M64 F53
The first time cuckolding your husband.
March 26 2016
New to the Hotwife lifestyle. At this stage we have not yet added a third person to our fantasy for being remote has its disadvantages. I am a flirt and a tease and wanting to put a show for hubby would be the most exciting thing i will ever do. I have always been the typical soccer mum, but a flirt and tease at heart. I think that is what attracted my husband to me in the first place. After 14 years of marriage he confessed to me about his cuckold fantasies. I was surprised/shocked at first but deep down have always fantasied about having sex with other men. My husband and I have been fantasizing about this often, as much as he is a cuck, I am the typical Hotwife. We differ from a lot of ideas people seem to hold about cuckolds/hotwifing, I adore my husband, and love and respect him, as he does me and this is not about humiliation, he just enjoys the idea of seeing me with other men, which took a bit for me to get my head around. But since embracing and enjoying this lifestyle we are we are sexier, happier, closer than before.
First question goes to the hotwifes out there, what was it like the very first time you had sex with another male while hubby was watching? What was the emotions felt before, during and after?
The second would be to the male partner how was your emotions feeling before, during and after?
I ask these questions hubby and I talk about this often, and any help regarding this lifestyle will be much appreciated. Its hard to find genuine cuckold couples to talk to.
RHP User
9 years ago
That's great that you unknowingly found each other even when your desires where not filly formed yet. I hope you find the answers you are looking for.
9 years ago
First time I saw my wife slide slowly down onto another man's cock, was sooooo erotic. The look on her face was delicious. I love her so much that I love seeing her excited and fulfilled.
And who am I to be selfish and keep her sexiness to myself?JohnAnn2227
9 years ago
Hi, I first had sex in front of my husband with another man in a full swap with another couple. We were all drunk and it wasn't planned. It was really exciting at the time but we did have a serious talk the next day. We were both surprised to find out that we were both excited and incredibly turned on seeing each other with someone else. Over the years this turned into regular swinging and picking up a third partner if the opportunity arose while we were out. John really liked sharing me with another guy. We then progressed to an open relationship where we could both pick someone up if we were out alone. It was very exciting hearing all of the details the next day. A few times I actually would date a guy for 6-8 weeks. John would love helping me get ready for my dates and would pick out my lingerie, run my bath and sometimes come shopping with me to buy a special dress. He would always meet the guys I was dating and would know where we were going. This all slowed down when we had kids. John still loves for me to dress sexy and flash guys when we are out. He has even organised gangbangs for my last few birthdays.For us it also is not about humiliation but just an extra way to show how much we love and trust each other.Good luck and we hope it works out for you both.Ann & John
RHP User
9 years ago
Thumbs up.. You guys got it right. Unselfish sex is happy sex. ๐ ๐ ๐
RHP User
9 years ago
my advice is to set boundaries and expectations around the emotional level regarding other partners.
You need to both be on the same page if other men will be invited purely for the physical side or will their be emotional attachments.
Very often husbands love to see another man with his wife which is great.. But jealously starts to creep in when the other man becomes a regular and the husband starts to feel the wife has become closer to the other man.. Or she becomes more alive only with the other man.. And it goes from just sex, to daytime coffees to genuine feelings.. Then a marrage can be destroyed if both husband and wife hasn't set the boundaries.
I know some cuckolds who encourage deep emotional connection with Bulls, and I know others who only want a bull for his body.
Communication at the start is key., discuss possible outcomes and how each other feel about that.
What level of cuckold do you want.. Lots of random sex with random guys for you and Cuck to enjoy.. Or a small group of men who you enjoy beyond just sex as time with the same guy who makes you orgasm will most likely over time lead to feelings emotionally towards them.
- Posted from rhpmobileRHP User
9 years ago
It wasnt so much a cuckold but MFM maybe bordering on Hotwifing situation - we really thought this whole process through and made sure we were comfortable with what we wanted, who, if and when.
So communication, setting the right expectations, talking through emotions, jealousy and impacts after we had any fun......
For now it has been just MFM experiences and not fully comfortable about the swapping option.....
For Mrs Poly it was about why, who and how - once we discussed why, the profile of the M she would like to engage with and the how, we ventured into meet and greets .....and only when she was ready not before not after but when she was ready.....
For Mr Poly it was about being comfortable with another man, touching, kissing, feeling and seeing another man provide Mrs Poly with an enjoyable experience (vice versa). As long as the M was considerate and willing to please and be pleased was all that was necessary. Fortunate for us our M friend provided just the experience for us to ease into the option. It was not cuckold per say but in terms of Hotwifing our M friend was able to spend his own time with Mrs Poly while Mr Poly watched. Mr Poly received the benefits of the funtime many more time over after our friend left LOL......These experiences have actually enhanced what we already had (or did have before the kids came along LOL) and we would recommend the following:
- Ensure your relationship is strong enough to engage in this experience- Do you research- Communicate and listen- Understand how each other feels- Talk about what you like or dont like- Talk about being able to visualise what it would be like to see your partner being pleasured and the feelings attached - Reassure each other this is about having a fun experience and that the bond and love between the two of you isunconditional- Talk about it some more after you have had your fun and see if there was anything you would do differently or maybe - you would not like to do again- And finally TALK some more
Just our 2 cent worth.....we dont ever take anything too serious and if it happens it happens, but if not....we still have each other - unconditional
Have funRHP User
9 years ago
Interesting comment , but I think you will find most couples and bulls have a understanding in place that it's only about having that itch scratched , not about emotional attachment. Nothing wrong if the parties are attracted to each other, better still and makes for great sex. I don't think it's a major issue in 99% of the time. I've been there where the lady has shown plenty of attention , but it was only for that time. After that everyone goes about their everyday business. Occassionly you get a re run , but I never take that as anything but just being comfortable with someone they already know.
RHP User
9 years ago
You covered that very well. Your post popped in before I posted my last one. But very timely indeed.
RHP User
9 years ago
First question goes to the hotwifes out there, what was it like the very first time you had sex with another male while hubby was watching? What was the emotions felt before, during and after?
Mrs Polys response -
BEFORE: I was always anxious as I have never contemplated this sort of situation ever as I am very conservative but the more we talked about it the more I was willing to give it a go ......I have to admit that it made me feel very sexy that someone other than Mr Poly would be interested in me .....flattering is the word I used LOL.....
DURING: we met and talked to our friend - I felt comfortable with him and let Mr Poly know .....as long as we both were still ok with having an experience (together in an open discussion)....we planned the fun date our friend who put me at ease very quickly........I checked in with Mr Poly throughout the experience just so that I knew he was ok with it and once I could see he was relaxed I did enjoy our session with our friend.....there was never any emotional attachment but nice sexy fun ......
AFTER: its taken me totally outside my comfort zone in a good way........however, our communication, our feelings (both public and private), our being as one, has never been better ......but hey that is just been my experience and it may differ to everyone elses......RHP User
9 years ago
im talking if the one bull becomes a regular ... 7-8-9-10 + hooks ups etc
- Posted from rhpmobileRHP User
9 years ago
Thank you for your comments, I would like to add, although we yet to find a third person, I believe a typical MFM/3some differ from cuckolding, because cuckolding is more like a life change. We find we are looking after each others needs a lot more. The adding of the third person, is only one piece of the puzzle. Once again would like to thank you for all of above responses were helpful in some way.
Would like to thank Mrs Polys for your candid answer to my question. Ill keep you posted, as i'm am presently talking to a couple of gentlemans.RHP User
9 years ago
We had been married for only a year. We lived in Germany then and we love going to their naturist saunas. Then we had a couple of weeks off and we decided to go to the South of France. We had heard about a naturist area called Cap dAgde. This all happened 30 years ago. We drove by car, enjoyed the contryside, made a few stops and stayed at a hotel along the way until we reached Cap dAgde. We found this hotel by the entrance called Hotel Eve and booked a room for the week. That was possible then. Now you wouldn't get anything without booking. 30 minutes later we lounged by pool of the hotel. There were another 4 couples and a few single males there. We then went into the main resort and toward the beach where we enjoyed the sun loungers and the perfect service. Sun, sand, sea and a nice guy who serves great drinks and cocktails and food while he enjoys the nude and bare goodies of my wife which are on full display for everyone. I just loved how all men ogled my wife from top to bottom or rather from bottom to top.
We talked to a lot of people, enjoyed the discos at night, looked at all the raunchy stuff that was going on but did not join in. We weren't into swinging then and to be true we still aren't. Not like the lot on the dance floor having totally tabooless fun. They were penetrating every orifiice of every girl and a very young girl who couldn't have been older than 16 or 17 was double-penetrated by two massive cocks right in front of us on the dance floor. We werent' shocked, but our jaws dropped a bit and we agreed that it did make us very horny. On our way to the hotel, I just propped my wife over park bench and fucked her without caring who went past and who saw us. Then I stripped her off her denim mini skirt and made her walk bottomless to the hotel.
About two days later we got talking to a very distinguished, sun-tanned, mature gentleman. He was tall like I was, very fit, darkly tanned all over without any tan-lines and we really hit it off together. We went to the beach together. We swam together. He always very playfully embraced my wife makeing sure she was save and she told me that he held her in the water with a hand loving supporting her bum and then supporting her with very enjoyable full stong hand on her crotch. He made sure that hse was save and happy at the same time. But we both enjoyed it and my wife asked if I did mind. I said, I really did enjoy this and I liked the guy. The age difference was no problem. We were both 28 and our Hungarian baron was probably in his mid 60-ies. Also we could see that even though I was considered to be very well endowed he was bigger by a good margin.
So we continued to be together and frolic with our friend. He invited us to restaurants. He didn't want to go to the club with us as he said they were very cheap and he preferred a more sensual form of lovemaking that was much more enjoyable to a woman. That evening he offered to give us massage and he massaged us both and then went back to his room. The next day we met for lunch and then went back to the hotel to loung by the pool. My lady jumped straight in and us men organised the drinks and the nibbles and the watch my wife how she enjoyed herself in the pool. In a low but very determined voice our friend said, Your wife is such a beauty. Look at this beautiful pert round bum, her slim legs, her small shapely breasts. She is a real goddess. You are lucky man. Really lucky. I bet she is wonderful in bed as well?
I said that she is absolutely lovely, very sensual and loves being handled by a determined male appreciating her goodies.
He then suddenly said I would love to pleasure your wife and I am sure that you want that too. I have watched you and you are the type of man who enjoys watching his wife being fucked by big cock of another man. Yes yo are.
I said that I did not know but he said that I had just given him the answer as I stood next to him with rock hard erection in full sight of everyone around the pool. It was true I had given him the answer.
I jumped into the pool to cool off, my wife had seen me and asked why I had an erection and I told her. She smiled and said if I really enjoyed that. I said YES and she said, well let's wait until our massage this evening. We then fooled about in the pool and it was clear to see that our friends demeanor became more determined and he quite regularly touched my wife, gave her little kisses, fondled her bottom and cupper her breasts and grazed her pussy with his hands and her bum with his penis. It was a rub-a-dub session. Then he invited us for dinner and asked if we wanted to have another massage session afterwards. I jumped in and said that this time he should just concentrate on my wife.
About an hour later after the massage I saw for the first time how huge erect cock pounded in and out of my wife's bare pussy, fucked her relentlessly and made her come and come again before filling my wife's pussy with his seed. He then introduced us to the joys of threesome sex and also to the world of cuckolding as left me alone in our room and took my naked wife with him to spend the night with him in his bed and a few more session of lovemaking or plain hard fucking during the night.
My wife told me later that he was pretty kinky and introduced her to her first full anal, spreading her bumhole forever and he made her pee on him and also made her drink his pee. Apparently he had told my wife that in his country that was standard and expected of every wife to be familiar and regularly accept these kinks. He also expected her to openly pee in front of him and have no shame to have a poo while he was watching her. She never did that with me but we ended up staying two weeks and he had ample time to train her and she in turn trained me.
We stayed in touch with him over many years. He visited us often and regularly both in Germany and after we had moved back to the UK. Naturally he always fucked my wife as often as he could. He introduced her to DP sessions with a friend of his and trained her to accept anything that he suggested or wanted without hesitation. To me he always said, You just love to watch and wank. So watch and wank while we fuck your beautfil wife. We give her what she needs.
That's how I became a cuckold and my wife was shared in a way she really loved.RHP User
7 years ago
Great shares...
4 years ago
The communication and the โafterโ feeling/ connection are the best - so intense and so much fun!
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