The c word in an opening message.
November 13 2024
Can it be written such that it has a positive or real impact?
Is it better than “Hey sexy”?
Can it be used to emphasise an idea that makes you laugh and appreciate the nuance it alludes to?
4 months ago
Are you talking about Cunnilingus? 😁
4 months ago
I guess you could ask if they are of the good variety or the shit variety.
4 months ago
Never. Ever. Ever
4 months ago
Depends what 'c' word you're alluding to...
* Commitment * Complicated *Cuddling *Cankles
Mmm but if it's the 'c' word that rhymes with stunt...
For me that would be total a conversation ender.
Wouldn't matter the context.
Massive turn off!
To each their own. 🤷🏻♀️nightingale8
4 months ago
Hey sexy, wanna COLLABORATE?
4 months ago
Mr bRHP User
4 months ago
Nope, never
4 months ago
It depends on what “c” word you are referring to ? Why have you not mentioned what word it is ?
If you are referring to the word “cunt”, I find it to be extremely crass and disrespectful towards woman.
Anyone who calls me that, be in directly in person or via a message on here, will be swiftly dealt with …Margo_Lover
4 months ago
You're such a funny cunt 😅
- AlexApples_N_Oranges
4 months ago
As the greatest Sesame Street character of all time said -
“Let's think of other things that start with C. Ah, ah, who cares about other things?
C is for cookie, that's good enough for me . . . “Inflation
4 months ago
I once mentioned my dislike of the C word in the chat room, only to be blocked by the women who was using it so loosely. In hindsight we each have our own unique vocabulary, and that word is certainly not part of mine...lol
4 months ago
Why o why would you want to use that in opening message?
4 months ago
Language evolves and individual words take on different meanings over time and also within the context they are used.
This is a word that most of us would attribute negative connotations to but if you think about it we are being mislead. It is at its core a noun to label a woman’s sexual organs, which is one of the most revered and desired things in all of humanity.Andrea_Sydney
4 months ago
I can’t think of a context in which the c word is sexy.
How would you make it sexy, can you give an example?RHP User
4 months ago
Only if you're writing the message in Shakespearean english.
3 months ago
A friend once said to me, 'such an ugly word for such a beautiful thing'. Love it.
3 months ago
Some people are not my people. That extends to my language and communication skills.
RHP User
3 months ago
If you are talking about the word we think you are then it would be a conversation ender. That word is vulgar and an instant turn off no matter if it's a man or woman using it.
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