Too much f**king honesty?

June 24 2020

Do you want to know how many people your fucks are fucking?
I've had several messages from men providing too much information - completely unprompted - about the amount of other dates/lovers/potentials they currently have. While honesty is paramount in the scene, I find it a massive turn off when guys I'm arranging to meet tell me about all the other dates they have planned. They range from he vague to the downright rude. From 'I'm looking to get some more regulars if you're interested', to things like 'I've got two playdates Sunday morning but can fit you in Sunday afternoon'. Another guy, who is in town every week for work, arranged to meet up with me one night after a few false starts but then told me it would only be for a quick drink in between two other dates he had already planned. WTF.
We all know everyone is fucking everyone on here, it's like six dicks of separation in the local scene, if not way less. But would anyone still be in the mood to meet up once it's exceptionally clear you're just one of many? It feels like joining a race at the starting gate when the other contestants are several laps ahead. You know already that you're not going to come first, so you might as well pull out (of the race). I know some people love hearing about their partner's sexscapades but I think a little mystery goes a long way. Especially before you've even met the person.


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  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    It’s certainly not a case of everyone fucking everyone else here, lol. Believe it or not some people are very picky and for whatever reason don’t wish to be with someone who’s busy with multiple other people at the same time.

    Even if you don’t mind that though I can understand not wanting to hear about it, I’d be more interested in hearing about or actually doing our own sex acts, I’m not really interested in what someone does or has done with other people.

    Some people love to hear details though, my guess would be that they think it’ll be a turn on for you, either that or they’re trying to evoke some form of jealously.

  • SpicyKale


    4 years ago

    Totally get where you're coming from, but it's more like two dicks of separation🤣

    You need to give out enough information so that others know what page you're on and your understanding of the scene, but not so much that people have second thoughts. Even though it's the Pie, were all still make judgements and I also wonder if people are being careful and making more of them during covid? Anyways....

    We had people reject us for not having enough experience when we were new and other newbies recently because they were looking for others that hadn't been around the block because they were worried about std's! No we're not that busy and always play safe, but that was their perception of those that have been here for a while! Different strokes for everyone, but we don't want to see the digital version of your little black book either😁

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    l am picky.. for that reason l am not getting a lot... saying that ..yes it's a big turn off... l block guys when they behave like that...

  • Tall74nHard9


    4 years ago

    that it goes to show the level of (im)maturity of those people that have to 'brag' about how busy their sex-lives are. If you click you click, and if you don't you won't. No need for all the rest of the world to know your goings on.

  • Kokoflamingo


    4 years ago

    Some guys think if they are studs that it will impress you when actually, it does the opposite. Even worse, when you meet someone, connect and get to playing and they regale you with tales of their other conquests. We can read the validations, we dont need the details. Joining the dots with some profiles, it seems like a sex merry go round. Nothing wrong with being sexually active, but there are plenty of profiles where photos show that no condom is being used. I had a date lined up then saw he had a datefinder up for the same night....what the? Greedy or what. Needless to say, I didnt meet him.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    @phoenix-rising could not agree more. I am very picky and would prefer to meet other people who are as well. Knowing that they have several on the go doesn't do it for me at all.
    @SpicyKale yes agree again! I didn't end up meeting any of them for that reason. It's bad enough being told you're one of 10 or however many. Being told you have to be squeezed in between number 4 and 9 just to get a few minutes for a drink is pretty underwhelming. Sounds like you got the raw end of the stick regarding your experiences , so to speak

  • AnnieWhichway


    4 years ago

    Think is a case of trying to impress but they are too stupid to realise many are not into the catwalk compete thing.
    That's if its true at all, let's not let the truth get in the way of a good bragg of trying to impress the girl with his sexual prowess to make her think she had better get on board the good ship lolly pop before it leaves the wharf.
    God forbid, she is more likely getting on the tug boat covered with seamen.....

  • Kokoflamingo


    4 years ago

    I wish there was a "Like" button attached to a laughing face!

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    This is something I have thought of quite a few times. Who’s doing who and who did who in the zoo? It’s almost like revolving doors.

    I personally don’t want to know what goes on in the other person’s sex life as much as I wouldn’t share what I have been doing and with whom. I prefer to have complete focus on the person I am with and them on me. If someone were talking about their next conquest (whatever it may be) or who they did whilst I am with them or thinking about being with them then they are not for me.

    In some ways it might be handy to know how many they might be seeing because that will also determine whether I want to be a part of that harem or what I might be subjecting myself too. I also don’t want multiple people hence why I am with my hubby and one other (and he is with someone whom I have met) and I am pretty content with what I have.

    Knowing can probably have it’s upsides and downsides?

  • Rlee552


    4 years ago

    I think there are several things at play, ranging from why they are telling you (from being open to being manipulative) to their time management skills to common courtesy to disrespecting your time. One of the things we will never gain back is our time, and so when you spend time with someone you want the focus and care to be directed at you - not at the next date around the corner. In my mind even if they didn’t tell or share that information with you, the fact that they had these plans in motion devalues you and your time.

    Yes, sometimes we need to fit things around family, work and other commitments. They are fitting things around though to try and satisfy the same thing which they are trying to satisfy with you.

    I guess asking you the question - is it the over sharing which is an issue or is it the information that they share and what that represents the issue? If it is the latter is it better to find out they don’t meet your standards of conduct and then you can make decisions around that. Is ignorance bliss and knowledge power ... and then do you prefer bliss or power.

  • Mischeviouslad


    4 years ago

    Who is to say theyre even being honest 🤷🏼‍♂️

    Bragging is often false truth, but the important aspect here is that NOBODY likes feeling like they're just someones option

    We all like to feel special, even if only in that brief moment in time.

    Just act like a damn adult.
    Noone cares if you're not exclusive..... unless that is the agreed (or inherently implied) arrangement if an ongoing relationship.

    Those people who think they're raising their brand value or desirability by ego-babbling about their busy roster are exhibiting ultra low EQ, and minimal respect

    And I bet their profiles all describe themselves as “discrete/discreet” too

    Uh huh


  • Rlee552


    4 years ago

    As an addendum. There is not much value in trying to work out why they tell you. That’s a rabbit hole you will never be able to get out of.

    That being said there was another recent post on nice guys v bad guys. I would not rule out guys who confuse being dominating with being cruel and a prat, and forget the truly important part of caring for the other persons pleasure and feelings.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    Sounds like you're having bad luck meeting the right kind of people.
    I absolutely agree, its totally out of order!
    Ill meet with anyone, but I wouldnt meet anyone like that!
    I dont even know anyone who treats others like that, nor would I want to.
    A quuck glance at you profile pics tells me that you are gorgeous and can affort to be a LOT more picky.
    Dont take any shit and read that forum post about "bad boys vs. Nice Guys" 🥰
    Good luck 🙏🏼

  • ocean_man


    4 years ago

    My guess is that they are full of excrement. They can't stay long because they have to get back to their wife/girlfriend. Their "multiple playmates" are a cover story for their unavailability!

  • Mrs_Deep_Love


    4 years ago

    Quoting 'Rlee552'
    As an addendum. There is not much value in trying to work out why they tell you. That’s a rabbit hole you will never be able to get out of.

    That being said there was another recent post on nice guys v bad guys. I would not rule out guys who confuse being dominating with being cruel and a prat, and forget the truly important part of caring for the other persons pleasure and feelings.
    Rlee552 can I clone you and have you sent to Brisbane?

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    Lovely to get some input from the guys. It's nice to see that other people think it's not so acceptable as well, or potentially BS. Yeah it doesn't raise a guy's profile in my eyes at all! I'll have to go check out the other discussion that'e been mentioned.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    Jessica, We are the total opposite. We dont do validations nor take on friend requests because we dont want to be seen to be "fucking everyone" as you say.
    We too are very picky. That's our choice of course but the down side then is that the few people we do reach out to then think we are newbies or inexperienced....which we are not!

  • Rlee552


    4 years ago

    @mrs_deep_love. I wanted to send you a complimentary flirt, but the only compliments are those you give when you have an agenda, 😂 rather than when you want to compliment a person with no hidden meaning.

  • Sawadee


    4 years ago

    ... meeting harder than it really should be. We should be able to look forward to chatting or meeting up with someone without having to mull through all the crap these ego driven wankers put everyone through. Problem is ' the honest folk get mixed in and lost amoung these wanna be's

  • N4November


    4 years ago

    That is so disrespectful!!! I'm actually gobsmacked that has happened to you and I'm so sorry that it has. That's not ok.

    Its no-ones business how many lovers you currently have nor would I ask!! I'll admit that I do love to share stories of debauchery and good old fashioned shenanigans but that's the honesty I love that you can share with people in the scene.

    Perhaps chatting/texting more before you agree to meet will make you recognise the type earlier and shut it down.

    Fuck them off. Play safe. Good ones are out there but you need to get your dickhead radar tuned in!!


  • Samnite


    4 years ago

    I'm a big believer in moderation. Although, at times, i fail at this. I agree that too much information too soon is a turn-off.
    I am one of those guys who LOVES hearing about and seeing the sexual exploits of others. But it depends on the time and place and how well I know the person. While I believe in open and honest communication I am hesitant to share details of dates unless I am asked. It has been a looooong time in between drinks that I don't have anything to share anyway.
    Sometimes I get accused of being too closed as a result. But, really, it's because I am careful about sharing information about which others may not be interested. Sometimes my genuine compliments fall flat because the person in question receives so many false compliments.
    All I can suggest is that possibly those guys who overshare and over-compliment do it because of this reason. They are sick of being ignored in the flood of other information and so they are trying to stand out. On the other hand dome guys are just pigs.

  • FeistyFatty


    4 years ago

    Major turn off. Usually results in an instant fade out from me. Same as men (and this is an even bigger turn off) who ask details about your sex life and encounters. I just always imagine a gross bloke sitting in 4 day old disgusting jocks whacking off into a taxi driver sock while fingering his belly button hole and asking for more details🤢🤮🤢🤮🤢

  • Rlee552


    4 years ago

    @fiestyfatty. This is an image I am now finding difficult to shake. 😫

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    Everyone on here only want 1 otherwise join fb

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    Quoting 'FiestyFatty'
    Major turn off. Usually results in an instant fade out from me. Same as men (and this is an even bigger turn off) who ask details about your sex life and encounters. I just always imagine a gross bloke sitting in 4 day old disgusting jocks whacking off into a taxi driver sock while fingering his belly button hole and asking for more details🤢🤮🤢🤮🤢
    Love ya work!

  • SpicyKale


    4 years ago

    Quoting 'wanneplaytooo'
    Everyone on here only want 1 otherwise join fb
    While we might all be on here looking for sexual partners, in our opinion the Pie isn't just a sex site. As a lot of us have mentioned in the past we've found life long friends on here. Opinions like that are why we end up with inboxes full of dick pics. Just because we're on an adult site it doesn't mean we're up for sexting. Totally with FFF on this one, instant turn off! An inability to ask if someone is into sexting implies a lack of understanding of how consent is gained in 2020 if you ask us and is probably not going to get you blocked.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    Thank you @SpicyKale, that quote is perfectly true.
    @wannaplaytooo if you read profiles or had discussions with anyone in the scene then you would know that is nowhere near true. Hence the reasons for choosing what you are looking for on here - friends, social, etc etc. Single men with that attitude make me want to shut down my profile on a daily basis.

  • SpicyKale


    4 years ago

    Hmm, looks like if you post with quotes from the desktop site, it appears blank on the app, but viewable on the full version! Won't repost, but really it's more than a sex site, respect goes a long way

  • Mrs_Deep_Love


    4 years ago

    Quoting 'wanneplaytooo'
    Everyone on here only want 1 otherwise join fb

    Geezus, man just hire a prostitute! Or have a wank. We are people too ya know.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    Quoting 'wanneplaytooo'
    Everyone on here only want 1 otherwise join fb
    You speak on behalf of everyone. If you hadn't noticed there are many groups and interests on this site. Yes we all have common interests of enjoying sex who doesn't. But not everyone is looking for a free hooker male or female. Which is how your post kind of comes across.

  • cat_n_the_hatter


    4 years ago

    I agree with what someone has already said - I doubt what he told you is even true. Insecure people need constant bolstering both from themselves and from others, which accounts for their boastfulness and entitlement. He needed you to think that it is true. As FF has said - they fade out quickly (thank you fiesty for that image).
    In contrast, humble people are the givers. We are picky too and if it's to have dreams only than be it. (Ms)

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    Too much honesty, huge turn off 😖. Not being judgemental to anyone

  • Thirdwheel


    4 years ago

    It’s hard to be elegant whilst describing self absorbed bogans as , well , just self absorbed bogans . It wouldn’t matter if I was make , female or a couple , if there’s no genuine focus on me , us ,from another then it’s an impersonal , ill mannered , quick fuck . There’s plenty of great people to meet, chat and spend time with and maybe fuck.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    If l do ever meet a bueatiful women on this app it would be amazing after 4 year's of not even touching a women, as l wouldn't tell the women l am meeting for the first time l would expect this in return. All l can say is if a man is bragging about the sex life to ladies then they do a se sort of problem, and they believe that it makes a women horny and excited, well l am a man l this is a big no-no for me. Ladies take care enjoy:):)

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    Been a decent man myself, all it does is make it harder for me to even meet a woman for the first the.

  • Missb4u


    4 years ago

    This is why I specifically say I don’t want to be one of many in anyone’s suite of lovers. It is also why I purposefully ask the question in the early text messages. I do want to know how many there are but I don’t want details.
    I know myself very well and know that I am not interested in someone who is out busy fucking the world.
    It’s a total turn off when they rattle off all of their playmates and how they have something booked for every day of the week.

  • G4GeeTGee


    4 years ago

    Amazing perspectives. Really does help you shape your expectations as a guy. Totally get where you are coming from (pun intended).

  • Kinkytop4her


    4 years ago

    Sounds like a small pool of studs that most women would find desirable instead of run of the mill average guys who get little action.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    Wow really :) you should be definitely be nr1 wow what a profile .

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    I don't know why this is so upsetting. They're doing you a favour by running their mouths. Tell them to move along. If they don't have manners now, they never did and never will.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    Beven on here a few months haven't dated anyone lol. To be honest I'm totally convinced it's all bullshit. I sent close to 200 odd messages and only probably 5 even looked at them. Most people on here are full of shit.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    I don't see that as chivalrous at all , are you trying to boast or are you truly that fucking rude , the only person that should matter is the one you are with at the time ,

  • MissMasBeach


    4 years ago

    It may be oversharing but my policy is to be up front about my lifestyle. Some people are attracted and some aren't, them’s the breaks. It's fairer to them and to me than getting three dates in and THEN mentioning oh by the way I’m also seeing other women.

  • brooke91


    4 years ago

    Lol some of us have standards... speak for yourself

  • Metalhippie


    4 years ago

    Yeah I wouldn't even give them the time of day if they were telling me about their other sexual exploits. Have some common human decency. People usually do this as a brag and also men think that this behaviour creates a form of jealousy in women.

    It's a huge red flag. I myself tend to keep to a mostly monogamous style of dating. I see only one person at a time. Probably because I'm hopeless on dating sites and can barely get past the first message 😆

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    Rule 1: Discretion

    Rule 2 I know nothing.

    😂😂😋 Don't think it's ever cool to talk of your encounters if to brag or to put someone else down...

  • Cazabel


    4 years ago

    I agree with Mischeviouslad, we all want to feel special, even if it’s only for a moment.

    I recently met a chappy that overshared so badly that I began feeling like a 2nd rate fill in. I already have body issues and hearing about his conquests wasn’t helping my self esteem. Anyway, later in the conversation my inner hotty fired up and jolted me into a WTF moment and I realized what I’d done, and I remembered that I didn’t need to be his ‘1 of a million’ but someone worthys ‘1 in a million’.

    Now I know I’m not every mans cup of tea, but there are a few discerning gents out there that want to take a sip, and they’re the keepers I want to chat with and maybe be with.

    So I took this as a learning experience, nothing against the oversharing chappy, that sort of thing floats some peoples boats but not mine. Now if they do that, I flick’m not fuck’m and feel better for it.

    Phew! I’m exhausted....where’s my wine?🍷🍷

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    Well I haven't even been on a date so my stories of other dates would be very short indeed 😂😂😂
    I'm not the kind of bloke who would do that anyway
    I've got a high standard of ethics and would consider it rude to discuss

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    I would be turned off yes but I don't think we should be judging just saying.

  • Thick_Alpha


    4 years ago

    I’d be happy to have 1 regular nsa partner on planned nights in 😂👿 honesty is a must because of your own safety 👍 IMO

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    100% agree. I find it disrespectful and a big turn off. It also irks me if you're swapping pics with someone and they send you pics of them being intimate with someone else without asking. 1.) I don't want to see, 2.) Does she know you're sharing these around? 3.) I DON'T WANT TO SEE.

  • LetMePleaseYou


    4 years ago

    Gee Whizz, we've found it hard to actually even get a reply. Admittedly we arent your normal run of the mill penthouse pets but even when we reply to messages, you are lucky to hear back. We personally wouldn't be buggered about by a person with an appointment book.

  • Sillybugger00


    4 years ago

    Well some are luckier than others perhaps...... Being married, and being a dysfunctional marriage but choosing to stay, and respecting everyone's right to be able to make an informed decision, I openly declare that I am married. It seems many simply lie, guess I could to but I don't. I have found it almost impossible to meet someone on here, perhaps my age, perhaps my description, perhaps too many guys on the site, who knows. Some of us are not here to notch up victories so I guess not all as described by this thread, life's an adventure, definitely far too short not to fully explore and enjoy......

  • DaddyRP


    4 years ago

    Look, speaking for me only as a guy, i think some level of honesty is important. And for me, not having your own time wasted is almost as important to me as not wasting others time. We all know why most of us are here but knowing that doesn't give anyone a free ride to just bypass using discretion, good manners and common sense. Ok so yes we all have busy lives and have to fit things in but whats so hard about saying I'm sorry but I'm unavailable at that time, without basically telling someone to take a number. We all like to feel we are being the centre of someones attention, whether its true or not. Anyone engaging in such displays of bad manners is engaging their hormones without their brain. Good manners are free and treating others in a courteous way need not prevent good banter that leads to the encounter we all might be looking for. Personally as a uy if i was treated like this it would be a thanks but no thanks.
    Once you do get to know someone and know that they love hearing all the gory details then by all means have at it, but i def wouldnt want to unintentionally offend by assuming anything.

  • juicykoala


    4 years ago

    I can’t even get a date 😒😂

  • AvinitLarge


    4 years ago

    Less history, more mystery

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    We got propositioned by a dude with over 50 validations but upon browsing it seems a lot more of quantity not quality. Straight up pass on that. Honestly dunno why anyone needs anymore then a few validations as it’s just there to prove the persons real, not for showboating surely.

  • BatnCat


    4 years ago

    That certainly sounds off-putting.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    How are these guys getting so many dates ...i can't even get one date 😂

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    I dont get any attention at all on here so I canceled my subscription. No one replies so I don't use it anymore. I pop in from Time to time just to see if there are any notifications. It would be nice to be part of this "fucking everyone " scene but it looks like I'm on the outside of it.

  • Roioboy


    4 years ago

    Well said Jessica, and people shouldn't kiss and tell. Good luck to blokes who love their scoreboard but that is not for me and respect should be shown for those that they see!

  • SpicyKale


    4 years ago

    All of this blaming single women for your lack of luck on here has got to stop.... It's a really sad way to go about life of all you can do is blame others for your own outcomes. Sure, you might not be getting any hits out of the Pie, but blame the numbers, your messaging style, the size of your bloody cock, but not the women on here! You risk sounding like an insel the way some of you are heading and that's not a path anyone wants to head down. Be respectful and move on if it's not working, but please don't blame others!

  • darwin


    4 years ago

    I read your comment but none of the others because I'd like to think someone would have said what I'm thinking .......its a sex site my dear......

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    I'd love to just find one person to be with.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    Not true, I have never meet someone from that site
    That is just not the case for everyone

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    Well know ones fucking me i must be just to nice, I have always been the gentleman polite honest etc its gotten me absolutely diddly squat. Im single would never be a cheater am I going to change though Nope i have my standards and will never lower the bar xo Buck

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    Anytime I have heard that a guy has talked about me I block him and won't see him again. So not cool. Guys don't get it.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    Who are these guys with multiple playmates lol. I find it hard to get one and I'm a fucking sweetheart ✌️. Looks can be deceiving.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    I've been on here for a week, upgraded my profile, and still nothing. I've been respectful in messages, but seems to make no difference. Fun times

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    Umm interesting so let me get this right you want honesty from men but when you get it you don't like it ummm well don't ask or expect it then that way you have no problem there is no in-between . Best is don't ask and if they tell you tell them your not interested Yeh .

  • SpicyKale


    4 years ago

    How the heck did this get from a thread about messaging styles to a whinge about guys not getting any! Then guys have the cheek to tell the OP she should put up or shut up.... I just don't get it. A solid number of the ladies are telling you that don't like that style of messaging, umm... maybe listen to them and it might get you somewhere, rather than complaining about not getting replies, let alone dates! FFS! You're slow learners that's for sure

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    Only my opinion but I think it’s an attempt of “look how wanted I am” so you must want me also.

  • couplefb


    4 years ago

    Stop over thinking everything have a giggle and move on! Lots of people love sharing naughty pictures on the site. Chances are the profile is a single guy stuck at home during Covid. Have a heart and send him back a shot of your gorgeous snatch for the wank bank😘

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    I understand what you are saying but you are talking about a few things here honesty,bragging and being rude so yes I agree They don't need to brag and if you don't like it you should say so but you also said honesty so to be clear there is no in-between you are either a lier or your honest there are no shades it's just how it comes out you might not like so you have to decide what one do you want to hear but that does not mean anyone should be rude yeh and everyone should always be treated as a human

  • mrfunandnaughty


    4 years ago

    Well Jessica, you’ve discovered the one thing that is unfortunately missing in so many people in this naughty world..... respect.
    Too many (guys and girls!) see ‘the scene’ as nothing more than a meat market and treat others in a similar vein
    Of course, ‘each to their own’ is very much in play as everyone has their own desires and agenda, but once you’ve discovered the way to sort the wheat from the chaff, then you’ll have friends in the scene, who can become very good friends out of it too.....
    I personally commit and dedicate my time when I’m with a lady or a couple solely to them.... the result and affect is exponentially much more enjoyable than ‘just another ‘notch on the headboard’!
    My advice.... once you feel you’re receiving less respect that what you would expect in the real world, just block and move on.... there are plenty of good, fun and worthy playmates out there!
    Hugs x

  • WaterfallCountry


    4 years ago

    Not all of us are that unsatisfied we need to load up our valuable free time with a plethora of dates.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    I havent had a single date or even a conversation... so yay🙄🤷‍♂️

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    I understand completely what you are saying. How does that make the girl feel special. Any girl I am interested in I want her to feel like the centre of my attention.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    I personally think common courtesy goes along way. I try to respond to each message I’m sent, even if it’s to politely decline an invitation.
    I’m quite new to the scene and as a woman on a site like this we honestly get inundated with messages.
    I’ve met a few and chatted to a great bunch of guys. Definitely haven’t been attracted to all of them but what’s the harm in conversation?
    I’ve had the comment quite often that it’s refreshing to chat or meet somebody who is true to their profile. I also hear a lot from people that they send a message and don’t get a reply. For me personally if there isn’t that inkling of physical attraction with their smile or eyes, I don’t keep chatting.
    Some woman I’m sure would want to see the size of a guy or the shape of his body for this same reason.
    I think when you meet through a site like this there is almost automatically an opportunity to talk quite openly about what you like, want and are hoping to find. There will always be someone that you can openly discuss your experiences with, there isn’t any need to share names or pictures though.
    Dare I say it’s sort of expected? The upfront honesty?
    I also haven’t accepted all friend requests as I don’t want it to appear that I’m spending time with everyone in my city haha
    I had always wondered how that came across but I do actually enjoy conversing with most that I’ve chatted to on here. If they are straight up rude, pushy or threatening they simply get blocked.
    Good luck and I hope you have luck finding what you are looking for.

  • Playmate


    4 years ago

    I've heard in Sydney it's like that but here in melb it seems to be that there's dates organised, then contstant pullouts, stand ups, scam attempts and keyboard warriors. I'm a great guy, decent looking, reasonably in shape, top cheeky ass personality, decent conversationalist, if I'm out at a bar I have no issues meeting ppl, yet here...... Nothing.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    Funny... but it’s not just guys on here who play the game and do the wrong thing. What about girls who post pics that look absolutely nothing like their profile @jessica_rabbit, kind of like cat fishing isn’t it?

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    Unfortunatelly I fell in love with a play mate he was the most amazing guy I have ever met...Now I'm single and no longer in the swinging scene I think I'm ready to be a one man girl.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    Well ...what you expect on here?
    Here everybody fuckt everybody heart no feelings are just a nice piece of meat to be used and you use others to...this race works like this on here...I am surprised that you are surprised....

  • Exzibits_V


    4 years ago

    It all depends on the chemistry I have with a girl. 9/10 times I keep things to myself. But after knowing the person and their boundaries that’s when I decide if she wants to hear it or not. I have one lady friend I see and we are 100 percent open. She tells me everything she gets up to and I tell her everything it’s like we are the one person we can share all our dirty secrets with as well as sleep with each other. This dynamic is great. But in saying that. I’m not going to divulge all of my escapades with someone new. If they ask, that’s fine but otherwise no.

  • jojo1978


    4 years ago

    No one wants to be made to feel like they are one of many or disposable ........ it is more about respect than anything else .......

  • Subswitch13


    4 years ago

    I totally agree it's a put offing but in person after sex I don't mind talking about what kinks we've done but don't want to know details, names, or how many. If I ask questions it coz I'm curious to what ot was like doing something I haven't done before. I also hate the opening messages where guys talk about what they want to do to me sexually..I know we're all o and here to have sex in what ever ways we enjoy it but at least try to get to know me as a person coz I find it disrespectful straight out going into sexual details.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    Mmmm i VERY rarely meet people from here so in the 8 years I've had a profile I can count on my fingers the people I've slept with so I disagree with your generalisation. BUT

    I do agree that there's no way in hell I'd meet up with someone who was "fitting me in". Darling, I'm an entree, main course, and dessert all in one.

    I'm huge on sexual health and in fact know someone who is forever asking to "catch up" but I know of his sexual proclivities so prefer to choose my health over a random interlude.

    Plus, I don't care whether it's a relationship, or fwb, if I don't feel respected, I'm out. So if it makes your uncomfortable don't say yes. Remember, you get what you tolerate and it's totally ok to set up your needs and boundaries.

  • Mr_Smith1


    4 years ago

    They have no respect love

  • singleredhot


    4 years ago

    I personally hate hearing about others. But I’m a Scorpio and not a very good sharer! It’s actually a bit of a rule I’ve put in place, that I don’t want to hear about it. It’s such a turn off.

  • John441


    4 years ago

    Sounds like you need to run your dates through an IQ test. Clearly if they can't tell the difference between talking to a woman and the guys in the locker room or the pub then you need to find smarter guys.

  • Dionysus121


    4 years ago

    Wow ... great question and so many responses 🤔
    Some maybe who look great and have the tackle to match are busy are just free lancing and having a good time ....
    It’s not me or my thing so from my corner I wouldn’t be discussing previous or potential encounters maybe because I’m old school (yes I’m older)
    To be fair if I’m meeting someone they are my only focus and the moment we might share
    Apologies to all the six pack studs out there
    We all have our attractions and if your picking a guy with a six pack or more and the appendage to match yes there’s a very high chance he’s popular...
    Just saying

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    Your on a fucking site who cares... it’s up to you who u fuck if don’t like it why are you here

  • ozmelbcpl4cpl2


    4 years ago

    Some guys and for that matter some women are just built that way .I just call fake on some profiles who lead with the thought well its a swingers site you all want sex reply is yes I'm on a swingers site but I chose who fits my needs its not about quantity but a quality person..
    Block buttons getting full

  • Harlem01


    4 years ago

    I agree with you, sorry honey but some men have a low mentality, respect and honesty gos a long way in my world 😊🙏🏾

  • Not_ur_ordinary


    4 years ago

    I have no idea how these guys are even getting this amount of girls from here. Each to their own, I prefer to build more than just a random fuck with someone and make a FWB out of it. Quality over quantity for me.

    Saying that, I’m still very surprised these guys are getting this amount of dates. I struggle to even get replies.

    If I was meeting a girl from here and found out or heard she got around I would honestly lose interest. I’m just not attracted to that.

  • togetherfun


    4 years ago

    Love your straight up say it as it is....u remind me of me lol. LTS

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    Personally when talking to someone or even after playing with someone for a while I find it a huge turn off when they tell you how many other guys they are seeing. Yes ok it’s known everyone is free to see other people but no need to tell everyone about it. Just my point of view.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    Pathetic twits....

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    I wouldn't complain, the more fucks i know he's had the more i learn about whether hes protecting himself and his perspective on women..
    Id simply move on to fresher meat.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    Good evening. I do think that somethings should remain private. Especially how many people you are sleeping with or seeing. No woman should be just a number.

    This is my second time on the site. And I am still yet to have slept with anyone from this site.

    I would like to meet up with some one, but it's all about respect and not treating a woman like a number. 😀

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