May 10 2018
Was watching a video about throuple thought share this...
Relationship are no longer restricted to two people,
3sum is totally different to throuple.
For throuple their relationship doesn’t only exist beneath the sheets.
Anyone had experienced as throuple?
I been in 3way relationship before with a couple but throuple is totally different its just not about shagging .
- Posted from rhpmobile
RHP User
7 years ago
for about 2 months.... and then the OTHER male found out he was too.. I FUCKING love women who make their own rules....THAT was an interesting hour or so as he .... umm.. decided to leave..
It started off innocently enough... I moved in to "Share" with a couple..She decided to "Share" more.. after about two days..RHP User
7 years ago
Hard to find couples and singles whom we trust 🤠
- Posted from rhpmobileRHP User
7 years ago
In full Poly circles a loving dynamic between three people is called a Triad, or a Quad, for four people. (Correct me if I'm mistaken).
That is normally a little different from regular polyamoury which simply allows each partner seperate loving relationships in addition to the primary one.
A "throuple" or triad may also become a live in arrangement, all living under one roof. They may be excercising Polyfidelity, like monogamy, excluding all other sexual partners except between the three of them.
Certainly very much different to being fwb (which is also more than just sex) with a couple.
I'm sure there are even more variations as much as people vary in general.EarthQueen
7 years ago
Watch that episode of Insight SBS on demand that was just mentioned in a thread a couple of days ago on poly relationships. You will find it interesting
- Posted from rhpmobileWhitsundayGuy
7 years ago
I was lucky enough to meet a woman on on RHP and it ended up in a relationship that included her and my wife for over 5 years. We often talked about a name for our relationship, it wasnt just friends with benefits or just fuck buddies, throuple would have been it I guess, we spent a lot of time all together and just 2 of us together also. We went out for dinner together, sailing trips together and sleep overs. Some times we all went to bed together and often doing our own thing just 2 of us. My wife always wanted to hear what we had got up to and we used it as foreplay. I have so many fantastic memories. There is nothing better to watch 2 women you care about play together and even better have them together and play with you. I think if I had known a few things i know now and seen programs like the one on SBS to help understand what every one wants from this sort of relationship and the commitments you need to make to each other to be totally fair we would still be together. We are still friends but the new man on the scene obviously cannot understand and has banned contact.
RHP User
7 years ago
- Posted from rhpmobileRHP User
7 years ago
very interesting.
Polyamoury, throuple, etc is intriguing for me as I often seek more than just a physical connection should I find the right person. Though I don't know how many here would be interested in that as opposed to simply a FWB.curiousnhorny05
7 years ago
Has a decent series on this quite interesting to watch. You me and her? I think it was called
- Posted from rhpmobileRHP User
7 years ago
We are new to the poly scene. We are a main couple and her boyfriend so far. Last night was the first sleepover for him. No sexual contact, just drinks and sleep. Unfortunately I was horny as fuck and couldn't sleep. Lol. Just the way it goes sometimes. We are looking for a female to join us though for me mainly. A little play with the wife but generally the girlfriend will be for me. Hopefully we will be a fully fledged heiracial polyamorous pod soon... 😁
- Posted from rhpmobileRHP User
a year ago
Would love to be part of one personality
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