Swinger groups nearby

June 21 2018

Hi. I live in the South West, in the Bunbury region. Are there any swingers clubs or groups that down in this area? And if so, how do we go about getting some more information about them and become an invited guest?
Thank you in advance 😚

- Posted from rhpmobile


  • Rlee552


    7 years ago

    There are some great people in your region, but not sure of what groups are around.

    Perhaps put a date on datefinder.

    Best of luck with it.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    7 years ago

    I would be down for that too

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    7 years ago

    Swanbourne anyone?

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    7 years ago

    Mmmmmm. Yes, it would be great to be part of a group

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • totally_normal


    7 years ago

    Which one you enjoy most will depend what you are looking for. We havent come across any groups but I definately think there is potential in forming one ....

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    We run a great swingers group in Serpentine but might be to far away from you

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    Who runs the group in Serpentine?