M52 F52
The queen
February 14 2016
RHP User
9 years ago
Zero interest in being humiliated, however if I were in a relationship, I'd be very happy for my significant other to play as he pleased, whenever or with whomever he wanted, no rules, the door would be open anytime he chose to walk through it and not return. I don't believe we can own another person, but watching is not my thing 😎
RHP User
9 years ago
Been going on for centuries. It's now embedded in our DNA
RHP User
9 years ago
That escalated quickly
RHP User
9 years ago
lol that made me smile 😁
RHP User
9 years ago
Love your way of thinking. If we all thought like that life would be wonderful. Unfortunately I dont know anyone that confident . Takes all kinds to make the world revolve and that is why you prefer to participate not watch. Good for you hotty. lol.
RHP User
9 years ago
could some one please tell me what is cuckqueans
RHP User
9 years ago
female version of a cuckold , Very very rare species I'm guessing
RHP User
9 years ago
I would love to be a cuckqueen but haven't been able to find a female wanting to try this
- Posted from rhpmobileRHP User
9 years ago
Without googling it, my understanding is the female version of a male cuck, where he is or can be made to sit and watch while she gets looked after by someone else and humiliated (so she might say 'look how big his cock is, yours is so small'), not allowed to join in. Treated like shit basically lol but it's a fetish and at the core of it, I think the mind control, dominating that way, would be the turn on. A cuck quean is her as the one being humiliated. I'm sure this isn't technically correct, the partner can I think be asked in to play, rules i'm sure could be as they agree, but it's enough to explain the basic concept 😀
RHP User
8 years ago
My partner is a cuckquean. But we never knew about the humiliation part of it. That's definitely not our thing. We thought it was simply the wife getting turned on by the husband being with another woman.
We've just joined do a big hello to everyone!
- Posted from rhpmobile
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