RHP User

RHP User

M51 F48


September 17 2017

Hey!I was wondering if many people (well, the girls) are able to "squirt"?We tried this as we were unsure if it was a myth or not (thanks Google for clearing this up) and believe we had some success, but would more describe it as a "gush". Definitely wasn't urine and definitely was accompanied by an intense orgasm. I must add that it took a lot of patience, persistence and pleasuring, and haven't been able to reproduce.ThanksMt U


  • happiestcpl


    8 years ago

    She squirts pretty often, and I love it when she does, I am a very lucky man !

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    8 years ago

    Some just cant do it and is diffucult to get them anywhere near it but others it like holy fuck i just made that happen

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    8 years ago

    For those who can ... Im pretty curious as to your technique too.Mr U

  • happiestcpl


    8 years ago

    She has squirted with others as well, so to be honest not sure if I should be taking the credit for my technique :)

  • AnnieWhichway


    8 years ago

    A squirting thread.

    Shall we see if we can not get it closed down.....I know, a hard challenge

  • LetsFrolic


    8 years ago

    You wouldve found out that is is actually urine

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    8 years ago

    .. how I would react if a woman did this with me anywhere in the same postcode. I think it would be like the ''chestburster'' scene from Alien for me.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    8 years ago

    I was pretty surprised to find out I can. It's all about the slow & sexy build up for me. I was able to do it myself after I slept with a woman who could. I believe anyone could give it a go, by yourself or with others. It's lovely! ;)

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • MsSuperFoxy


    8 years ago

    Stop digging for gold. It's not the 1851 gold Rush Era.

    You'll only come out looking like fools Gold.😉

    Ms Foxy

  • Hottie1


    8 years ago

    I actually am often a little hesitant for people to try and make me squirt. When I'm really horny, I'll drown my men either with their cocks, fingers or tongue lol...

    What is it their technique? Turn me on, making me horny lol 😂 if I don't squirt, something is wrong ;)

    Mary xx

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    8 years ago

    I know I should try to just zip it 😀

    But I can't 😉

    In answer to your question op, yes I squirt, I'm an accomplished/experienced and full on squirter, given the right partner of course, thanks to the help of some amazing partners experienced with squirters, but I would rather you pm'd me. These topics always derail and if I have to read one more ignorant comment saying it's urine, I think I'll puke 😀 I can give you the answers you need. There are a number of different factors that come into play. I can give you links and take you through my journey, which started the same way yours is now.

    Urine ^^ ffs it converts to ejaculate, major eye roll.

    What you will find is there are very few women who squirt properly, and very few men who know anything about it, all of whom will probably come in to offer their worldly advice 😉

    Feel free to pm me if you're able

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    8 years ago

    Off to make some popcorn 😛

  • DynamicCouple36


    8 years ago

    <<<< here is a raincoat and some protective goggles for you hahahahahha

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    8 years ago

    If you look back through the forums, there are some very good informative threads.

    If you are not aware you can search the forums on the full site.


    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    8 years ago

    Been very lucky to have been with a few squirters and I love it. I have found that for some girls they find it too intense and don't like it but for a select few they love it and want it to happen. I find that massaging the g spot works for me but you have to ease into it and just get her horny, work on her like any other time. Suck on her nipples and gently rub her clit and opening. Slip your fingers in and out. She will let you know when you should start to really work on her and massage her g spot.
    I suggest you look at some porn to see how the pros do it to get a proper look.
    And to those that say it isn't urine, you are right and wrong. Its a mixture of urine and secretion from the Skenes gland but they are not urinating as such. Google it and you'll find out

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    8 years ago

    Thank you very much for being so giving and detailed in your message I_touch_myself2I think you have given us the missing piece of the puzzle to make this happen..... now time to practice

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    8 years ago

    First Ms I_touch_myself2 I looked at comments and then your profile and loved them both. Hence I sent you a flirt for that reason only plus I think you're lying about your age you're gorgeous.
    Personally I only knew what squirting was from something from a porn movie so I thought it was a 'movie' trick/myth. I was at the 'barely legal' age so I was naive enough to be skeptical but certainly didn't think it was urine. I've always been and still am a firm believer it's the motion in the ocean, not the size of the boat. My first time squirting I freaked a bit initially thinking it was something else. The juices however that were nice & slick instantly told me otherwise. I partially think it's a mental thing as I need some sort of connection in someway vs going in thinking I'm totally going to squirt tonight. The partners I've had in the past who have given me that type of orgasmic release seemed really in sync with my body and were attentive in giving me extra fore play & passion in those sessions like lots of kissing, massaging, & breast/nipple play. Those men had a range of sizes and girths. I've also been in some serious monogamous relationships and never did. Mine have always been like a gush leaving a nice puddle as cowgirl is when it happens most for me. So the advice I can give don't go in saying oh we're going to squirt tonight, follow her body's rhythm, and as cliche as it sounds make your bodies one. Have fun.
    Ms FieryPhoenix

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    8 years ago

    Thank you, my pleasure, or should I say Ms Unicorn_Seekers pleasure 😜

    Have fun 😉

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    8 years ago

    Wow thank you very much. I tightened up in the chest when you said I was lying, thinking no I'm not, then read the rest of the sentence 😂😂 context is everything haha and so nice to see genuine positive comments, actually positive or otherwise, but from genuine experience. I wish I was 32 again though, you lucky thing. Enjoy every second xx

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    7 years ago

    I knew a lady once that she could squirt and have shuddering orgasm at the same time lolAt times it took only a few seconds to get her to squirt It's not urine, don't know where it comes from but makes me feel good knowing I could get her there It was a great experience

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    7 years ago

    Well mrs can only squirt when using a dildo and going hard and stong at it. Idk what causes it. She cant squirt when fucking or fingering

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • lookin1748


    7 years ago

    I had a gf who was a multiple orgasmic squirter, what a mess, everything would get soaked. When she tried not to squirt I thought she was going into meltdown. After a while had to cover everything in plastic b4 sex. One of the great things about it was when she squated over my cock and came, beautiful warm juices would flow over me.......mmmmm

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    7 years ago

    I am able to make my wife squirt at will and I can assure you it isn't pee. When it comes out and pools it is white, not clear or yellow.
    Just aim for the G spot and ensure that they come clitorally beforehand so they are relaxed enough. Resist the thoughts that you are going to pee. Plough through that,
    Good luck!

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    7 years ago

    Squirt ejaculate isn't white, it's clear. If it's white, it's cum. Cum is more pasty thick, ejaculate when squirting is almost like water but slightly denser, has a silky/slippery feel, but not sticky at all, different substance. Definitely not urine, actually technically it kind of is but the body converts that same liquid to ejaculate when fully aroused only, if partly aroused, it will have a slight urine smell. To the uninitiated, that probably sounds risky, it's not if both know what they're doing

  • boobsandbusted


    7 years ago

    anyone have tips for pushing through the ,i'm going to pee stage and climbing up the ceiling or doing what ever to get that ass on the toilet ,cos gees it's frustrating ,lol,when you know your 10 seconds away from whoooshhhka and nope she's on the toilet again ,

    mr b

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • AnnieWhichway


    7 years ago

    Gumboots Friday night......

  • boobsandbusted


    7 years ago

    i needed a snorkel and a raincoat,damned first time i've ever witnessed that ,so hot , was amazing ,but i may be talking bout someone else ,lol

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • NewVicCpl


    7 years ago

    We had the same issue of 'oh my god I'm about to pee' but got through it after we read a few stories on squirting, one in particular explained that point in detail and basically said it's not what you think, try and relax and let it go.
    A few times later and raincoats can be a handy accessory :-)

  • NewVicCpl


    7 years ago

    Agree with the Op for sure,
    after a lot of patience and practice (all of which we loved), Mrs NVC can now explode in a big squirt powered orgasm, even if there is no G Spot massaging involved.
    Makes for a very happy Mr NVC :-)

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    7 years ago

    I agree it can be in the technique. I never I'd be able to and I only do with partners skilled in using their fingers... helps if I've already had a clitoral orgasm... I direct people to a video on the squirtinator... Very skilled guy ;)

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    My previous mistress was capable of squirting litres of cum/pee/water she had just drunk from her it is very clear and fairly tasteless until she actually cums this stuff is more cloudy looking and thicker
    Every lady can do it hydrated and proper technique and being able to let her self relax enough in her pelvic floor for it to happen the first time as many girls say it feels like they are going to wee or the pressure getting to much
    But once it comes omg she will have a leg shaker

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    yes,, have enjoyed it a few times x

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    Omg so hot I love making a lady squirt and then eating it all up ... all women can squirt it just a matter of them being able to relax enough for the first one to come out as the squirt come from release/contractions of pelvic floor muscles at first the orgazm will feel like she needs to wee and possibly to much pressure in cervix area she may need to stop and relax and have some rest
    Lying on back knees up to comfortable position head under a pillow or two so she can watch
    so by placing thumb on pubic mound and insert lubed 2&3 fingers as deep as possible and pointer and little finger outside side of vagina entry once lying flat
    Give clit some stimulation periodically if she gets wetter from this especially but if she is going to have regular climax
    stop and remind her she is going to be ok and will have the most awesome experience ever once she can release her juices
    Kiss her inner thighs and around her vagina area
    When she is ok with and nice and hot curl middle finger towards clit pubic bone in a crypt motion- up down come here type motion hold pressure on pubic mound with thumb for extra leverage if she can not stand to release the pressure or is shy thinking it is wee allow her to relax and try again on

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    Part 2
    U failed have a break get a drink repeat foreplay and get her arroused as normal
    Relaxing no distractions and focus on breathing and relaxing when breathing out and down
    When feeling inside the vagina u with fingers curled u will find a very small spot that is a little tougher harder this is the gspot and needs constant pressure and vigorous movement to enlarge and release fluid from

    Once she is totally arroused and ready encourage her and say it’s only a sheet or towel if you wee if she is still feeling a little anxious about making a mess or something embarrassing happening
    With more lube finger 2&3 again deeply fingering in out with straight fingers to start with then start c motion this time more vigorously c motion and as much pressure with fingers in come here type action and when she starts feeling the pressure building tell her to take a deep breath in out in our etc
    At the same time vigour motion inside and not stopping use other hand two fingers to stimulate the clit in a vigorous(without hurting her u (should know what he me clit can handle b4 try to achieve a gspot orgazm )
    left right

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    6 years ago

    Part 3 ....
    Hmmm surely by now she is panting and arching her back clit rub periodically place spare hand on her upper pubic bone and if it all happens she will know once it’s started and most likely try and force you finger out of her two the more good c motion then pull out your fingers as gently and quickly as possible
    After you finger comes out and pressure is released she will squirt and her legs will shake uncontrollably for up to several minutes
    Usually she won’t squirt a lot to start with experience may differ but after achieving one or two more gspot climax she will be able to release amazing amounts of cum
    I’m a believer that it is part wee however it doesn’t taste any where as bad and in a lot of women it’s more dense and creamy
    That’s about it if not I will come over and do it for you while hubby watches me and then hopefully can get u as well

    Also well being hydrated and having a bowel movement and wee b4 helps

  • Amity22


    3 years ago

    Yep I squirt like a garden hose

  • JohnAnn2227


    3 years ago

    I have squirted a number of times over the years. Not a gush but a squirt. We have no idea how or why but it has happened. It has not been because of a single thing. It has happened by fingering, using a vibrator, riding cowgirl, and through oral. It has been with John, other guys and some girls. We have given up trying to work it out and now when it happens we just give a little cheer and celebrate.

  • squrting


    3 years ago

    I am a very lucky man and my lovely wife loves to sqiurt especially when we have a couple to join us 😜💦💦

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    3 years ago

    It’s definitely possible but it has to be done right!! I haven’t yet found a women who can make me squirt but my partner definitely can, quite often- we have had times where I have squirted 4 times in a week! It’s amazing and it’s definitely not urine!

  • lindymisschief


    2 years ago

    I’m wondering why all the guys are commenting here .. haha surely you don’t squirt🤣🤣
    Being a girl who squirt it’s fun and so easy when u realise how…. I went to a tantric weekend beg of the year and then I realised I could….
    All about deep breathing n breathing right to your clit them when you feel the urge to pee and it gets j tense push deep breath down and it happens soo exciting and fun
    Hope that helps
    If any GIRL want to ask anything more I’d be happy to try n answer but only new to it lol

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    2 years ago

    My husband showed me another door or took me to an amazing indescribable really but the intense pleasure was mind blowing, emotionally I was like crying tears of overwhelming love of him and his knowledge of a woman’s body.. and I thought I knew everything…yeah I thought it a myth lol…but it’s a very real and awesome experience…

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    2 years ago

    2023 yes please love it 💦💦💦💦