Spitting cocks

February 20 2021

Ok brains trust here’s a question from Mrs S.
We haven’t played with great numbers but she has noticed that the guys seem to produce a lot of precum right from the start. Now I’m starting to feel like I have something wrong with me as I produce absolutely zero until the big O.
Anyone know if there’s reasons for this?
I reckon it’s just that she’s so damn hot they can’t control themselves or is it that I just have a better functioning stopcock (couldn’t help myself) 😂


  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    I’m with you mr 2....I don’t secrete that much at all

  • Rlee552


    4 years ago

    I was curious about this one so went to my source of truth - google, and then pissed myself laughing. This may be because they are subconsciously trying to make Ms S pregnant.

    What does precum do?

    It acts the same way as lube does before penetration, but its primary purpose is to lubricate the urethra to make the sperm’s journey from the testicles to the vagina as smooth as possible.

    The pre-ejaculation fluid cleans the urethra of any urine or bacteria while balancing the pH so that it’s in tip-top shape to shoot sperm. It’s the body’s way of making sure that the penis is ready to get a vagina-owner pregnant.

  • curiousnhorny05


    4 years ago

    The fun part about seeing other people in this context is the comparison. As long as you can cum is the main part I reckon. I’m not fussed as to others as I won’t be enjoying theirs unprotected. But it might make things more comfortable for them. Hydration before a session is important though.

  • teejaylongsword


    4 years ago

    My guess is that its a combination of things. I think someone who is hydrated well will more likely produce a good amount of precum. Also, a high level of excitement because of a novel situation or an attractive woman will produce more. I think some guys might be more inclined to produce it (in the same way that some people sweat more during sport compared to others.

    I have no idea if other people find it sensual to see a guy dripping with precum. it sure does give the game away through. You can't pretend to be all cool about things when your dick is out of control drooling away. Sometimes there is a wet patch before I can even get my jocks off. What can you do?

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    I can’t say I have ever produced pre-cum. You sure it’s not a premature ejeculation being passed off as something else?

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    That's an interesting call linking pre-cum to conception. Who's read about the sperm wars and why the human penis is quite distinctly shaped?

  • nightingale8


    4 years ago

    Pre cum is hot with the right person. Not even sure why knowing more about the biology behind it makes it any different. Delicious 😁

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    Think it's just different guys have different bodily reactions. 🤔

  • Sawadee


    4 years ago

    My guess is Mrs 2esses pocesses the factor that gets the juices flowing. Ive noticed the same with Mrs Sawadee . In the heat of the moment the guys cock were shiney with precum well before the main event. , l can only put that down to the natural appeal she puts out.

  • Quietman1969


    4 years ago

    As in all things, with pre cum we are all different. With a lot of foreplay and/or a lot of anticipation and expectation I can produce what sometimes looks like gallons and gallons. It certainly has excited the hell out of my partners - and again I recognise that one woman’s like is another woman’s poison.😎 Conversely if the encounter is preceded by a lot of pleasure,play, anticipation or expectation I can produce little, of none at all. Not all girls like the taste of,or consistency of cum, but every girl I have ever been with, or discussed the matter with, has never experienced a distaste for pre cum!
    Now there’s an opportunity 🤣

  • InTimMate


    3 years ago

    Depending on the foreplay, mine is a little to a lot.
    I naively thought that was common.
    I'll check with Dr Google.
    p.s. Makes a great lubricant.