Squirting from anal

March 24 2018

I had a very bizarre experience last night and I squirted from anal penetration, fingers only. What do people know about this, when I google it I only get porn. I’m seeking educational information. I would never, ever have thought it possible.


  • RHP User

    RHP User

    7 years ago

    One of my ex's was the same.

    For her it was always extremely

  • DynamicCouple36


    7 years ago

    You squirted out of your anus ? Or you skirted out of your urethra whilst having your anus fingered ?

    Anything is possible on here, it is after all RHP :)

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • DynamicCouple36


    7 years ago

    You squirted out of your anus ? Or you skirted out of your urethra whilst having your anus fingered ?

    Anything is possible on here, it is after all RHP :)

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • HappyChillnFun


    7 years ago

    Just a few weeks ago, we were having some fun in bed, when M changed from on her back to getting on her hands and knees. Well I missed and got her in the booty and she squirted (not from her booty) at pressure hitting my balls.
    We had a good laugh after that

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    7 years ago

    Geometry ...

    You can still stimulate the right area from anal penetration given that the two are so close together....

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • mango69er


    7 years ago

    Thats rite. Its all about hitting the rite spot. Any man can make any woman squirt within minutes if not seconds. If you know where the rite spot is. Seen it done with someone who has ever squirted in her life. Dont know what the fuss is all about with some guys. Its so over rated

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • Katkat


    7 years ago

    He was fingering you in your ass & vagina while he’s sucking your clit?

    Depends who knows everybody is different.

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • Katkat


    7 years ago

    Then he’s a good eater or knows the spots when to make u squirt.

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    7 years ago

    ...diarrhoea. Next question?


    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    7 years ago

    I’ve never seen it but there are some people who are adamant that they can squirt from their arse. Don’t know, I think it may be some left over water from the enema? It’s a possibility.


  • gazpacho


    7 years ago

    It’s best not to ask too many questions about this kind of thing. Really, there’s no point trying to be intellectual over something so sensual. So, someone had their fingers in your bottom and you liked it enough to relax and let go of your inhibitions. Why do you need to know more than that?

    The jury is still out on the whole squirting thing. Where the heck did that come from? Who cares, really. Put a towel down if it bothers you!



  • RHP User

    RHP User

    7 years ago

    He was fingering my ass and I squirted from my vag. I’m a scientist so I’m curious. Settle down you judgy people or don’t waste your time and mine bothering to comment.

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • CompersionCouple


    7 years ago

    Anal for me is so intense, it's so next level that I regularly squirt (from my pussy). Nothing else gets me to that level of intense pleasure. Nothing.

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    7 years ago

    Nothing wrong with being curious at all. Personally I find the human body fascinating and love to understand more about how it works. If you can't ask about that sort of thing on here then hell, there's something a bit wrong. People who aren't interested can take their own advice, not judge what other people are interested in, and move along.
    As a couple of others have mentioned, the spot that is associated with squirting could definitely be stimulated anally if the penetration is at the right angle.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    7 years ago

    The jury should perhaps examine the evidence gathered around the Skeen's glad coupled with the more obvious attributes of the female anatomy. There's already a lot written about the nerve bundles located near the "mythical" G-spot and in the palate of the the whole delightful female mechanism. The perineum can play in too.

    It can and does happen ...just not too often anywhere near what's seen in the hokey porn flicks.

    Class dismissed. Party on, Garth!


    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    7 years ago

    I have had 2 partners squirt vaginally from anal penetration and it was as much as a surprise for all. Quite amazing and the euphoria afterwards was magical.

    Both were laying on their back so in my experience it would be the angle.

    Anything that happens unexpectedly sexually should always be celebrated, being with the right partner allows us the freedom to relax and be comfortable!

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    7 years ago

    I’m not 100% sure, felt like regular squirt just from anal stimulation with fingers...

  • Katkat


    7 years ago

    That’s normal coz of the sensation you’re feeling just enjoy it & ask him back for more 😉

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    7 years ago

    The Skene's gland is located very near the urethra and could be mistaken when you do have the complete female ejaculatory climax.

    Have a look here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skene%27s_gland

    Happy daze! ⚡️

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • gazpacho


    7 years ago

    Yeah yeah, we can all read. The woman is a scientist, so let her collect a sample. I’m a deviant, so I reckon It’s all bladder, buddy and I like that kind of thing.



  • RHP User

    RHP User

    7 years ago

    The Docter is outta the house..and so am I.

    Gaz you are a very very filthy boy!

    LOL ⚡️

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • DynamicCouple36


    7 years ago

    Yes, several recent clinical studies seem to have concluded that the liquid, being expelled (squirted? ) from the female urethra, is composed mainly (over 90 something %) of urine.

    What biological purpose would female squirting have in any effect ( previous posts by women indicate that they often don’t climax when squirting ).
    Perhaps the porn industry has been responsible for making “squirting” so popular?

    Has anyone in here sent a sample of the squirted fluid away for testing? If not then they are not in a position to say what it is.

    We tend to rather align our opinion with the results of clinical studies and physical tests /analysis of the fluid and in this regard have discussed the issue with 3 of our gynaecologists (and 2 urologists ) who we feel are better equipped/ educated to answer exactly what it is.

    There is sure to be a backlash to our post. It’s certainly an emotive issue.

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • gazpacho


    7 years ago

    Well, I conducted my own experiments (and almost drowned in the process), finding that whatever it is, it’s mighty funny. There’s simply no way those little glands could produce so many mouthfuls of the stuff. I mean, the prostate gland is a mighty big walnut size so it’s got the capacity to chuck a tablespoon or two of the stuff... but not a couple of cups full! So, it is simply logical. Anyhow, I always make sure my friends are well hydrated... so whatever it is, it’s basically tasteless, with a hint of pussy.

    Don’t let me spoil your dreams ladies, I’m saying relax and cut loose ‘cause we don’t need to know what it is, and we gonna love it regardless. Give me more of that!



  • DynamicCouple36


    7 years ago

    As long as they are well hydrated it has very little taste or smell of urine :)

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    7 years ago

    Are you curious about squirting? Or it because you were only been stimulated anally at the time?

    For every day squirting. Yeah, it’s a bit of a party trick at the swingers club, sometimes it used to feel like you were walking in the rain. It seemed like everytime I went to a club I got splashed just by being in the vicinity.

    Everyone was going cum angels on the mattresses. Haha

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    7 years ago

    Totally agree with what you said!

    A few months ago, when squirting was being discussed in another thread, I brought up the results of some lab tests that had been done on specimen collected during squirting and yup... most of it was urine!

    That of course, unleashed hell from the proud squirters like you wouldn't believe.

    Strangely enough, before it became mainstream in porn, no one ever talked about squirting years ago.

    Gaz and MC are right - the gland does not have the capacity to produce the copious amounts of squirt that's emitted. The amount is usually much less.

    The medical community thinks it's urinary incontinence. Squirters, of course, will fight tooth and nail to defend their legendary status. The jury's still out! But it's helping the economy with sales of mattress covers and waterproof sheeting, etc.

  • madotara69


    7 years ago

    what if we ditch the glands are too small where could it come from.
    The reproductive system has a whole bunch of things ready to go throughout the life time of a woman fertile, squirting is a reaction by stimulating, or simulating fairly aggressive and more than just the spray of fluid.
    A baby breached, the womb surrounded by an antiseptic fluid, quite cool as it not only protects the child, it acts to insulate and part with regulating the ambient temperature.
    That is ready to go when women are not pregnant.
    The baby breached drops head into the vagina, shoulders before the cervix, baby's head hitting against the G spot, A spot, the Skene's gland and all react in their sequence as many other reactions are activated.
    The clitoris is not just a little button to be flicked and women roll their eyes back having the ultimate orgasm, it is an organ that surrounds the vagina and attatches in certain places with a gruop of nerve endings, joy may very well be the feelings, dopamine another, so the G spot A spot, opening of the cervix, reacting
    That is all ready to go when women are not pregnant.
    The baby drops into the vagina, head stimulates the nerve endings sending signals to the brain and so forth, the baby then receives short flushes of a cooling and antiseptic fluid from the uretha in part with the stimulation sending signals the skene's gland swells, the fluid seperate from the bladder, yet the bladder plays it's part as many other functions come into them selves during pregnancy, they don't just happen then not, they happen when the signals trigger the reactions that occur during birth.
    So baby is flushed eyes, ears, mouth, nose at the entrance with the pc muscle closed and all between the germs and her baby, because it's all her and her baby giving berth, the G spot stimulated by her babies head sends of signals, as well the A spot, Skene's gland, and most women naturaly squirt internally anyhow, though can be forced external squirting by technique by someone who has learned it.
    Women say the actual feelings while squirting are not so fab, sure the whole guy doing something that feels good or just rough dominant confidence and the woman is horny as fuck with a guy who cares to spend the time to get the rewards of satisfaction and encouraged to be the best he can, that's all part with fucking.
    But the woman squirts, she squirts again and again and after a few more the time in-between squirting reactions, closes, she is preparing for birth, then something that ties it all up as the most beautiful gift mother nature intends,
    The reactions stimulated by the triggers of the nerve endings in their places, have fluids released, reactions close in, dopamine's are produced and released into the system over a period of time too saturation, extreme pain is present, the woman can't do this by her self just at the thought, her body helps and makes the decision when everything it has going on is appropriate as configured, so the closing of the time between reactions squirting babies face, the cervix expanding for the shoulders, the mother begins to shut down some functions she uses in day to day living, such as emotions, to the outside world, motor skills that control how her body moves in all manners of ways, just keeping still the motor skills are performing tasks throughout our entire body, these functions use the energy that must be foresaken as to the energy required for the mother in birth having all these reactions happening, a trigger for her to disconnect and connect with her child and comfort it's mind through the trauma of the reaction, all those squirts closed in and the body sent signals to the muscles all and in a radical missed matched sequence, the muscle spasms uncontrollable cause the body to send the child through the birth canal and while mother is comforting her child she has prepared it for germs, it can open it's eyes, she will feed it with colostrum from the mamry glands, as with the functions of all glands in the occasional happening with having a baby.
    So I'd be thinking, you had a reaction from stimulating the glands where the wall of skin between the anus and vagina is thin and quite malleable
    As a lady of science, surely there must be some as given for chemical even mechanical reactions happen in the human body amongst all other living creatures, except for the differences, if I were to sit and tell my dog this idea, it would lye there and be in heaven soaking up all the attention, not for a care in the world for what I tell, maybe the tone of my voice, calming and peaceful, in awe at something I find so naturally wonderful mother nature intends, as she told me when I asked her in dreamtime once upon a time in RHP and the forums on topic and the arguments naive, defensive and bullshit.
    I believe her and all that she showed me in it's complexities also so simple when it all ties in together. But hey I'm just a guy what should I know or even care, well Tara has three children that I am a their father and I loved Tara through all her pregnancies, she glowed so beautiful during those times all things tied in together.
    Oh that thing she does when conecting to her child in mind. It's one of the types, for reference, (Altered State of Mind) science has it, euphoria another type some relate.
    The Ultimate full bodied uncontrollable orgasm,
    Some suggest comes of the squirting reactions as they progress and a woman lay flopping about like a fish out of water, in her own world until she comes too and back, opens her eyes, glazed and glowing and very happy and clumsy bouncing of walls and doorways for a while after, giggling too.
    Mado Tara xx

  • madotara69


    7 years ago

    My dream, it also dismisses the idea of, The clitoris is not essential, women don't need the clitoris to become pregnant.
    They do when getting pregnant was hardly to do with the G spot, and A spot for example. So why are the spots we stimulate for squirting, in places obscure to penis penetrating the vagina, and with knowledge of the clitoris more than the old books referenced,

    to now and 3D printers build the model of the clitoris much much more indeed and perhaps needed for pregnancy, just to which end or when in term of the pregnancy ?

  • DynamicCouple36


    7 years ago


    Do you have your anti splash, waterproof popcorn bowl ready? A storm might be on the way :)

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    7 years ago

    Only woman I have had the pleasure of meeting on RHP loved anal and she squirted while riding me on top anally. It was my first and only squirting experience.

  • curiousnhorny05


    7 years ago

    here's my take on the subject, occassionally this is something I experience. It doesn't smell the same or taste the same as other fluids. I am not sure what the actual deal is :)
    and yes have had this experience when being given a good fucking in the ass.

  • EarthQueen


    7 years ago

    It’s OK , I think you are safe now.
    The passionate squirter has left the building 😉

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    7 years ago

    EarthQueen, I was laughing so hard at your comment! I'm sending conspiracy wink winks at ya! 😉😉🤣

    DC, even better... I've erected a waterproof tent, Dexter style. 🤣

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    7 years ago

    ... till the cows come home, but until there is solid clinical evidence that the components of squirt doesn't exactly resemble that of urine, I find it hard to believe in personal testimonies, and legendary accounts.

    I do enjoy the stories though, so don't let any wet blankets or doonas or mattresses spoil your fun. 🤣

    Sorry Mado, your post was too long so I didn't go beyond the first two paragraphs. I already have a backlog of mandatory course resources to read so short and sweet, and factual make my day. 😉 Enjoy what you believe... no one's stopping you. Don't let my disbelief dampen your fun, pardon the pun. 😜

  • DynamicCouple36


    7 years ago

    Lol hahaha

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    7 years ago

    My ex was the same always squirted with anal and vag stimulation

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    7 years ago

    I dunno a lot about squirting except it's a real, pleasurable thing. There's a lot of debate about it because it's not completely understood.
    Isn't the body a wonderful thing?
    That we still know so little about what makes it tick.
    I'm inclined to follow Gaz's point of view.
    Would be inclined to say that holding forth is better than holding back.
    Love your photos Murphy Peachy, welcome and hope to see more of you

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    3 years ago

    It’s 100% true . I absolutely love anal , I really love vibrating butt plugs . Once I’m worked up I start squirting from my arse and the orgasms are very deep and strong.

  • I4mefx48


    3 years ago

    I am a big squirter I squirt from anal and i find it more intense from anal play then pussy play but I love both and will squirt from both But I squirt the hardest from good Oral sucking and licking xx 😜💦

  • pirate66


    3 years ago

    The possible reason is that since the wall between the anus and the vigina is fairly thin , then your partner , either deliberately or by accident was massaging or putting presure on your G spot with their fingers from inside your anus , and as everbody knows , the G spot is the rear / underside area of the embedded part of the clitoris.