M52 F51
Single girl unable to find a date
January 19 2020
She is gorgeous petite and great fun!
What’s going on lol?
- Posted from rhpmobile
5 years ago
We can only offer us, our hospitality humble and fun is the essense, the energy, the spirit, the best in us, the best in your girlfriend, the best in you, it's fun when accepted as just being yourself.
You're welcome too.
MadoMado Tara xxSSExplorer
5 years ago
How did she advertise she was looking?
I’m guessing she was Sydney based?
Did she not get one offer or just not one she desired?sweetnsensual72
5 years ago
She advertised but didn’t get one reply lol
She even had a hotel for the night!
Quite weird to be honest
Maybe guys are after couples or too intimidated by a gorgeous single woman!sweetnsensual72
5 years ago
Matador she was only free Friday night!
5 years ago
As I noted in a thread I started, I put up a few dates with only one open to men and can’t keep up with the interest. Maybe the thrill of fucking another man’s wife is greater than the thrill of a woman who just wants you?
Weird for sure!
Shame your friend wasn’t after a couple or two, we and Mado could have all entertained her lolRHP User
5 years ago
I cant believe she ended up with no interest..
5 years ago
Honestly diddly squat! Nadda
5 years ago
Send her our way. You know we’re very friendly and accommodating 😉
RHP User
5 years ago
Sympathy ?
Outrage ?
That is most men’s everyday reality.
Deal with it.
How many people did she ask ?
Or did she sit on her throne and wait for courtiers ?
How dare they !!!69tattoorob
5 years ago
Look my profile on here is a single man but ive also allowed my wife to view every thing on here and we have had some very exciting encounters been MFM and have wanted to meet with a couple but have not had any luck as of yet so seeing a single female looking for couple or single man bothered us yes we want a MFM no replies from single females so if she is still looking allow us to give her a night/day of sexual pleasure also be my wife's first encounter doing a FF
5 years ago
I'm with Usebi on this one..
It is not the end of the world or even a stop press moment.
(In the headlines today a beautiful woman in Sydney did not get her vagina plugged or even a sniff of interest despite advertising. Now to the weather...)
I think it's a good experience for her.. to see what a lot of other people go through from time to time and or regularly.
Just life.RHP User
5 years ago
Usebi- strange comment considering you’re chasing someone in your profile who has their shit together 😂
Another glass half empty type me thinks.
Mr Lsweetnsensual72
5 years ago
She was after a date a drink sex!
She asked and put herself out there!
Don’t think you would be her type with that attitudesweetnsensual72
5 years ago
Dave yes we know you are a great fun couple!
It was for a Friday night though!
We can certainly recommend you both to her though!RHP User
5 years ago
Well if theres ever any singles orange way looking were happy to meet!
5 years ago
We would recommend you to her Us6873
I think you may have met her at an event we ran!madotara69
5 years ago
That is a thing.. I beg to differ as to that and that meaning applied as intended to single out That and she is not a thing, she is a woman played down by the expense of most men's, (each and every one) everyday (daily) reality. You are having her bare the weight as heavily weighted cussed as deserving 'That' Putting her in place, rousing for all of most in a man's world, the thing.In an everyday reality, it is just you expressing an illusion in grandeur.
Most women enjoy fucking men, but not limited and most men enjoy fucking women, but not limited which puts most men are fucking, everyday is a lovely way in passing times.
What better a compliment, hey babe my whole world is centered in being with you everyday
Fucking then becomes natural reality, in equilibrium.
Hurt the poor girl because you can so you do now did for what reason ?
Please accept my apology sweetnsensual, just a conversation.
Last Friday night was the first relief of the bushfires and most were probably very tired, heatstoked 50 degrees hot out here at the foothills of the mountains, smoke thick and ash filled the air, we lost half our Koala Bears, some firefighters, fathers, husbands, standing by most other men.Perhaps we allow the chances not so much as to your girlfriends loneliness in a negative sense, when in fact the chances she was lonely was because the men may well have been focussed and committed, putting their very own life in harms way.. fair to say in the hearts, your girlfriend had her men replying, expressing the best intensions and by an act of god, protecting all they can.
So yeah, everything happens for reason, blame is rarely anything other than the figment of imaginations. Of course given half the chance we'd all enjoy the company and it's natural the desire to fuck ? also an act of god, under the wing of mother nature and thanks for how horny we are right now and your girlfriend.. you can assure her ! We will spoil her and exhaust her and the aftercare see her safe through while disorientated, fizzy and bumping into walls and doors and things, as being in two worlds back to one world, the waves of rolling orgasms subsiding, hazy doe diluted eyes, bring on the giggles and sure you agree, the reward comes richest of fortune, wellbeing and to belong, in spirit of care.
Respectfully this post is about a friend you care about.RHP User
5 years ago
I would certainly be happy to meet her.
5 years ago
yes maybe the men were away fighting fires or busy with their kids or their wives. No the world doesnt center around a single woman at all. My partners kids sold their bikes to donate to the RFS and we didnt ask them too.The fires are terrible and in the grand scheme of things this topic doesnt even register.Every thing has perspective and we wish the RFS and all the other fire services around Australia the best
RHP User
5 years ago
I suggest that she put in more effort into filling out her profile, write a witty bio, take some more pics showing her smiling, get verified, upgrade to premium and send lengthy, well thought out messages.
5 years ago
Now im curious to know the profile 😏
RHP User
5 years ago
where is she ?? id be happy to meet her, take her out, and then bring her home to ravage
5 years ago
Pass that on me Purple!
She is verified and validated has a stunning profile
We took her pictures!sweetnsensual72
5 years ago
She managed a date this weekend!
5 years ago
Ha, that old chestnut. Look no one likes to not be noticed, but also as single girl I’ve experience this. Whether it be on here, in reality, hell even a date finder. I’ve experience no interest at a bar or even a fetish night. Been stood up on dates or ghosted after a few meets. There is nothing to it, it’s just life. I don’t get salty as I know I’m not for everyone, nor am I available for everyone. Helps investing in great toys. Once I’ve attended some naughtier places and been approved she can attend these places with me, say it as two single girls. Face to face is always more fun anyway.
Ms. E xSkinnydippin
5 years ago
I would take you out Emmy
5 years ago
Will pass that on!
She has a great profile
Beautiful pics!
We took them for her
Was an anomaly we thinkRHP User
5 years ago
Probably was interested but only buy guests who can not msg lol i wonder y they dont have free chat room during certain hours
RHP User
5 years ago
Usebi........you are my bloody hero. That was the best response! 😄👍👍
5 years ago
We took her pictures she has a great profile!
5 years ago
Does she have membership?
I find it hard to kinda believe. If I can put up datefinders, and get numerous interestes, why can't she? I'm far from perfect but do have perfect imperfections. However, if I'm interested in a profile that interests me, I'll message them. It does helps being a paid membership tho, where guests can message. No use being a guest and sitting back waiting, cause it's not going to happen.
Ms FoxyMask_007
5 years ago
Hey if come/want to visit Melbourne and have some fun, I'm 100% sure she wont be alone.
I put my hand up....RHP User
5 years ago
Hahah omg,
Single girl ignored after advertising herself!
Thats headline news right there!
Has the world gone mad, folks ask?
"It's totally insane, I just dont understand" said one seemingly panicked witness, rushing to her nearest supermarket to stock up on toilet paper.RHP User
4 years ago
Would love to get in contact with her. I would have taken her up on the offer 100%
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