The “Squirt” Truth

December 29 2019

Hey all, as a single female, I recently experienced my first ever squirt, it wasn’t as powerful as we are made to believe in porn, but decent enough to leave a wet patch on his bed and my legs to shake for several minutes after. Incredible. My question is what are your tips and tricks to recreate this sensation again?? Self Masturbation is really not getting me there and the male who got me to this delightful cloud isn’t close enough to provide such a service. Daily. Hehe

- Posted from rhpmobile


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  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago

    I’m sure you’ll get many offers, but have you tried a rabbit vibe? There are vibrators that specifically stimulate the G spot which encourages you to squirt.

    The rabbit is my fave 😍

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago

    10 years ago Mrs p and I watched a DVD, the g spot and female ejaculation it was called. It took her a while to work everything out with her body. Now days she can get herself there quite easily it seems, in multiple positions and even just through oral alone. She'll never squirt while something is inside her though, at the point she feels she's ready, when her g spot is so swollen it's poking out, she'll pull me out, sometimes she'll just squirt at that point, sometimes it takes a little more rubbing of her clit and bulging g spot from the outside. She can squirt multiple times in one session, like up to 3 or 4. I guess the key is practice, and work out what works for you,

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago

    I’m no expert on this, but I’d definitely try as Jince said, using a vibe or other g-spot stimulator as I believe every woman would be different, and things can be hard to achieve sometimes with only your fingers....

    Mr Dragon

  • emmy128


    5 years ago

    No I haven’t but I’m in the market for a new addition to the collection. So many rabbits on the market do you recommend a brand? 🐇 🐇 🐇

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago

    Also a glass wand is very effective. There are some that have the right shape for especially g-spot stimulation.

    I’d also recommend you look into Tantra as there’s loads of teachings there to have g-spot and cervical orgasms which are more full body and less localized than clit orgasms.

  • emmy128


    5 years ago

    Thank you for all these tips so far I’m going to have to do some research

  • MsSuperFoxy


    5 years ago

    It's not like it's a switch down there where it can be turned on and off. The ones who state they can make any women squirt or think they (males in piticular) know womens bodies are full of absolute total bullshit. They are dangerous and can really hurt someone by forcing fingers etc into a woman to make them squirt because it is what they want. It is not up to them. Our bodies decide not them. Its all being in the right zone, the mind, body and soul.

    Ms Foxy

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago

    Quoting 'emmy128'
    No I haven’t but I’m in the market for a new addition to the collection. So many rabbits on the market do you recommend a brand? 🐇 🐇 🐇
    I like the Happy Rabbit G spot vibes. Google the brand. Just make sure it has that curve on the end.
    Have fun!

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago

    squirting is usually the result of stimulating the front of the vagina wall around the g-spot. It is difficult but not impossible to do this with penetration, but you need to find a position where his cock is rubbing against the from wall: Deep Stick can work.
    Fingers are better: your guy should use two fingers in a V, fingers slightly curled; rubbing either side of the g-spot; with maybe the other hand pushing down on the pubic bone.
    you will need to be very relaxed to be able to squirt because it can often feel like an urge to pee. And your partner needs to be very patient because it can take a very long time.
    it is difficult to squirt by masturbation because it can be difficult to reach your own g-spot. A curved g-spot vibe might help.
    porn star Flower Tucci is famous for squirting and has made a few educational videos. google 'Flower Tucci Squirt 101' and you might find her tutorial online.
    Kink University have also produced videos. google ''Making her squirt - a tutorial.'

  • MsSuperFoxy


    5 years ago

    have you ever thought about actually talking to her first. Finding out what she likes/dislukes rather than going straight for fingers in the vag, pushing down with other hand on her pubic bone. She may not like any one of the advice given in your post. She might like her brain fucked first then maybe finger up the bum technique too. Lol!

    Everyone woman is different. The same technique used on one, may not work on the next. Scuba and wet weather gear is a must. Don't forget that. Lol!

    Ms Foxy

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago that you need to relax and be patient. Of course every woman is different, and it is very much a dynamic between the people involved. What I've suggested may not work for her, but she asked for advice and I'm sharing what worked for my partners. In the end it's about finding out what works for you, and having fun while doing it.I'm not sure about wearing a raincoat, but I do recommend rubber undersheets.Even better, do it in a hotel room where you can really cut loose and not have to worry about the laundry...

  • Mischeviouslad


    5 years ago

    Agree with foxy..... sure, anyone can google, and then frantically fingerbang a woman ..... but.... it’s not about the guys agenda, it’s about HER enjoyment..... and there are plenty of women who really don’t enjoy finger penetration

    Quite probably because of the poor technique and/or lack of observation of her reactions

    A little knowledge (and google videos) can be dangerous thing

    Far Better to “be present” and let your lovers responses and communications be your guide

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago

    Being finger banged with a hand pressing on my pubic bone.... no thanks. I just have this mental picture of someone hell bent on getting the squirt action going. I dont find it anywhere as satisfying as an actual orgasm but it certainly turns the guys on.

  • SSExplorer


    5 years ago

    Foxy is right, all women are different. I have been with a few that the common front wall of the vagina worked for but not many that work with the Porn like hard finger fucking, more like using 2 fingers in a come hither motion.
    One woman used to squirt best with anal sex.
    Then there’s Mrs S, she’s my fave (of course), not because she’s easy but the opposite. I have seen her evolve more than anyone else. It took more time, time for her to work herself out then for me to find what works for her.
    It took some time for her to reach her first orgasm, we both thought we were getting as far as she might go until we really got there. She’s always very wet and I would have thought she’d be a candidate for squirting but all my tricks didn’t seem to work.
    Then one day with a very long session of her straddling my face she gushed. I’ve never experienced this, not the usual squirt but a huge volume of fluid. So it’s a quite regular occurrence now even though she is still embarrassed by the mess. Sometimes the gushing can come in waves over and over again and she’s even been able to do it with me inside of her, her on top with me using a hand on her clit and above her pubic bone.
    We have tried toys but she doesn’t like anything inside her, just a little bullet on her clit.
    I don’t know why hers is a gush not a squirt, i hypothesise that she is probably still not letting go fully but holding it in as she’s such a clean freak that the resulting mess still embarrasses her. Maybe it’s just the way it works for her, it’s all good fun but might be the reason we have had to replace our washing machine, anyone know of any good waterproof sheets?

  • emmy128


    5 years ago

    ms Foxy very wise comments, but all are valued till I discover what gets me over the edge to that euphoric place. In fact it wasn’t his cock, (although FYI beautiful cock, in look, girth, and length) it was his fingers, not an invasion like we see on porn. He just knew his way around my body which was spectacular. Wasn’t expecting it nor embarrassed more like, “damn so I can squirt” and more thought provoking “how the hell am I going to create it again...”

  • MsSuperFoxy


    5 years ago

    Thank you. Give yourself time. Like tresemme shampoo, it won't happen overnight but it will happen.

    Sometimes the unexpected surprise is the best. The best time is when you're in the moment, with no pressures and with no Dr Google looking over your shoulder. You'll know. Enjoy.

    Ms Foxy

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago


    Price check on isle 5....vagiclean....

    Mr Dragon

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago

    Btw non-such....

    I did actually do a search on that porn star....

    Found a decent video of her on pornhub for those who’ve been preoccupied with theatrics, which actually echoes all that you said...from a woman’s perspective and it was a short video about HER individual journey that offers also a few little things that women could try if they were so inclined to...what she found that worked for her...

    But like the product disclosure statement on the insurance policy, people should consider that the content be seen as merely general in nature....

    Mr dragon

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago

    thanks Dragon. Glad someone did the research and learned something rather than just flaming.
    my guess is that the OP's lover, the guy with the magic fingers who 'just knew his way around my body' had done his research, listened, learned, practiced, acted on feedback, gathered experience and was very, very considerate and patient.
    Or he could have just fumbled around in the dark hoping for an 'unexpected surprise'...

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago

    To be honest non_such.....I was just interested in seeing what the content would be. Squirting for me(not suggesting it is for you) just isn’t really a goal of mine when I’m with Ms Phoenix; sure she does tend to squirt on occasions, but it’s not our end goal.

    Again not saying it is your main goal at all.

    Mr dragon

  • Aussie_SS


    5 years ago

    Foxy is hitting the right points here, I agree with everything you have stated, though who would i be to not agree with your thoughts on what you have explored, as they are just that... Your thoughts, you know what works for you, Everyone is different and unique that is why I'm always listening, learning, communicating and exploring.

    How you mention the guy that thinks he knows how to make any and all women squirt, climax etc is dangerous and generic, he will not progress if he thinks he knows all.

    It is like if a women has a small tight little vagina, and a guy is going to deep, you will feel her hand push you when you are at that deep point, rather than her pulling you in and banging away, but not all men read these ques and are unaware and / or maybe ignorant? that they are hitting the cervix so they are just banging in and out like a piston trying to go as deep as possible

    *And as i just learnt having a small tight little vagina may be the wrong choice to describe, as 20% of females have a retroverted uterus ( meaning the organ tips back toward the tail bone, instead of forward toward the bladder)

    If anyone has the holy grail book of directions to acheive this please let me know though lol jks...

    I imagine the directions would read like the sound of a gps navigation voice guidance on turning left, then following straight through till you reach the junction and veer to your right until you arrive at your destination and the fireworks go off

    ; )

    Happy New Year

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago

    I once had an amazing experience at a rebirthing workshop that I can only describe as an out of body god damn amazing. I then desperately tried to revisit that over and over with no luck. It’s called “silver boxing” where you place your special experience in a silver box and go back over and over trying to recreate it.

    It’s very difficult, you have to let it go and just be open to a new experience.

    I don’t claim any special squirt inducing techniques but have been involved in some pretty special omg moments and they are special because they just came from nowhere and blew everyone away, this is what makes them special. Routine and formula technique is boring as fuck.

  • hot2nwild


    5 years ago

    The major challenge when squirting for the first couple of times will be the mental side of it. You need to be fully relaxed, and comfortable with feeling like your going to piss. I would put some music on that is funky, relaxing and has good deep bass drops, i like Beyonce - Yonce, or Iggy Azalea ft Tyga - K.R.E.A.M...
    If you can, put on some porn that gets you in the mood, i turn the volume down, so the music is dominant. I enjoy hearing a few moans in the background here and there.
    If your using fingers for g-spot stimulation, cut and file your nails so you don't irritate the skin
    Laying on your back with your knees up and legs spread as wide as you can without being uncomfortablePutting a pillow under your lower back and pulling your knees up towards your chest can help create an angle/alignment enjoyable for your fingers to stimulate your g-spot.You want to start slowly, leave your g-spot for the moment. You want to be fully aroused before you even touch it.Start with lube/oil, and slowly sliding your fingers between your lips slightly entering your vagina as you move on to give your clit some extra presssure as you slide over it.
    Keep mixing it up, by sliding your fingers over your ass with your other hand before sliding through your pussy, or entering deeper in your vagina, or playing with your clit for longer etc
    Repetition leads to loss of sensation, so keep it changing constantly.When your ready, increase your clit stimulation, i alternate between up and down quick flicking strokes with my middle finger that lightly touches the inside of the clit, and side to side motions applying pressure with my finger almost flatening the clit.. change method every few seconds, and make sure to mix it up with everything else
    When your ready, start slowly working the g-spot massage into the rotation, increasing the duration gradually
    After a while you should be able to hear the buildup of liquid when massaging your g-spotYou can get yourself to squirt now by rubbing your clit while massaging your g-spot, its best to still mix it with other things until you can feel your about to erupt, then you can stick to just the clit and g-spot moves. If you like it should be erupting but is not releasing. A gentle little slap on your pussy can help relax the muscles that are holding your liquid in. Make sure to play with your clit while squirting and you will continue to gush.Hope this helps and isnt too confusing, i havnt put this into words before so it was a little hard to describe my methods. Good luck and be persistent, after you have put the effort in on the first few squirts, it starts getting really easy.

  • AnnieWhichway


    5 years ago

    Are starting to appear.....

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago

    I believe there is a manual, but the pages are stuck together

  • hot2nwild


    5 years ago

    Just attentive, caring and considerate. No need for validation, or any self promoting egotism garbage. Im devoid of all that crap.
    Though it has a nice ring to it lol

  • hot2nwild


    5 years ago

    I like it, made me chuckle.. The information available about squirting is pathetic, very mechanical and extremely basic. Though I dont know why I expected anything more, I have been mystified all my life at the lack of ability or awareness people have when attempting to pleasure another person. I enjoy working things out for myself anyway, you have a real understanding then, not just repeating info that youve been told. I tend to argue with parrots alot. If I can get one parrot thinking for itself every so often, it makes the frustration worth it.

  • Mask_007


    5 years ago

    I would suggest you to have a read in some anatomy books, just to give you a better understanding of your own body.

    I had the pleasure during my youth to be very familiar with our bodies and can guaranty you, if you are looking for answers and ways to improve, that is the best way to do it.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago

    I think the porn industry has given us a image that everything that happens is what everyone should do...bollocks!!!

    Just enjoy each other and the fun...keep the movies aside as they all are actors

  • lik2watch59


    5 years ago

    This is a great topic and one that I'm interested in. I have had success with making most women that I've been with squirt but some I just can't hit that sweet spot. That is disappointing as far as I'm concerned, If I'm unable to get a women over that edge I haven't pleasured them. I know most women will still cum but making them squirt means they REALLY enjoyed it. "peasandcarrots" You mentioned a DVD that you guys watched:Mrs p and I watched a DVD, the g spot and female ejaculation it was called. I've searched for this and the only one I can find is on a "Danish" site. Can you tell me where you guys got it from,
    Thanks, Warren (lik2watch59)

  • MsSuperFoxy


    5 years ago

    Did you read Kolos post. The pages are stuck together. 😂😂

    Ms Foxy

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago

    It's on under educational movies, on the last page. Have to say though, it's definitely not the be all and end all to tell if you've pleasures a woman. Yes it's nice when it happens. But Mrs p would take a multiple over squirting any day if the week

  • jedi_knight


    5 years ago

    I have heard the Lelo brand are great vibes ... and a sexy date at maxx black one evening was really interesting with one of the lady staff explaining that putting the vibe on the tip of your nose is the best way to test it as that’s the closest to how it will feel between the legs lol...

  • Mask_007


    5 years ago

    Super Foxy, you are the best... hahahahahahahahahahahaha.
    No haven't read that one. But I'm sure you couls show me😍😊😏
    But I can definitely say I have read some anatomy books, and did learn alot. Maybe we could share some tricks. And you tell how well they work. 😘

  • MsSuperFoxy


    5 years ago

    instead of your nose why not try it between your legs and on your penis. Ms Foxy

  • AnnieWhichway


    5 years ago

    The way some guys talk up their "squirt" prowess, I'm wondering why they havn't got their partner in the centre of the front lawn as a water feature

  • SpicyKale


    5 years ago

    Koko, just spat a mouthful of red wine over myself... that's gold! Made way more mess than I've ever made trying to get someone to squirt 😂

  • SpicyKale


    5 years ago

    Annie, you haven't seen the Christmas lights and flamingo around our birdbath😳

  • AnnieWhichway


    5 years ago

    Quoting 'SpicyKale'
    Annie, you haven't seen the Christmas lights and flamingo around our birdbath😳
    Is Koko at your place?

  • SpicyKale


    5 years ago

    Ha, not quite 😂

    I'd post pics, but the mods wouldn't let them through! It's more like a bidet 😂 Just don't tell the mrs😬

  • SpicyKale


    5 years ago

    ps. I'm sure the instructions said something about replacing Mrs Kales batteries, but I can't quite make it out for some reason😳

  • Exzibits_V


    5 years ago

    I don’t mean to brag. But 9/10 encounters will result in the girl squirting. Not just a wet sheet, but basically you’ll need a bucket. It’s not as easy as just making it happen. There’s 2-3 things I do simultaneously that make it happen. It’s also a matter of trust as most girls think they are going to pee so they hold back. You have to trust the process and believe it’ll be ok 😜 it also helps that I have pretty big hands and long fingers. 😏

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago

    Agree with the toy theme. Satisfyer pro does it for me ✌

  • emmy128


    5 years ago

    I’m taking in all the feedback but girls some of your comments are making me chuckle and grin ear to ear. Im just picturing a water sprinkler on front lawns!! As I said I squirted, he achieved it and I’m forever thankful for that sensation, I’m just being greedy and wanting more and more of it that’s all.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago

    Quoting 'nqgirl'
    Agree with the toy theme. Satisfyer pro does it for me ✌
    Dear god(esses) YES!!! 😜 I was about to recommend this Rabbit vibe myself!
    I’ve had success with the 9” King Cock girthy dildo in combination with a bullet vibe too, however once I got the hang of the Satisfyer Pro well I haven’t looked back 😏💦 I think the reason this particular bunny works so well, is that it isn’t as flexible as most other Rabbit vibrators on the market. The g-spot vibrations are powerful enough to use as clitoral stimulation alone, and the combination suction/flicking of the clitoral stimulator, along with how hard it is, is exquisite for either solo squirting or a responsive partner!

  • doublethefun69


    5 years ago

    Emmy it all has to do with how experienced your partner is !! It’s all in the fingering technique and if you like to come visit me , I’m glad to show you an amazing time and experience 😈😈

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago

    I had my first squirting experience several years ago and it too me by surprise. Now I can't stop it. Everyone is different as I can squirt through oral, penetration, cliterous stimulation well basically anyone. My issue is that I would like to have sex without squirting lol. Sometimes it can be a gusher and obtain some distance others a small waterfall. Either way it is an amazing experience especially if I keep being stimulated can swuirt 5 or6 times.

    The main thing is to be relaxed, enjoy the experience. You find what works for you. Some guys come in too heavy trying to get the job done.

  • MsSuperFoxy


    5 years ago

    Should patin "The finger banger flamingo waterproof sex toy. 😂

    Ms Foxy

  • SpicyKale


    5 years ago

    Emmy128, we're all a bunch of comedians at times😊

    At least no one's come along claiming it's just pee😬 That couple's on a forum ban at the moment anyway... I'd be interested to hear any feedback on a njoy pure wand? It's on the shopping list for both of us to try... just love it when we can share toys! Another thought from others feedback is positioning... ie. pillow or wedge under the hips to change angles. We've seen a guy going the full on finger banging route at a club, while it worked I think I would have bludgeoned him with a 12 inch dildo afterwards 😐

  • MsSuperFoxy


    5 years ago

    Don't bother with them. Waste of time, cause the Pages will be stuck together. Lol!

    Ms Foxy

  • MsSuperFoxy


    5 years ago

    Don't bother including one. There's Dr Google.

    Ms Foxy

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago

    Quoting 'emmy128'
    I’m taking in all the feedback but girls some of your comments are making me chuckle and grin ear to ear. Im just picturing a water sprinkler on front lawns!! As I said I squirted, he achieved it and I’m forever thankful for that sensation, I’m just being greedy and wanting more and more of it that’s all.
    I get what you mean about being greedy hehe when your first squirting experience is a good one, it can feel like an addiction! I had major surgery (scheduled) 2 days after my first time, had to wait 3 months until I could go again, but it took a cpl years until another partner actually made me squirt again. Unfortunately he ended up in Melbourne which didn’t help me haha but I still enjoy my solo times after or while watching some good porn.
    Funny thing is I don’t like “squirting” in porn lol probably because most it isn’t actual squirting, but peeing, fine if it’s accidental, but I digress 🤪

  • MsSuperFoxy


    5 years ago

    Do you think we could send some out down south to put the fires out? 😎

    Ms Foxy

  • mypleasure21


    5 years ago

    Important too being super relaxed and not to be over complicated. Go with the flow and enjoy the moment. Works a treat

  • Ready2Play73


    5 years ago

    Well if you want to experience again it must have been alright 😜

    Enlist another person to help you ✋

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago

    Hydration is key. Letting yourself go. G spot and clitoral stimulation.
    I squirt hard most of the time but if i don't hydrate it just won't happen at all.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago

    Should go help the fire fighters once you can do it regularly

  • Funintherain


    5 years ago

    Without having the head in that moment nothing will happen.. And the build up!! 😈

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago

    Bugger just burnt my chops while giggling at all the posts.


  • madotara69


    5 years ago

    You can do it yourself.

    Fold a piece of bread in half, bite the centre out, then hang the piece of bread on your left ear.

    Wait for a while

    Wait a little longer

    Brace yourself

    Go look in the mirror and ask yourself

    “How good is this”

    Then wait and keep eye contact with yourself...admire your confidence.

    It’ll happen naturally.


    Mado Tara xx

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago

    I hope the bread is made by a Masterbaker. Hang it off your dick and eventually you can raise a toast to the squirting enigma

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago

    Go and get yourself a palm power or invention ever!!! It's super powerful and faster than humanly possible. When I started it was all clitoral stimulation for me. It can now occur from penetration also but nowhere as often as clitoral. Another good trick ( and best part is it's free) is to put your showerhead on jet instead of stream/spray, pull back your hood to expose your clit and try to keep it there as long as possible. If you have good water pressure your legs will barely be able to hold you up for long so you may want to sit down or invest in a non-slip mat lol. Let me know how you go........good luck!!!

  • MsSuperFoxy


    5 years ago

    That's absolute Gold! 😂😂

    I'll toast to that.*raises champagne flute* .

    Ms Foxy

  • CrouchingTiger


    5 years ago

    Passion or it's just relief.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago

    Im a squirter I have learnt to make myself squirt with a toy or my fingers I also don't need any penetration just having my clit stimulated gets me squirting practice makes it easier

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago

    Hello lady's
    I'm am looking for someone is into open minded, relationship.
    Someone who is into bi girls, swinger, dogging, orgy's, group fun with.
    I'm living in Adelaide northern suburbs

  • wildcrazyloving


    5 years ago

    I recently had my first squirting experience also. It was funny, as i had been researching the technique in order to practice on other females. Though on this occassion it was unintended.. I was laying on my back with my hips pushing up into bridge position and he used his fingers without following any formula.

  • LucanBentley


    5 years ago

    I concur with Bundy lady.I have had three lovers who were all able to squirt, one prolifically -unsally 5-10 times in a session and soaked the bed. That was achieved by finger stimulation.
    The other two lovers squirted quite unexpectedly thru penetration only - and some common aspects were that there was a lot of sexual banter/talking dirty so heaps of mental stimulation and also a close emotional connection. With these two ladies squirting was unpredictable - it happened when it happened and the trick was to enjoy it when it occurred and also to avoid a mechanical approach to sex.
    With each of these ladies the squirting was accompanied by what appeared to be a full body orgasm...made me so jealous.
    I find squirting very pleasurable.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago

    Wild and crazy I love your pictures I get to Newcastle every now and then would you be interested in meeting

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago

    I am a lucky man as a lady i was with for a long time was multiple orgasmic & a squirter
    Sometimes it was just a dribble but others when she is on top with her legs half closed & grinding while thrusting up & down she has hit my toes

    Three fingers inside facing up to the G spot doing the come here motion with the other thumb rubbing the clitty in rythem always works

    In my experience Just relax & enjoy
    The more relaxed & the more exited you are or teased the better
    Good luck

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago


    You ordered a washing machine from KFC didn’t you buddy ??

    Mr Dragon

  • Mask_007


    5 years ago

    I would give the world tobe there. You are so sexy, and squirting... ohhhhh my goodness... crazy crazy crazy...

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago

    One of my favorite things of squirting... she always laughs and giggles after 🤩🤩

    And it is the same for squirting porn, regardless of how over acted the porn might be, once the women squirt they are always smiling and giggling. It can’t be faked. Pure ridiculous pleasure. 🤩🤩🤩

    Good luck with your research.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago

    Well what i have learned from experience's is; that once a woman has had some, many they become much easier to achieve. Not much stimulation required basically on call. So how did this lady achieve this; girth hits all (3) of them spots. Just my experience but every human is different.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago

    It’s the start, middle AND end goal! 😂

    Ms Phoenix.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago

    Ahh, fuck these forums, I’ve been gone too long. That comment was meant to go at the bottom of the first page 😂🤦🏼‍♀️

    Ms Phoenix.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago

    Get the satisfier pro with clitoral stimulator. Thing is next level. Makes me squirt every time!

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago

    You hit the nail on the head with the pushing of the pubic bone! That's works for me almost every time, along with a plain boring old suction cupped dildo hubby bought me years ago. Nothing fancy or expensive, and pushing the dildo out just at the right time gives quite the height for a squirt

  • AnnieWhichway


    5 years ago

    My sheets, mattress protector and mattress are far more important to me.

    And fuck getting stuck with the wet patch.....

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago

    Ms Phoenix...

    Your posts aren’t like post it notes ya know...ya can’t be just sticking them wherever you please... 😂😂😘

    Mr Dragon

  • Duke_n_Daisy69


    5 years ago

    I always squirt in the swing. Duke loves it and can make me squirt over and over's not an orgasm but it is incredible...I have to make him stop it gets so intense!
    Perfect too because it's an easy mop up on our timber floor lol

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago

    Try me And be sure you won't be disappointed!

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago

    Buy yourself this.. read the amazon reviews
    It took a few tries. But go until you can literally take no more. Then keep going 💦💦
    Personally, i don't mind the old 2 finger bang with a hand on my pubic bone. But maybe it's just me 🤷‍♀️

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago

    Dragon, eat a big one, I do what I like 💁🏼‍♀️

    Ms Phoenix.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago

    Ms Phoenix...


    Mr dragon

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago

    Would love to help but she’s in nsw fighting fires. 💦



    5 years ago

    We are so over all the feminist comments "it's all about her" We have a great sex life, some times it's mostly about her. some times mostly about him and mostly it's all about US and always we are both having fun if we are both having fun. And for all the people who claim "it's not pee" lets have a little competition, I will start. tear duct, saliva gland, bladder, sweat gland, now it's your turn, name this magic vessel, that holds around 500ml of liquid. You will be famous, doctors can find cells and DNA but they can not find it. We have no trouble with her peeing when stimulated in a certain way, and until some one shows us it's anything else and where it is and the medical term, we are mature enough to except that's what it is :)

  • scandu4fun


    5 years ago

    Find what works for you, Mrs squirts or gushes when she comes, but it depends on the time in the cycle as to how much and how powerful, don't get hung up on the g spot alone, you lovely ladies have half the alphabet there, and for some it's a combination or a different spot that will be the best. Find out the full size and shape of your clit and not just the tip on the outside, but most of all have fun and don't do anything you don't want to.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago

    I can bring you to a pussy thobing gushing gazm with my thumb pointer finger and toung every time I promise

  • madotara69


    5 years ago

    The reproductive vessel.😉

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago


    How do you explain that squirting for some women occur for them even on an empty bladder??

    And assuming what you say is correct, this amount of 500ml would be a full bladder....

    Personally I don’t know what it is...I care not what it is, but I don’t accept for a second that it’s makeup is in alignment with your claim.

    Mr dragon.

  • wildcrazyloving


    5 years ago

    Familarise yourself with the Skene gland.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago

    This is what worked for me when I set out to see if I could squirt. I decided one day I wasn’t going to get off the bed until I’d achieved my goal. I’d been researching this on men’s sex information websites and watching YouTube😂. I was in my 40’s and at the time in a long almost sexless vanilla marriage but reaching my sexual peak so my frustration was high and I was hell bent on exploring my sexuality in the confines of my life. I’d built up a decent stash of sex toys so when the kids were in school and I was home alone I would go to town on myself. I chose a curved dildo designed to hit the g-spot and a clit stimulator.
    This particular morning I spent a good amount of time enjoying my body and doing foreplay . Playing with my breasts and nipples , teasing my clit and fingering myself then doing a bit of edging. I was pretty turned on and wanting to come. While I was using the clit stimulator , with my other hand I starting exploring my g spot with my fingers and and then I gently started using the curved g spot dildo , moving it in and out more vigorously as I went on but focussing on the front wall of the vagina just above the entrance . I was now using my fingers on my clit and I kept stimulating that while I fucked myself and I could feel myself getting close to the edge of an orgasm . I figured that in order to squirt I’d need to remove the dildo to clear the way for the fluid and I was right. As I was about to come, the sensation was a bit different to usual but I reminded myself to relax and let go . I kept rubbing my clit and vigorously working that dildo and just eas I came I pulled out the dildo and the fluid went right across the room and all over the bed. I was pretty impressed at my first attempt. It seems that once the floodgates have been opened it’s easier to keep it going , and these days I’m always squirting and ended up having to buy a waterproof mattress topper. Good luck and enjoy your journey and relax !

  • welfedunlovd


    5 years ago

    What's all the fuss I squirt ten times a day tea and beer is a help tho

  • sexuallover


    5 years ago

    Take your time don’t rush it
    If it happens again tell him to keep doing it until you know what makes you do it and how you feel when it happens practice makes for perfection
    When it happens tell him to fuck you more and then finger you again
    It happens in the most intense moments and you don’t even realise it
    I’ve known ladies to never do it
    But after getting to know them and teach them and learn with them they love it and it doesn’t take them long
    Be patient it will come

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago

    Emmy128 I feel ya girl had my first ‘gush’ recently
    Couldn’t tell you how to recreate it although it was like pushing through pain, he was a decent size and could hit my cervix, to get to the pleasure which came in a wave three times I didn’t know until I climbed off the sheets underneath us were soaked hehe
    Don’t rush to do it again happens at the right time trying to achieve it can ruin the moment

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago

    Rubbish it wad so power full words cant describe ,right or is that multiples lets get together and find out

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago

    You should save up the fluid for days ,more intense

  • emmy128


    5 years ago

    All these comments and feedback is overwhelming thank you everyone. I have a few things to invest in, @G1rlInter4upted I have to agree with you the guy was larger than I’m use to, beautiful cock length, girth - definitely not use to it hit inside me painful to begin with. but changing it up with his fingers and mouth and me ontop was super hot. I didn’t even realise until I had that sensation to wee, then my body reacted- HOT. I can’t wait for that sensation again fingers crossed it’s as often as possible but I will definitely relax, take my time and get a water proof mattress protector - thank you all x

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago

    Blokes Good Fucking :)) Form :))Consistencie attention to the MOFO detail of the Pussy it's about the way you feel your touch hitting the same spot eveytime and hour's of Beautiful inhibited oily taboo sex the girls like it Gushing is very sexy xx

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