Smooth Criminal

November 09 2024

I want imperfection. The story of characters built and experiences shaping future intention.

Moreso, I want to see imperfection come through. I want my first impression of you to be the result of both your success and failure in aspects relevant to our engagement.

I don’t wish to see distortion of this story through layers of paint and colour or digitally enhanced alterations.

That speaks volumes in a way you don’t want. Please don’t profess shame at your story because we all have crosses to bear.

Show me yours and I’ll respect you immediately.

Pretend you don’t have those crosses and I know you’re lying.

You are okay, Annie.

(A round about way of expressing how filters on profile photos both amuse me and shit me off).

How do you feel about them?


  • ProfessorBi


    4 months ago

    Mate, I don't know if that was your intention, but this is pure poetry. The way you conveyed authenticity is really striking. You captured the vulnerability of sharing our true story -not the madeup one-, but the real story that contains all the rights and wrongs, that one that shows who we truly are. Please, write more posts like this!

  • NeoAndTrin


    4 months ago

    The only Filter I like is the one that sings "Take A Picture"

  • MrandMrsEss


    4 months ago

    Have been listening to Alien Ant Farm's version of Smooth Criminal all weekend (instead of remembering dates ;))
    I guess we are guilty of a bit of filtering, I mean I did touch up our faces in one photo and did amp up the pink colour to make another pop but in my defence that vision made my eyeballs pop IRL

  • Mrs_Deep_Love


    4 months ago

    A friend told me that my Samsung phone filters photos automatically.
    Disappointing, I thought I was naturally looking good.

  • Sawadee


    4 months ago

    Lots of " l wants " in this post... makes me wonder how many share your self appraisal... ?