Opalrose 😂 It is not a selling point. It would be like me putting on my profile that I'm a teacher and get all the thirsty men looking for the naughty teacher fetish. Granted, tis' fun but won't be 'advertising' myself that way.

    You'll get more luck with saying you're not bat-s#!t crazy but enjoy the bat-s#!t crazy from time to time. You're someone with independence, can converse easily, and have emotional intelligence to connect with others. Just don't be a dip s#!t, be honest, openly communicate and have class.

    They're my thoughts anyway 😉

  • madotara69


    2 years ago

    ‘Throw another shrimp in the barby’ [sic]

    Mrs Deep love exactly

    A while back when men every single one of them, all men, yes those them men then copped it from left right and centre

    Years ago here in the sandpit during the battles of the sexes, sex on topic and RHP offered safe harbour to all sexually explicit sexual sex sexualities, kink, fetish, group casual sex, LGBT, B&D, swingers, hotwife, cuckhold, promiscuously curious, singles and under a big push determined to get the go amongst the beloved couples playing up with other couples away from whoever and what not and what it all meant, the idea of swingles failed.
    So did the pseudo feminist men hating women under the guise of alluring profiles and gathered in to sniper men in forum topics and all in tore men to shreds.
    Women began defending men and so became the exception that the average guy which woman’s choice of type of guy worth defending, be it many reasons, especially loved men, great fit and healthy hard working decent blokes and generally polite, respective, dazzled, horny, and the ‘wolf whistle’ ran with the razzle dazzle sexy women in stockings commercials, girls rowing boats filmed from the deck (floor up and soft dreamy light) toothpaste commercials eg, ‘Are your McCleans showing.
    Womens underwear commercials with ants and ant eaters ‘sick em Rex’ Rex the ant eater she named him, the ants didn’t have names, just props on her undies.
    Salted nuts, sold in every bottle shop ‘Nibble Knobby’s nuts before Knobby nibbles your’s’
    Mr King Gee
    Paul Hogan
    Delving Delaney
    Jacky Mack
    Dicky Knee
    Most women
    Most men
    The sand pit in RHP forums and game changer with balls to give the Taboo and him or her looking for her or him in the looking for love dating site’s closed doors to all us dirty fuckers in love, sharing the love and give the good ol Tradie a fair suck of the sav, mostly by the wives who enjoyed the mfm or hubby of another couple much of the likes an average but not not limited tradie.
    They became known as the ‘rat pack’
    Dunno, the women of the forums who conversed in intellectual, spiritual and sexually explicit sexual sex act’s, dirty fuckers all the same in the nature of the game and as the swingers communities value most as most valuable and the one golden rule that keeps it all from falling apart.
    Women hold the
    ‘Silk, Saturn,
    Leather and Lace
    Black panties
    With an angel’s face’
    “Abracadabra” ‘I want to reach out and grab you’ ?
    I guess it’s women’s into unity with oversight to better understand how it all works with mother nature but not limited.

    Not only the Tradie
    Let us never forsake the quickie !

    ‘A mother can only love you as much as she can
    And she can’
    ‘Living in the land of common people’

    Deep Love indeed Mrs Deep Love I digress.

    Mado Tara xx

  • AshleyTGxx


    2 years ago

    Yeah hardly a selling point lol

  • SweetSerenade


    2 years ago

    Women's love butchers because we have soft hands and a filthy mind ..
    Too bad I left the trade to become a handyman 😂

  • Swede712


    2 years ago

    if only it were a real selling point

  • DyingSkitzmixer


    2 years ago

    Im a Lady tradie and its on my profile because....
    1. Don't expect perfect soft manicured hands from me lol
    2. Living in WA tradies tend to work unusual rosters or fifi which can make organising meeting hard sometimes.
    3. Male tradies are hot. Lol. Well for me they are. Im attracted to someone thats dedicated a minimum of 4 years to learn a trade, works with their hands and are skilled at what they do.

  • Delicious_1


    2 years ago

    Could definitely be fun role play 😈

  • youandus33


    2 years ago

    Opal that is Fuckn gold 😜🤦‍♂️😆 and yes I’m a tradie

  • icycoldcoke


    2 years ago

    Perhaps it's the strong, rough hands?...

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    2 years ago

    Just a stab in the dark but maybe it’s because mostly men are tradies ?

  • MsSuperFoxy


    2 years ago

    As they say, Tradie for a Lady.

    Ms Foxy

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    2 years ago

    Its something that has pervaded australian culture. People have this weird infatuation with people who do menial, entry level jobs in this country.

  • Zarabyfar


    2 years ago

    Not for me.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    2 years ago

    I'm a Boilermaker and the term Tradie means to me this...

    Honest, reliable, skilled, hard working, loyal, full-time employment, handy, professional

  • UnleashDesires


    2 years ago

    There was a “ladder” advertisement called Calves of steel that ran nationwide, it showed tradies calves and boots and the campaign went viral inviting tradies to send photos of their calves to enter a competition, the tradie (calves) of the month! I guess, guys that go with Tradie on their profile also use it as an advertising campaign. I’m from south east Europe, when I moved to Australia I realised driving a ute, looking a bit rough on the edges, wearing tradie boots and having tatts is actually considered as HOT by a large segment of Australian female population. Out of all that I grabbed tatts to sort of fit in, but if you are realistic about it a lot of women like to fuck a tradie! Its just there is no evidence whatsoever whether or not the fuck Is significantly better 😆

  • Nautibuoy


    2 years ago

    Rough hands. Chicks love it! 🤣

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    2 years ago

    Tradies tend to fall into two categories
    Those who subsist on a diet of coke, iced coffees and meat pies, and those who actually look after their bodies and mind.
    There are many reasons that ladies are looking for the second type and they are out there.
    1- probably first on the list is thatbthey are great with their hands, and can usually turn their hands to most tasks seen as difficult by a vast proportion of the general population. Got a flatbtyre? No fear, your tradie can get that sucker changed without raising a sweat. Need to assemble flat pack? No dramas, your tradie will have that bed assembled and ready to test out before youve changed into your sexy nighty 😎
    2- Hard as nails- its a physically demanding profession often with long hours. Ive seen many a young apprentice lose that puppy fat and build some serious muscle in pretty short time. Some ladies like to know their tradie is fit and can go all night
    3- Great dads - i have been told that there is something pretty sexy about watching a man take his time to build a billy cart or skateboard with his son, or spend time buildimg a Barbie doll house for their little princess
    4- Dirty Job- it’s physically demanding, and sweaty in summer. Plus show me a tradie who hasnt had something feral slap them in the face from demolition works or the like, and ill show you a liar. So if you’re a little hirsute down there, its not going to stop us getting down to business. (Tongue placed firmly in cheek for those who may take offence)
    5- Capable , most of us know how to drive a manual and reverse a trailer, so you’re not going to be embarrassed when we’re reversing the boat or caravan into a tight spot. Plus we know how to handle a stick shift 😉
    6- attitude- many of us run businesses and deal with clients of all personality types. Sure, some of the general public have had bad experiences with tradies, but for every bad experience you have, a tradie business owner has prbably jad tenfold bad experiences with demanding shitty clients. Makes a lot of us very resilient
    We also have to deal with clients who tar all of us with the same brush. Maybe have had 1 bad experience- possibly with someone purporting to be a tradie, but is actually not qualified, so all tradies get tarred with that brush.
    Most of the tradies i know are highly skilled ethical men and women striving to deliver the best for their clients. Thats highly appealing to many women (and men)

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    2 years ago

    @Chillymofo. Nailed it.

  • YesPlease2


    2 years ago

    Why my wife Favours any ad from tradies is she likes that type. In her mind that equates to tallish (above average penis size), lean build, strong hands, has a job, not full of shit (mostly), not scared of hard work, dependable etc

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    2 years ago

    Trades too hard of work if you can operate heavy machinery you can drive anything 🙃

  • isabellemckean


    2 years ago

    who doesn't love a man in a dirty uniform? a kink I suppose, honestly love ripping my partners pants down after he's had a 12-16hr day and sucking the man dry.

  • Dreamer1984


    a year ago

    Selling point or heads up truth? Pretty fair generalisation still stands pretty true in 2023 as it did in the 80s if you ask me. The exceptions to the rule probably wouldn't write it they'd be more specific or less forth comming.

  • yacamity


    a year ago

    And what about farmers , should I add that to my profile?…

  • Knickerless


    a year ago

    "Academic" or "bureaucrat" sits differently. So does "taxidermist"

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    a year ago

    The trades list is as follows….
    Floor and wall tiler
    Roof tiler
    Every other job to build a house can be done by the above mentioned trades and painting is the bottom run of the ladder

  • JennaTalls


    a year ago

    Because hey have nothing else going for them LOL

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    a year ago

    tradies have real muscles earned from hard work, as opposed to fake gym muscles

  • Claudius_maximus


    a year ago

    Well think about it (tradie looking for a ladie ) it's not just a catch phrase it tells you what I do for a living and I'm not scared of physical work that goes for the bedroom !!

  • Gregidge635


    a year ago

    cause there’s tradies and suits or corporate tradies are down to earth beer drinking dirty work clothes rough skin on there hands men but the suits are like females with dicks and balls