
May 24 2012

Does the word slut turn you off or does it make you go crazy? I think slutty ways can be cute,but there is a place for them. Can be powerful too! What does everyone think?


  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    It depends, if I have a bf and he says it then I like it....if I'm in the mood for a fling to say it it's ok however if I'm not in the mood then I don't like to be called a slutweird I know haha

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    It can be a very horny thing to say all things as long as its in good taste..

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    I would never use the term, it's offensive and degrading to women.Just want to get in before all the other sucks and see if it really works...Mr C

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    if i say it to my the right can be sexy. if anyone else dared to say it to her, they'd have both of us off side immediately......and permanently........

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    I love women who embrace the slut in them, sluts are hot, sluts are sexy. I can't understand why anyone would want to be anything else.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    when it's used in an empowering or cheeky/teasing manner. When it's used as a put down....nope.Although I have refered to various pieces of incalcitrant machinery and livestock using that derogatory term.Cheers Felonius

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    Some women may be comfortable enough calling themselves a Slut,mre power to them. But personally I don't see why I, as a woman that embraces her sexuality, should have to be labelled with a word that I find derogatory...

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    It's such a personal thing,I like being a slut,....sometimes. I like being called a slut .....sometimes,and only by people I want,or give permission to,to call me that.Then it is very much a turn on,otherwise don't call me that. I do love to embrace my sluttishness though.....and try to be an ethical slut.....great concept...great book.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    that book suitable for a bloke to read Hesione? Seeing as I'm laid up for another couple of weeks, might be an interesting and insightfull read.Synopsis?Cheers Felonius

  • Tart_Du_Jour


    13 years ago

    If a stranger is using the term as an insult then I hate it. If a friend is using it in a joking manner, I would probably be slightly annoyed but generally not care. If it's naked pretzel time and someone growls it in my ear while they grab a fistful of hair then I llovveeee it

  • QLDtwo4fun


    13 years ago

    It's not a word I use. It is a word which is meant to be demeaning to women and intended to control female sexuality. It's a word laced with the hypocrisy of misogyny, to be a 'slut' is bad, to be a 'stud' is good. I know other groups have taken control of offensive words such as 'nigger' and 'queer' but, 'slut' has been used to denigrate women by women and men.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    can change the whole meaning of a word. I can laughingly call my friends (and certain family members) a slut without a problem.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    slut   /slʌt/ Show Spelled Show IPA noun 1. an immoral or dissolute woman; prostitute. 2. Obsolete . a dirty, slovenly woman.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    Personally, I hate the word..slut. Scenario, 2 people, one male, one female, both doing exactly the same thing, yet onlookers label him a Stud for his action, and she gets labelled a slut. Wrong wrong oh so very wrong. Why? Why cant a lady act in the same manner as a man. She should be allowed to exercise her sexuality in any way she chooses, without being given a derogatory label.I do agree with various posters tho, that if the lady gives her permission, then using the term slut, as part of sexual interaction between 2 people, can be very much a turn on, for both.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    if a random guy called me that in a swinger's party...i'd slap him across the face....but when my hubby calls me that....i smile and ask how can i be at his service today!

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    I'm definitely with Tart_Du_Jour on this one.Especially the hair pulling part.mmmm

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    Of course I am a lady! Love playing the slut,benefits both sides,I wouldn't do it,if I didn't like it!

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    But he knows I'd cane him if he called me that. Tee hee

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    I'll say "only if you will be my little man-whore" I am all for equality and dislike societal double standards after all.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    Quoting 'chickcara'I would never use the term, it's offensive and degrading to women. Just want to get in before all the other sucks and see if it really works... Mr C Lol it did,but would you prefer a missionary woman or a naughty little slut? I hate missionary men,boring!

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    If someone replies missionary...they are lying...or living in the 1800's.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    I absolutly dont like to be called slut or bitch. I think it is derogative to me. No men would use words like this to discribe himself for being a sexual being. All this demeaning words come from a long, long time ago where women who enjoyed sex where branded with this kind of words. I really want to hear better words to discribe us females which are sexual. The same, I am cringing when a man ask me Have you been a bad girl...yuk yuk yuk in my mind.....I know its only a figure of speach....I hate it. I wouldnt say to him.....have you been a naugthy boy....ohh my god. And why is sex naughty....why is fun....nice...exciting....what ever two people do is beautiful. For me Words can hurt......and I think it is time sex is seen in a way it should be seen. As the best way to feel fantastic. Thats my two bob to the whole slut business. NO FOR ME.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    Very arousing and a HUGE turn on.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    Excellent pionts! I do know a guy that loves being called a slut,actually a few men like it! Yes it is fun,when all parties are happy,nice when veryone is enjoying Dirty when doing things that may not be seen as nice to others! We spend our lives being good in everyone else's eyes,I like to think I can be bad sometimes and i would not act like a slut in public but in a bedroom certainly love it! I understand some people may be offended by the word, This world is changing sexually in mindset. 30 years ago imagine joining a website to meet for sex! People hide their secrets and felt dirty and ashamed of who they were. So I am thinking they may even rewrite the meaning of slut to suit the change! :) Thankyou!uoting 'Litonya' I absolutly dont like to be called slut or bitch. I think it is derogative to me. No men would use words like this to discribe himself for being a sexual being. All this demeaning words come from a long, long time ago where women who enjoyed sex where branded with this kind of words. I really want to hear better words to discribe us females which are sexual. The same, I am cringing when a man ask me Have you been a bad girl...yuk yuk yuk in my mind.....I know its only a figure of speach....I hate it. I wouldnt say to him.....have you been a naugthy boy....ohh my god. And why is sex naughty....why is fun....nice...exciting....what ever two people do is beautiful. For me Words can hurt......and I think it is time sex is seen in a way it should be seen. As the best way to feel fantastic. Thats my two bob to the whole slut business. NO FOR ME.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    its kinda like walking on egg shells... You're either gunna get a fair smack in the mouth or a good rootin... but on any given day ' you never know which.? Then they wonder why we never understand them ? fair dinkum....

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    Quoting 'chickcara' I would never use the term, it's offensive and degrading to women.Just want to get in before all the other sucks and see if it really works...Mr C I like your style !

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    The term has such mixed connotations and meanings for everyone.I don't think there is anther word out there that can provoke so many different feelings from a single person, let alone many people!Mrs Ruf loves to be called a the right context, and at the right timeMrs Ruf LOVES Mr Ruf to bring out her inner slutMr Ruf it when Mrs Ruf is feeling sluttyMr Ruf will call Mrs Ruf a slut in the right context and timeMr Ruf will also smash anyone else who calls Mrs Ruf a slut at any timeJeeze, such a thought provoking word haha

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    Hmmm... I am one... certainly... no doubt... line me up against a wall and use me as you wish... ha.... not quite...I understand the conundrum... here... for women... but I agree with the lady earlier... who suggested it is about who uses the term and how it is used... like many things...Thanks for listening sluts, tarts, trollops and wenches.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    dis·so·lute (ds-lt)adj.Lacking moral restraint; indulging in sensual pleasures or vices.synonym's corrupt, wild, abandoned, loose, vicious, degenerate, immoral, lax, dissipated, lewd, depraved, wanton, unrestrained, profligate, debauched, rakish, libertine, licentious licentious adj1. sexually unrestrained or promiscuous2. Now rare showing disregard for conventionSeeing as though being, 'wild', 'loose', 'unrestrained' or 'libertine' (a free thinker) are positive virtues and not synonymous with debauchery IMO it is a bit cloudy JM and another example one of 'those' contradictory concepts that I won't let pass :) There is a whole bunch of immorality attached to the word and subsequent negative connotations to me it's a sort of tall poppy syndrome awry with religious dogma; to control the masses in this case females, who form a majority. It doesn't work to control men though they can't help but want a wanton sexually unrestrained free thinking, promiscuous unconventionalist that indulges in sensual pleasures. I am so a Slut!It's good to see that the dirtiness that was attached to the word is now obsolete, in another 100 years it may be virtuous ;) Cass xxxQuoting 'jensman1903' slut   /slʌt/ Show Spelled Show IPA noun 1. an immoral or dissolute woman; prostitute. 2. Obsolete . a dirty, slovenly woman.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    Love it! Quoting 'multiples_xxx' dis·so·lute (ds-lt) adj. Lacking moral restraint; indulging in sensual pleasures or vices. synonym's corrupt, wild, abandoned, loose, vicious, degenerate, immoral, lax, dissipated, lewd, depraved, wanton, unrestrained, profligate, debauched, rakish, libertine, licentious licentious adj 1. sexually unrestrained or promiscuous 2. Now rare showing disregard for convention Seeing as though being, 'wild', 'loose', 'unrestrained' or 'libertine' (a free thinker) are positive virtues and not synonymous with debauchery IMO it is a bit cloudy JM and another example one of 'those' contradictory concepts that I won't let pass :) There is a whole bunch of immorality attached to the word and subsequent negative connotations to me it's a sort of tall poppy syndrome awry with religious dogma; to control the masses in this case females, who form a majority. It doesn't work to control men though they can't help but want a wanton sexually unrestrained free thinking, promiscuous unconventionalist that indulges in sensual pleasures. I am so a Slut! It's good to see that the dirtiness that was attached to the word is now obsolete, in another 100 years it may be virtuous ;) Cass xxx Quoting 'jensman1903' slut   /slʌt/ Show Spelled Show IPA noun 1. an immoral or dissolute woman; prostitute. 2. Obsolete . a dirty, slovenly woman.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    everyone loves a good SLUT

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    sluts are generally sexy

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    I am sexy and a good slut!!!! Quoting 'ucumfukus2'sluts are generally sexy

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    Pain slut, cum slut, slut boy, sub slut, anal slut - they are all terms I use with people that I know understand the context in which they are used and will either take no offence or regard them as a compliment.I don't refer to vanilla people as sluts because they get offended.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    My girlfriends and I call each other slut all the time. I think we get use to it now. I rather be called slut than

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    I've been called a brazen hussy, I've been called a nympho, but call me a slut and you'll get elbowed across the face... No matter who it is that says it, I find the term incredibly derogatory, and calling someone a 'man-whore' in reply just doesn't have the same impact. I asked my friends as to what they think the female version of a 'ladies' man' would be called, and the only word they could come up with was 'slut'. You love sex, you get called a slut, you don't have sex, you get called frigid. You just can't win.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    Hate the word with a passion. Can't see anything sexy in it at all. Huge turn off.   Why be called Slut when you can be a sexy goddess?

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    Quoting 'teasegoddess' Quoting 'chickcara'I would never use the term, it's offensive and degrading to women. Just want to get in before all the other sucks and see if it really works... Mr C Lol it did,but would you prefer a missionary woman or a naughty little slut? I hate missionary men,boring! I'm more like a man on a mission to never be boring.Sometimes a women likes to be treated like a lady, sometimes she likes to be used like a slut. I'm just here to help.Mr C

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    I have just recently been called all the sluts under the sun by an ex and not in a "sexy" way. It was all because HE got "caught out" and it was his way of verbal revenge.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    Looking for fun times my partner loves when I call her a slut

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    I have used men as a slut before too! Quoting 'chickcara' Quoting 'teasegoddess' Quoting 'chickcara'I would never use the term, it's offensive and degrading to women. Just want to get in before all the other sucks and see if it really works... Mr C Lol it did,but would you prefer a missionary woman or a naughty little slut? I hate missionary men,boring! I'm more like a man on a mission to never be boring. Sometimes a women likes to be treated like a lady, sometimes she likes to be used like a slut. I'm just here to help. Mr C

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    I agree with all it's a vile word when used as an insult. Used in other contexts by broader thinking people I think it's fine and actually necessary to rebalance the bias.Cass xxx

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    Well it is an insult in most cases last time I checked most females don*t like to be insulted maybe some are turned on by it if the right person calls them that but I think most would consider it derogatory and degrading.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    Quoting 'City_Kitty' I've been called a brazen hussy, I've been called a nympho, but call me a slut and you'll get elbowed across the face... No matter who it is that says it, I find the term incredibly derogatory, and calling someone a 'man-whore' in reply just doesn't have the same impact. I asked my friends as to what they think the female version of a 'ladies' man' would be called, and the only word they could come up with was 'slut'. You love sex, you get called a slut, you don't have sex, you get called frigid. You just can't win. Hiya,Words only have power when you hand it over, how you react is your CHOICE! I call you a slut, Answer a. You throw your drink over me and storm off ! I win because you have CHOSEN to be offended.Answer b. You say "Not for you baby !" You win, I am humbled and you have your power because you CHOSE to keep it.Just my opinion. x

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    slut is a term used within a sexual dungeon to let one's partner now they are good at sex

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    I personally choose not to take offense to the word but obviously I realise that some using the word intend it to offend or to be derogatory.. Why give them the power to use it in such a way to degrade someone else...Why validate someones negative use of the word? Why should someone feel apologetic about being a slut? And..I feel the same way about the use of the word "cunt".. why use it as or choose to believe it is such an offensive word?!  If someone came in here and declared that all those who engage in sex with many people with whom they aren't married to are sluts.. We'd likely all arch up because we would either be offended by the label or the context in which it was used. Why not embrace the word slut and make those who use it and believe it in a derogatory context the minority?.. Just a thought.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    We like the word, however we never use it in a negative manner. A guy is a stud, and people look at that as a positive, so that's how we see the word slut, it's a women who is comfortable to sleep with you she wants when she chooses. I would never call another women a slut though unless I knew she was comfortable with the term and even then only if we were actively teasing or playing in a sexual manner. Words don't have power we give them power, this in mind let's turn this word into a positive one.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    Yes, I agree with you Teasegoddess, the word 'Slut' is a very powerful word, especially if used in the wrong context.   I have been abused with the word, in a message, from a guy who couldn't take rejection. Not the best way to prove I was right to reject him in the first place really lol....   However, if I'm called a 'horny slut' or 'dirty slut' in the throws of sexual lust/ecstasy, then it can send me wild!!!! Heehee   XX

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    I love the word. We are all turnd on with that word, at the right time hey guys? Sluts do it for me. Please some one back me up.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    Im a princess by day and a slut by night haha x

  • rough_love


    13 years ago

    its a beautiful word, and the world would be more beautiful if there were more sluts.....

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    I dont think 'slut' is a very nice word at all...very degrading. I prefer to be called a 'naughti' or 'bad' girl ;)

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    you sound great debbie youre way of thinking

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    I agree PandoraFox; reclaim words language is ever evolving. But Cunt is a bloody confusing word and by definition vulgar/taboo slang. So when did women's genitals, sex with a woman and someone disliked in general as mean or obnoxious correlate?! There should be 3 words there. It is a great sounding word for a despicable person but for genitals I would never use it in that context and vote it become obsolete.tQuoting '50zcool' Quoting 'City_Kitty' I've been called a brazen hussy, I've been called a nympho, but call me a slut and you'll get elbowed across the face... No matter who it is that says it, I find the term incredibly derogatory, and calling someone a 'man-whore' in reply just doesn't have the same impact. I asked my friends as to what they think the female version of a 'ladies' man' would be called, and the only word they could come up with was 'slut'. You love sex, you get called a slut, you don't have sex, you get called frigid. You just can't win. Hiya,Words only have power when you hand it over, how you react is your CHOICE! I call you a slut, Answer a. You throw your drink over me and storm off ! I win because you have CHOSEN to be offended.Answer b. You say "Not for you baby !" You win, I am humbled and you have your power because you CHOSE to keep it.Just my opinion. x Thanks KC yeah someone read it hahaha! You must have had some time on your hands ;)

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    Quoting 'Tart_Du_Jour'If a stranger is using the term as an insult then I hate it. If a friend is using it in a joking manner, I would probably be slightly annoyed but generally not care. If it's naked pretzel time and someone growls it in my ear while they grab a fistful of hair then I llovveeee it Ditto

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    Ok just a dumb question, but those of you in a good solid relationship or have been in one, how many dates did you go on before you had sex. I know there is no right or wrong answer to this question but... and men what do you prefer, Woman who have sex straight away or does that make them to easy for you.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    Betwen a slut and a bitch? A slut fucks anyone But a bitch wont fuck you!!

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    Quoting 'hornybififoguy' Betwen a slut and a bitch? A slut fucks anyone But a bitch wont fuck you!! Say that to a slut and she will become a 'bitch' ...Hands up all self declared sluts who would "fuck anyone"???

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    Well then someone is sure in for a treat, you are a very sexy lady!Happy Slutting :P

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    Quoting 'PandoraFox' Quoting 'hornybififoguy' Betwen a slut and a bitch? A slut fucks anyone But a bitch wont fuck you!! Say that to a slut and she will become a 'bitch' ...Hands up all self declared sluts who would "fuck anyone"???

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    Quoting 'multiples_xxx' Quoting 'PandoraFox' Quoting 'hornybififoguy' Betwen a slut and a bitch? A slut fucks anyone But a bitch wont fuck you!! Say that to a slut and she will become a 'bitch' ...Hands up all self declared sluts who would "fuck anyone"???

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    I agree with those who favour reclaiming the word. I much prefer slut over the terms naughty or bad girl as I don't think sexual freedom equates with being bad. In fact, people that think what they are doing is bad are a huge turn off for me. Even when I have been called a slut as a put down, I embrace it. It certainly takes the power out of the supposed insult.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    Has anyone done the Slutwalk? Cheers Felonius

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    Why do people think it's ok to lie about there age, where they live, whether single or not etc, then when describing themselves they say that they are honest and up front.....lmao. The truth always comes out and you could spoil a great relationship by having to tell the truth about things that you had previously lied about. We are all ment to be adults so lets act like adults and be honest.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    I think ill start my own dating website called sluts inc only for older women seeking younger cock.I reckon ill make a million easy.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    There was already a website Nhojmai catering to this market...I think they went broke.x Hugs H

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    PMSL too funny! Quoting 'Hesione'There was already a website Nhojmai catering to this market...I think they went broke.x Hugs H

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    Quoting '50zcool' Quoting 'City_Kitty' I've been called a brazen hussy, I've been called a nympho, but call me a slut and you'll get elbowed across the face... No matter who it is that says it, I find the term incredibly derogatory, and calling someone a 'man-whore' in reply just doesn't have the same impact. I asked my friends as to what they think the female version of a 'ladies' man' would be called, and the only word they could come up with was 'slut'. You love sex, you get called a slut, you don't have sex, you get called frigid. You just can't win. Hiya, Words only have power when you hand it over, how you react is your CHOICE! I call you a slut, Answer a. You throw your drink over me and storm off ! I win because you have CHOSEN to be offended. Answer b. You say "Not for you baby !" You win, I am humbled and you have your power because you CHOSE to keep it. Just my opinion. x So if you're going to use the 'choice' argument of that it is only considered offensive if I personally decide to consider it offensive, would you also stand by this argument if it were someone calling another the n or c word, both of which can be used as terms of affection or as an insult?   Felonious - I went to SlutWalk when it was in Sydney, wearing the shortest miniskirt and lowest-cut top I could find; it was absolutely brilliant, what a day.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    Would be a pretty empowering march I reckon. I was starting to think no one knew what I was on about.orthought it was like the walk of shame.Cheers Felonius

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    Geez , thats a hard one , the word SLUT can be taken different ways . the way its said , who says it , to whom it said to and the reaction may not feel the same way . Its not a word I would use on any heat of the moment . Its just best to leave it alone and have fun with out it .an leave it back in the school yards

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    Quoting 'City_Kitty' Quoting '50zcool' Hiya, Words only have power when you hand it over, how you react is your CHOICE! I call you a slut, Answer a. You throw your drink over me and storm off ! I win because you have CHOSEN to be offended. Answer b. You say "Not for you baby !" You win, I am humbled and you have your power because you CHOSE to keep it. Just my opinion. x So if you're going to use the 'choice' argument of that it is only considered offensive if I personally decide to consider it offensive, would you also stand by this argument if it were someone calling another the n or c word, both of which can be used as terms of affection or as an insult?   Yes, absolutely, it is always a choice how you react and actually says a lot about yourself. "c" word as affection ? hmmmmmIf your offended you take it on and wear it, you believe it, no thanksYou call me a c*#@t. I could stab you in the face with a beer glass (and go to jail to continue my education as a loser) And in affect become one. (c*#@t)I could slink off and sulk and give you the satisfaction of making it stick by being a sad c*#@t.Or I can give you a pitying stare shrug my shoulders and smile where upon I'm all good and you're the c*#@t !And all of those reactions are my CHOICE.Coloured people took the nigger word and turned it into a term of brotherhood (for internal use only I might add) which de-powered it hugely.Wog has gone from insult to endearment because people chose not to be offended anymore. I'm not saying I can't be offended or insulted, I certainly can but I'm aware that my reaction is mine, a choice I make, and work on that.Awareness and responsibility for ourselves is the first step to being better people,Thanks for reading.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    But 50oz cool,you will never be a vagina,well I suppose that's a choice have one I mean ...going to jail is not going to make you one though.........x Hugs H

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    BUT only if "dirty" is before it! I have the same thing with slut... There are words that I don't like at all in day to day life but they seem to not be so icky when you're naked and sweaty and have a cock in every hole...

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    Quoting 'Hesione' But 50oz cool,you will never be a vagina,well I suppose that's a choice have one I mean ...going to jail is not going to make you one though.........x Hugs H Not getting one anytime soon it would seem! LOL

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    Good grief 50zcool ,what is the matter with them Perth vaginas,you are pretty ,cool and have a sense of humour..x Hugs H

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    If i'm with a girl who likes being called that during sex then i think it can enhance things like any dirty talk will, but it would only do something for me if i knew it was doing something for her. If that makes scene lol

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    Its how you say it."yeah you like it when I fuck your face/arse/armpit, don't you, you filthy little slut?" is completely different from "Why haven't you cooked me fucken dinner you fat slut?"I only use it in the armpit context. Unless I'm really REALLY hungry.RA

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    my gf found out i was playing up on her then we fight a guy told me she was a slut when i first met her so when she mad i ask her her past that when the truth come out telling me how a guy she just met how she let him fuck her bum. and the next week took her to a swingers party so now i called her a slut but she tell me she not

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    I am most definately a woman who enjoys sex - and lots of it!!   I call myself a slut, my mother calls me a slut, my close friends call me a slut - am I offended?? No way!!   A lover of mine tells me Im a dirty little slut and thats hot!!   A work colleague called me a slut in a very negative way - he got an official warnning and no longer speaks to me unless absolutely.   The difference?? My friends and family love me. They are saying this in a warm manner. My work colleague didnt like me pulling him up on an error and was being nasty (didnt help that I had repeatedly rejected his advances)   Kisses Focus

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    I would call her fun and fancy-free and you I have a couple of other names for.....Cass xxxQuoting 'Garry70' my gf found out i was playing up on her then we fight a guy told me she was a slut when i first met her so when she mad i ask her her past that when the truth come out telling me how a guy she just met how she let him fuck her bum. and the next week took her to a swingers party so now i called her a slut but she tell me she not

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    I believe that its the highest praise I could give a woman, privately and in a sexual sense. A woman who is in touch with her inner slut is the most beautiful, most liberated and most sexy that I can imagine...

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    If you know the person well enough intimately, doing role playing or if she calls herself a slut first that's fine. You can say it's demeaning to women all you like, but a lot girls like being "put in their place" so to speak. So as long as you treat them with respect outside the bedroom you don't have to feel bad about the way you treat them in the bedroom (with consent of course)

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    But if anyone else called me a slut I'd have jensman tear them a new one.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    If used at the right time can be a turn on for both ............

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    Quoting 'Spanke'Very arousing and a HUGE turn on. My ex used to love being called Slut, Cum sponge, Whore ,Tramp You name it Dirty talk was a huge part of our sex life and the fantasies can be endless We had an extreme sex life and one of our arrangement was she could fuck anyone she wanted for a day and we could have a 3some with the friend of my choice She must have fucked or blown a dozen guys and smelt like it Calling her a cum soaked slut only got her hornier and me She loved cock and pussy and WAS a total slut Love every minute

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    As with most things, it's context. If it is as an insult, then NO. But then 'idiot' can be brutal if it is used as a weapon.I have used it a few times during sex, but only after my friend has asked me to talk dirty. I wouldn't just launch into: "yeah, take my cock you SLUT!", because it could bring the evenings entertainment to an abrupt halt.I once had an awesome night of fun with a girl I really liked and we got really vulgar. It was great.I later playfully said: "that was the best fuck I have had since our last fuck", and she said: "You PIG!, that's all I am to you isn't it, just some easy FUCK, well go and fuck off ... etc". What a fucking slut!

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    13 years ago

    Quoting 'Spanke' Very arousing and a HUGE turn on. Exactly! That said. Very unlikely I'll ever call anyone a hot slut while eating breakfastThere is as they say a time and a place for everything

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    11 years ago

    Haha when I read slut I thought u must of been talking about me. Men need to stop calling girls sluts and have a bit of respect if a man sleeps around he gets a pat on the back. I love being with a girl thatican let herself go in bed its so hot. So to me if a girl wants to have lots of partners it's fine with a bit of luck im one of em. All us SLUTS are the happy ones and the name callers end up alone.

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    8 years ago

    I don't think there is anything wrong with being a slut as sure. I actually more attracted to "slutty" women. Also as a bi guy I love being called a slut while getting fucked

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • upforthefunxxx


    8 years ago

    I love them. I'm a slut. So is my partner. One of many things we love about each other.
    We are both absolute whores lol. 😆😆😉😉

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    8 years ago

    Great word used in the right contexts

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    8 years ago

    Great word used in the right contexts

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    8 years ago

    This is an old topic. Why was I drawn to it hmm now what was the question again?

    Oh yeah slut, yep, love being a dirty little slut, and love when they treat me like one mmm

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    7 years ago

    I love the use of the word but hate what the word now is it's a shame that everyone has slut shamed girls life would be so much easier for us guys if the weren't all scared to put out in fear that they would be slut shamed..

  • LillyandTheFun


    7 years ago

    You have to be careful how and when you use it.
    My partner loves it in a sexy or fun way.
    We both call each other sluts, well, we both are.
    But would never use it outside of that. Unless we really know someone

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • BeeeMiSlut


    2 years ago

    I love everything about a slut. She loves dick, loves to let guys fuck her and she should hold her head up and love being a slut