M50 F39
To all you lovely single guys out there....
February 20 2021
We often hear how difficult it is for the single guy here and also how fickle and annoying couples are.
Well we just put up a date for tonight where we stated we are primarily looking to meet a couple or dare I say single woman but might not be adverse to meeting a single man.
Within one hour our profile has been hit by 58 men!
Thankfully only a few have sent messages so far but it’ll likely progress to sensory overload. We have tried this before and ended up deleting the date post as it was just too time consuming to go through the messages. I also dare say that “Mr perfect for us” would likely be in the group of guys that thinks “I won’t annoy them by messaging them”
So, for what it’s worth, we are sorry for likely not being able to figure out which one of you handsome fellows (and so many are) to dip our toes in with!
RHP User
4 years ago
Pick me pick me 😂😂😂
4 years ago
Put your profile into incognito and do some stealthy hunting 😈 So much easier when singles are involved! I’m sure you’ll make some Novacastrians day 😉
4 years ago
Why is guys viewing your profile a problem?
RHP User
4 years ago
Single guys are just as fickle and flakey as couples can be ;)
4 years ago
Tell them to go to chat. It is free during certain hours. That will weed out 50%. Then tell them to actually chat on the chat site and not stay silent etc. just be prepared to be overwhelmed by whispers. But you can disable the whispers as well if you want. You can even pick one of the quieter chat rooms if too many people rock up.
4 years ago
There's a fabulous site I (Mrs) used in the UK, one date had 300 interests in 1 day.
It sends you into overwhelm, being spoiled for choice spoils my interest.MsSuperFoxy
4 years ago
58 men. Awwww.
Welcome to a single woman's world. 😁
Ms FoxyLibertine001
4 years ago
Was the 58 before lunchtime before you took it down?
4 years ago
Ok who wants an update on the night?
Well we were rather impressed at the messages from a few single men. We had what was supposed to be an early meet and greet with a couple then was planning on meeting up with one guy or another.
Well nothing ever goes to plan and dinner turned out to be a long one with lots of easy flowing chat and of course zero phone reception to fill the guys in. Well long chats lead to getting a lovely 70’s motel and a fun few hours.
On the way home I filled little miss in on one of the guys I’d lined up, a real hunk. Well I go to message him and he has blocked us.
I do understand his frustration but hey we only contacted him today and I did say it was only a maybe for tonight!RHP User
4 years ago
Is it not worth your time, to sort through 50 to find one, maybe two or three single men for the best time? Turn it into a game.. be fickle at first. but as you disqualify most and the remaining pool dwindles... get less fickle and more real
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