Swing event in Toowoomba
August 07 2021
Hi All, I'm pretty new to the scene but am very excited at the promises of the coming month. I will be relocating to Towoombaa on Aug 21 and I was thinking what better way to be welcomed my self to the locals finist by putting on a bit of an event. I'm thinking 5 x female and 4 x guys in the name of balance. Once I have the apartment locked in I will let you all know. In the meantime, I look forward to meeting you lovely folks. Im guess i will go with a first come first serve situation. Stay classy
.😉 Darren
.😉 Darren
3 years ago
That's what the Events Section is for👍
RHP User
3 years ago
Hahha..good luck with that.
3 years ago
Hi Darren
The best way to draw attention to your idea is to list it in the Events Section in RHP. This way, people can express their interest and you can contact people from those interests that you wish to invite. Good luck with your first party, hope it goes well and you have lots of fun
X Bonnie 😘
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