RHP User

RHP User

M47 F42

So many messages????

March 02 2022

Hello fellow RHP’ers. We have a question to the community. We are only new to the whole thing, and feeling our way. When we read profiles, a number of couples make the comment that they have been “inundated” with messages and that it will take time to get back to all the senders.

Is this for real? We get a few messages here and there, but certainly are not “inundated”.

Are these profiles being like the housing market and trying to create a FOMO (fear of missing out)? Or are we just below average?

Cheers A&J


  • evo67


    3 years ago

    Your definitely not below average and the influx of messages comes and goes. We’ve been on here for 4 years now and some weeks it can be as many as 10 other weeks there could be none

  • FeistyFatty


    3 years ago

    Absolutely for real. It can be downright overwhelming at times. You're new, hang around a bit longer and you'll see for yourself.

  • MFMHotWife


    3 years ago

    We are certainly not ever inundated, but get a few messages here and there....

  • justforfun76


    3 years ago

    Profile looks good. Sounds good. If we’re heading to Brisbane soon we will msg for sure. 😃

  • Sawadee


    3 years ago

    Do you mean' im too damn popular to reply members ? Advertising is everything , delivering another...

  • Opalrose


    3 years ago

    I’ve deleted (and blocked) at least 15 messages today. And a similar number yesterday. All people who can’t read or send cock shots as an opening message.
    It’s overwhelming. I used to reply in a ‘thanks but no thanks’ kind of way and that just opened me up to abuse, or threats. I don’t even bother opening messages from guys with ‘hunghugedong10inchhorseboi’ type names.

  • MsSuperFoxy


    3 years ago

    Inundated....yeah righto. Their excuse is, (IMO) time poor on their end. No, it's not for real and it's not you.

    Ms Foxy

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    3 years ago

    Profile looks good. We don't message with unverified accounts, perhaps that cuts us out from some prospects, but not having a verified account may also cut you out from prospects ;-)

  • teamaj2


    3 years ago

    Absolutely normal we wouldn’t worry about how many messages others are getting . You have a good profile and I’m certain with more exposure, such as chatting on the forum you will get more messages . Careful , what you wish for . There will be the usual unwanted PGs and responses from those that don’t match what you seek .
    We definitely hear what you are saying . Many many years ago we went to a meet and greet evening . We met a couple and we engaged in the usual getting to know you chat . They told us they receive at least 50 messages a day on RHP and couldn’t keep up with it . We were a little surprised. Was this actually true?
    I realise for single females this is often the norm .
    What we seek is perhaps a little unusual, as is our age difference . Today , we aren’t concerned about how many connections we make . It’s about connecting with like minded people . Sometimes it’s feast other times it’s famine.
    Be patient and enjoy the ride . Ax

  • Margo_Lover


    3 years ago

    We're definitely not inundated. Although when we had looking for 'men' in our settings, not just 'women' & 'couples' we got a LOT more messages.

    So if you want more messages, you know what to do 😋

    - Alex

  • Sawadee


    3 years ago

    Dont forget , with the amount of single males hitting on anything and everything" its inevitable messages will come sooner or later. Just makes getting to those youre really interested in al little bit harder..

  • BrisbaneHotMale


    3 years ago

    I’m getting more than ten views on my profile and few messages and conversations during the day but never had more than 8 messages in my inbox

  • Rising_Phoenix


    3 years ago

    I’ve had that on my profile before about being too busy and I genuinely was but I did also find it nice to not feel any pressure to reply to dickheads.
    Just today I’ve had 3 separate accounts ask for sex without even saying hello first, wtf?
    None of them accepted the word “no” straight away and had to have it explained to them 🤦🏼‍♀️ it gets frustrating.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    3 years ago

    When we first put our profile up there were so many messages from single males that were too hard to reply to all of them. Have you tried any of the clubs in Perth. At least you know they are real when you meet face to face with them 😜

  • LittleGiant


    3 years ago

    Nah, I ain't buying it. On my single female profile I do occasionally get 'inundated' (if I change my main profile photo, for example), but on our couple's profile I can safely say that I have never been inundated. I'd say we get maybe 10 messages a week. When we were new, maybe up to 5 per day. I suppose the term is subjective though, perhaps these inundated folks find 10 messages per week to be too much to keep with.... Your profile looks good, don't stress about what others have on theirs, you'll come to learn that 90% of it is all B.S. anyway haha!

    Miss Little


  • MnauMnau


    3 years ago

    Interesting read :)
    Now I know that most of my messages just disappear in the cloud...
    I can tell you my observations here on RHP and "other" site, where I do send messages to profiles I'm interested in.
    About a month ago, I did send over 100-130 messages, in one month. (Between all sites)

    No 2-3 liners or "hey you, come over for a quick f..."

    ALL my messages were at least few paragraphs long, with introduction, some questions. I did read others profile what they are looking for, what they like
    "I did my research" and tried to connect with them in my messages.
    Even if I was one year older from their search criteria, I did ask politely, if they consider older.
    I never been rude, pushy or disrespectful.

    Most of the time I have included my PG with face, no D's there.

    I can tell you, the response was less than 5%. I've got 4 replies, "thank you, not my type" or "show me your face" and end of communication, or "Thank you, not looking ATM"
    So, look around RHP and enjoy what you have ;)

  • loveYOURpleasure


    3 years ago

    I guess the other factor if you have been around on here a long time is that guests used to be able to message as well so perhaps those profiles that were ‘inundated’ date from back in those days.
    As others have said I am fairly sure if you are a single female and a new profile there is an initial spike that would then die down.
    I can assure you Ive never been inundated 🤣

  • AKAHunk


    3 years ago

    A big part of it is having your profile as showing you being "online". I know when that's turned off our couples profile gets very few views and messages. .. when we are visible we get plenty.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    3 years ago

    Try adding men into what you are looking for and see what response you get 🤣 I did see your profile but sadly I do respect what people are looking for (most of the time) and only attempt conversations with those that are looking for men, or have a motorbike

  • driver45672


    3 years ago

    I think that you're not looking for males changes things a great deal. I feel males would be doi g the majority of the introductory messages