Sleep Overs

March 17 2024

Thoughts on sleep overs?

Do you do them often? Do you do them with One Night Stands? Do you prefer the sleep over or go/send them home?

- Alex


  • RHP User

    RHP User

    a year ago

    Much prefer a sleep over with some cuddling aftercare and maybe another round in the morning.

    Haven't had many one night stands though. Maybe even none....

  • FeistyFatty


    a year ago

    Both hubby and I have done sleep overs and weekends away..... Both solo and as a couple with other couples. Personally, not a fan of the sleepover or weekend away as a solo..... I find I missed hubby and my "routines" I have with him.
    Overnights and weekends away with other couples/Bi men are nice though because I get my cake and eat it too 😍

  • FeistyFatty


    a year ago

    Im definitely more inclined to play, kiss and go. Although a Ninja fuck with the right people ... Even hotter ..... Dont need names, dont need pleasantries, just a hey, throwdown for a couple of hours then a breathless "can't take anymore, catchya another time" goodbye 💕

  • MsSuperFoxy


    a year ago

    Used too.

    Ciao bella! Time to go home!

    Ms Foxy

  • RachWandered


    a year ago

    Not a fan… I like my space and my bed …

  • Sawadee


    a year ago

    With the right person.. the ninja fuck is hot as....

  • countrytouch82


    a year ago

    Basically on topic: I see many a dating profile with "no ONS" or similar. I'm like, sure, feel free to stay two nights :P

  • countrytouch82


    a year ago

    As I'm a willing cuddler/spooner, I do very much enjoy sleepovers. Although, haven't had one for many years with just one other person. However, with my ongoing couple friends we will typically stay overnight here, there, or holiday location (although seperate spaces for sleeping).

    I did have a single FWB in 2015 that I used to love sleeping over with, as well as the cuddles in bed or on the couch, morning sex was also a mutual thing :)

  • Mrs_Deep_Love


    a year ago

    It's a very intimate thing for me, way more intimate than sex.

  • Ex007


    a year ago

    Happy for sleepovers if single if they are attached go home.

  • EarthQueen


    a year ago

    Smash and dash.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    a year ago

    It’s more convenience for me. I’ve crashed after one nighters with the person and it’s cool to wake up and fuck / go for coffee etc…

    Also have long term playmates where it’s more hugs and aftercare focus and then we’ll make a day of tomorrow.

    That said, I love my own bed and my own space so I’m a bit of a size queen when it comes to beds. King is the ideal, Queen is manageable. Anything less I’ll sleep on the sofa thanks.

  • Oysterman


    a year ago

    Love them morning glories ! Pre-dawn and after dawn snuggles and fucks ! I believe women feel more comfortable and relaxed in their own surroundings and give that little extra that you ain't gonna get with a fuck and and go ! I hate these motels that want you out by 10.00am, especially when one is frisky and eager to play games !

  • ElectricDreamers


    a year ago

    If couples click and don't live nearby in our experience it's been quite normal to offer up the spare room, stay for breakfast, maybe round 2...

    Adding singles into the mix, we've only ever been to a single guy's house once. Not for a sleepover - otherwise if we've done a good meet first and the vibe is good if the guy has booked and paid for the room we have stayed all night and definitely gone in for round 3 and 4 in the morning... If we've booked the room, unless he's already a regular FWB we're not looking for that experience.

  • Viccpl


    a year ago

    No sleep overs for us - we cherish the time together post date for ourselves…

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    a year ago

    I would imagine you would discuss that if it was possible. One night stand is hard to answer as you dont know how you are going to feel in refractory period. Sometimes you want to get as far away from the person as possible and sometimes you want to cuddle too. And cpls i wouldn't know as i have had the opportunity once and i freaked out a bit so i left....hate being a noob :(

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    a year ago

    It is a good idea to me.

  • TheMinx


    a year ago

    I would like to be middle spoon - Margo-minx-alex

    I'm a morning person so sleep overs are my jam.

    Waking up to ☕️🥐🍆 divine.

  • teamaj2


    a year ago

    We prefer no sleepovers . We have had some sleepover . We find we’re not relaxed and can’t wait for them to leave . We love the afterglow and sex morning after to be just us . Ax

  • Titsntatts4561


    a year ago

    Our play room is not at our house, so we offer for people to stay if they like. Normally if they have travelled a bit. Have another room for us to sleep in.

  • Yellowpenguins


    a year ago

    Prefer not too. For me sleeping over is more relationship territory and too intimate.

  • TheaussieBull88


    a year ago

    First meet, not a sleep over. If it's a hotwife that I see regularly it's a 50/50 chance of being a sleep over or not, depending on her family commitments.
    Morning sex is always good.