The Chatroom
November 17 2024
RHP User
4 months ago
Sounds like it’s evolved to the online equivalent to the Stanford experiment.
4 months ago
I would think anyone who gets a life ban is deserving of it. I'm pretty sure they aren't just handed out willy nilly.
The last thread about chats and bans didn't go down too well (it got deleted fairly quickly) and in retrospect it was kinda unnecessary. If you've moved on and become a better more positive person, then good for you. Just keep on doing that and regain the trust of the others again. There's really no need to come in here and make an announcement about it. It's kinda like when people announce they're leaving a FB group because they've been targeted by admins blah blah blah. It isn't an airport departure lounge.
Not a go at you either Koko. Never had any issues with you in chat or the forums, you're always pleasant and non confrontational from my observations.MsSuperFoxy
4 months ago
Hi Koko,
Remember years ago, the chat room used be funny as, people met, met ups were arranged, friendships formed and some got married!
I'm still friends with quite a few!
I've jumped in quite a few times this year. All I've read is people being disgusting towards each other, cheap smut talk and rude males (Yes, I'm meaning those in couple profiles without partner being there and dominating every conversation). There was no chat room etiquette!
A huge shift, all right!
I couldn't stand it and havent been in since.
As for that recent chat room forum, I did wonder what had happened to it?
Ms FoxyRHP User
4 months ago
@kokoflamingo I so agree with you on this subject . The chat room in the last 6 months I’ve noticed has become so ego based . Simply if someone has done something that annoys etc just block them . We seem to be reporting over small things . If we don’t sort this out eventually moderators and time limits will be put on chat rooms to so the drama will be reduced . Like your forum post Koko
3 months ago
Koko you’re 100% right.
There are a few people who are heavy on the report button, seemingly for petty reasons.
However, some should have been banned years ago.
There needs to be a better system to avoid people returning under new profiles and new genders, trying to hide who they are.
There has been a shift in the dynamic where the level of thirst is off the charts. What used to be ignored is now encouraged. And that, to me, encourages others to try and ‘keep up’. This has ended up spilling into real life for a number of people unfortunately, and of course that flows back into chat in the form of drama and taking sides.
Rewind two years I reckon.MsSuperFoxy
3 months ago
Also when one enters the chat room, there a consent to agree too, for code of conduct for behavour- same as messaging.
My questions are:
1 Why isn’t RHP monitoring this more closely?
2. I agree with block button. If people want change/solution, why arent those they see breaking the rules, comversations not being screenshot and reported?
3. As for vulgar sexual chats between people, why aren't they going to a private room or whisper? Why make it public for all to see?
Not everyone in chat wants to read; "I love my arss pumped bareback, then sucking off his cock".
Unless of course they are sex workers fishing for business? Which is not accepted by RHP policy.
Ms FoxyPangolin28
3 months ago
Every now and then I drop by the chat room and perhaps some just get a little frustrated as it can be hard getting involved in the chat as it seems to be a fairly regular group participating. Maybe some just lose it unnecessarily from not being involved. Been on and off here for many years and a good half a dozen years ago the forums were where much socialising went on and not the chat rooms in general. I was a bit disappointed coming back and seeing the forums are not as alive as it was
3 months ago
if someone gets a life ban they must be deserving of it and there must be some evidence of wrong doing… one should not be worried about it if they are doing the right thing..
3 months ago
I used to go in the chat room ask the time. I even cammed a few times!! But these days… nope. I barely even come on RHP. I wish there was an alternative that was more “me”.
RHP User
3 months ago
Ultimately this is a sex site isn't it? So to go on a sex site chat and expect not to read about sex or fetishes or anatomy or not expect swear words is a bit of a Hypocracy isn't it?
I actually have been on this site before and probably going to leave it forever.
Even the events don't want to include Single males anymore. And I am not going to come share my partner when I get one with the people that have excluded me.
You go into chat and if you speak as a single male you feel like you just committed a crime.
I got told off for looking what ladies were in the chat and checking there profiles. I thought that is why profiles were up.
So with the fact no lady answers or messages, no point subscribing again.You all want me only if I have a Partner. And no point chatting cause even going in there makes you instantly creepy as a single male. Don't dare whisper to one as usually it is social self execution.RHP User
3 months ago
Also cams have never worked for me. Paid. Not paid. On Android or on computer.
3 months ago
Just my take- I have been lurking through the forums for about 10 years now. It's pretty much the only thing I check on here. I have seen quite a few idiots shut down from the get-go which is usually valid.
All of you regulars have what's kept me coming back. Real people, honest, informed and polite discussions and opinions. Please don't let the dickheads put you off. This site needs yas.
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