Suggestions for people to meet each other at a meet and greet

September 24 2024

Just reaching out to the brains trust here, we run meet & greets for couples in Newcastle and are looking for fun ways for every couple to meet every other couple, briefly at the beginning of our events.
Curious as to what people here might suggest or have experienced at meets.


  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 months ago

    As a couple have been to some where the hosts welcomed everyone briefly which broke the ice. Some already knew each other which helped. It helps being in a private area where people can introduce themselves knowing everyone is part of the group. Another couple of organisers had a list of attendees and ticked them off as they arrived which also made you feel comfortable knowing it was managed. Also went to a couple of meets where there were ice-breaker games. And one in a Sydney where there was entertainment - a pole dancer and a woman who did fire dances.

  • NeoAndTrin


    6 months ago

    You could adopt a speed date type thing where you make all couples mingle with another couple for 1 to 2 mins then blow a whistle and then 1 couple moves to the next couple clockwise or something

  • SydFembino


    6 months ago

    I'm not a couple but ive spoken to a few who go to these kinds of things. One thing they mentioned is if the event is for couples, or people who are partnered. If its for couples then maybe that means they would stay together and plan group things, if its just for people who are in relationships and want more excitement maybe consider a speed dating kind of thing like others suggested?

  • ReyandJean


    6 months ago

    Give out tickets on entry. Each person/couple then has to find the matching ticket held by another couple. Tickets can be riddle question with matching answer; words that rhyme; famous couples, etc. Prizes help.