To armpit hair or to not armpit hair that is the question

March 05 2025

To the guys ,who out there shaves or waxes (šŸ˜±) their pits ,I happily trim but not shave them just curious itā€™s todays odd question ratterling around my brain

Mr b


  • friendseeker


    21 days ago

    This post is the pits
    Down there yep
    Maybe a sneaky scrape around the butt
    Yeah ok I once shaved my legs and chest to look like I rode a bicycle. I lost some friends over that
    Eyebrows, nose hair and ears far more important
    Stay trim out there

  • ChinesenIrish


    20 days ago

    Lol weird question to say the least

  • CockRobin


    20 days ago

    We're on the same page BandB, I trim mine each day just to maintain personal hygeine ,

  • BiPeggyGal


    20 days ago

    I'm not a bloke but I say do what your intuition tells you feels great for you, what you like to see and feel etc. Cheers.

  • Pangolin28


    20 days ago

    Each to their own but I always tend to wonder what the fuck happened to humans to eliminate the natural way we actually are. Only animal stupid enough to not understand we are made how we are made

  • nightingale8


    20 days ago

    Slightly unrelated, do men shave their balls? The ones who do remove hair of course. Or are they all lasered?
    Iā€™ve seen a reasonable number of bare balls on the scene and have wondered how on earth one might take a blade to such movable things

  • Margo_Lover


    19 days ago

    I clipper chest, belly & pubic hair quite short. And shave balls bare. But have never considered doing anything with my armpit hair.

  • MrandMrsEss


    19 days ago

    As for arm pits, I have the most supper soft hair there and not a lot. I feel itā€™s there for a reason so never thought about shaving it

  • Magdalena


    19 days ago

    Might be paranoia but I donā€™t think deodorant works properly on me when I have underarm hair.
    And at my gym the only time I can ever smell body odor seems to be women who donā€™t remove their underarm hair, I donā€™t know if thatā€™s because of the hair is their deodorant or something else. We lift heavy so get super sweaty, itā€™s probably not an issue for them the rest of the time.

    Iā€™m also sure this isnā€™t the case for everyone but itā€™s enough that I got lasered so I wouldnā€™t be worried about it.

    I prefer smooth everywhere but I wouldnā€™t throw anyone out of bed for having underarm hair, hygiene is the only thing thatā€™s important regardless of grooming preferences.

    Downstairs I want hair free or groomed short, I donā€™t like getting hair in my mouth šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø

  • Mrs_Deep_Love


    18 days ago

    Dudes shave their pits, really? Well I'll be fucked......

  • selfless__lover


    9 days ago

    Shave no, but I use my hair trimmer to tidy them up when they start to get a bit unruly. It's not for hygiene or any other reason, I just prefer to keep body hair neat and trimmed, or shaved. Same as I religiously get a haircut every 4 weeks