The approach

July 20 2023

Ladies.....what do you want in a message, I've done the hi there, how are you*.... depending on the Profile..
The sexy stuff and direct to the point....what is the best way to respond to you....?


  • Cucknshells


    2 years ago

    Wouldn't it be great is one size fit all. If there was some magic word/ sentence like open sesame. Lucky though we are all different and all like different things.

    For me I like a message that indicates they have read my profile. A message that indicates that they believe we have common ground. Thats not all about them. That shows an interest in me. Thats just the first step.

    Then I will look at their profile. See if it is complete. Read it and then determine for myself if I think we might be compatible. Thats my take on it.

    Shells xx

  • Flirty2020


    2 years ago

    We like the opening message to be along the lines of “how r youse?” Hot pix. wanna fuk?

    And then to receive a barrage of unsolicited dick pics

  • Hotwife71


    2 years ago

    Depends on what the Lady is looking for.
    Relationship or NSA.

  • Felicitous


    2 years ago

    For me the first message isn't a big deal.

    If I don't think I'm aligned with the person's profile and like what I see, both visually and in content, I won't engage - other than a no thanks... no matter how wonderfully composed that first message is or not.

    If I do like their profile...
    Much more important are the subsequent messages. Can we converse, is there chemistry?! 🤷🏻‍♀️

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    2 years ago

    Ill give you a solid tip, women will only respond if theyre interested in you - doesnt matter what you say or how dumb it comes across

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    2 years ago

    First of all really read the profile. Is who you are what she wants? Is there anything that might say you might not match?

    If you know that you fit her criteria then take something she has told about herself, and tell her how that is relevant for you. Talk about yourself. You are selling yourself.

    No "hi". No "great profile". No "sexy pics".