“Steam Cards for my Son ...”
March 19 2019
- Posted from rhpmobile
6 years ago
That's so not uncommon and I've heard many stories like this..... even The trusty, "I got a flat tyre/battery on the way to meet you can't afford the tow can you PayPal me $400" . The hilarious thing is how MANY people fall for it!!! Hilariously scary.
6 years ago
Send me $19.95 and I will tell you all about them. 😛
Ms FoxyMsSuperFoxy
6 years ago
I'll will tell you who the Prince of Nigeria is. 🙊
Ms Foxysweetnsensual72
6 years ago
Hope you report this to admin
RHP User
6 years ago
hahaha..and no iTunes cards? :D
RHP User
6 years ago
I think she, if it is indeed a she, has deleted her own account, appreciate you comments.
I wouldn’t know how to report it to admin.
We move on, life has grander things in store, ahead, for this fella.
Posted as an alert to others I guess.RHP User
6 years ago
People fall for less....
Take RHP for example....the men fall for the marketing everyday which is reflected in the threads about being here for x amount of time with no one messaging them or fucking them...
6 years ago
Standard run of the mill scam.
Quite common in Asia where they promote fake prostitutes where they will only take payment in Itune cards or similar, before they meet they will need you to provide the code and then they magically disappear never to be heard from again.RHP User
6 years ago
I have a friend who once worked for one of the banks, part of her position description was to keep an eye out for people coming in to empty out their bank accounts. She had to take them aside and ask politely - it is the clients money after all - what it was for. This was only to guard against people being taken in by scams. She would regularly get elderly people who had fallen for the Nigerian Prince scam, and other similar infamous ones. Her job was to alert them to the strong possibility of it being a scam, and would show them the Scamwatch website to help them understand they were being had. About half would realize the scam and leave their money in their accounts. The other half though would insist it was legitimate, and the bank have no choice but to give people their money.
Scammers prey on people's dreams. To a pensioner the idea of trading a few thousand dollars for a few million, thus ensuring their retirement and old age would be a hell of a lot more comfy, is simply too much to resist.
I'm not sure I would extend my empathy/sympathy/whatever to someone just looking to score a root with a married woman while her child plays video games in the next room though.RHP User
6 years ago
Thanks, wasn’t looking for empathy, sympathy, just describing, what I thought was a bizarre scam - that people spend their time
dedicated to this on a daily basis. CheersRHP User
4 years ago
Thank you. I’ve just had one of these this evening.
She wiped her profile from RHP and the conversation
After I came back from Kik to validate.
I appreciate the thread or I would have also been caught out 🤦♂️😜RHP User
4 years ago
Damn …. And there I was naively thinking I was about to get laid …… 😂
Great thread ….. saved me some cash …..yuriharry01
2 years ago
Thanks for this. Almost fall for this, I was about to go to a place 30mins drive from my place until this lady i'm talking to asked me about get her son steam card. Two of them actually.hahaha. Good thing someone posted about this on the forum.
2 years ago
Profile is gone, but number used on whatsapp is still active. So just in case this scammer makes another account and still use the same mobile number. Here's the number that's been used on whatsapp, 0480023307.
RHP User
2 years ago
There was a lady at Coffs Tried it.Steam Cards.
Was suspiciouse
I lived local so went to the address she gave & guess what, a nice old couple lived there.
Blocked immediately.Readysingle
2 years ago
Hi been on rhp go or about three weeks and yes had a woman try to scam me last week regarding buying a steam card for her son . Seriously get a real life and living
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