Single Guys exclusion.

July 13 2024

I would like to ask for some clarification!

Lately I have come across extremely often to personal, couples, and events profiles that at preferences or suitability say Man.

Then along the profiles somewhere the say "No single Males"

Is just me or that is not very well formulated.

A single guy is a Man. If you don't want single guys Don't put Man in there.

For couples, it is alternatives saying, couples, FF, MM that is specific. For argument sake:
As soon as I see that you are not interested in "Man" I do understand and know that is not for me as a single Guy.

Is anything that I'm missing? Please help me out here.

And if you don't have anything relevant to the subject to say, please do all of us the opportunity of reserving your own malicious and offensive comments to your self.

Thank you.


  • Andrea_Sydney


    2 months ago

    You mean where under suitable for it says men and further below says no single men? I haven’t seen that. As far as I can see events that list men under suitable for usually have provisions for “select” single guys.
    Do you have any examples?

  • Alexis


    2 months ago

    My theory is that a lot of women and couples make a profile and they are genuinely interested in men. They then get an onslaught of messages from single guys that is impossible to manage, so they put that line in their bio to either try and stop the messages or give themselves permission to ignore the messages and not feel bad about it.

    I think they either forget to remove men from their interests when they do that, or keep it there intentionally to still get messages but be very selective in who they reply to.

  • MsSuperFoxy


    2 months ago

    I get it. I see it all the time.
    Yes, I agree, it's confusing.

    Ms Foxy

  • Kinkysubjade


    2 months ago

    For parties, it’s to vet guys. They are more likely to be more respectful, better behaved, if they can find a date to bring, as she vouches for their character by being there with him.

  • Kwerky11


    a month ago

    It’s an interesting conundrum. I think a lot on here don’t exactly know what they want. So no single males. Does that mean couples only? Then they should be specific in that. Be clear in what they seek. It’s not rocket science!!!