M52 F50
Swingers and accomodation in Miami Florida
September 16 2024
6 months ago
Bourbon Street is amazing and make sure you have a meal on the paddleboat on the Mississippi.
Bubba Gump Co is also kinda cool.FeistyFatty
6 months ago
We did a big US trip over the Xmas holidays, loved it. Stayed in Marco Island Florida (40min from Miami) in an adult's only resort run by Marriott.... Was fantastic.
In NOLA, definitely stay on Bourbon St and get an accommodation with a balcony to the street as it never stops pumping. We stayed at The Sheraton on Bourbon.
As for swinging opportunities, we were honestly too pissed and high (legal there) all the time we didn't notice...... Way too much to do to bother with the scene in my opinion.
Enjoy the trip 🩷2ofus4more
6 months ago
If you are driving from Miami to New Orleans head into Secrets at Kissimmee. An amazing resort.
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