Shy at first
July 10 2019
Why should I always take the first step? Man! Shy am I?
- Posted from rhpmobile
RHP User
6 years ago
I suppose it is old fashioned to expect the man to approach the woman. There are a lot of women today who do make the first move but I'm not one of them lol. It's a confidence thing and I am shy at first. It's also the fear of rejection. These are probably the reasons that I'm never approached or maybe I have a resting bitchface 😆
Good for you for going out to a club by yourself though.RHP User
6 years ago
Perhaps if you stood at the bar you’d be approached more..? I certainly would never approach someone who was sitting in a corner by themselves.
6 years ago
Very few will approach.But welcome to the forum and goodluck
6 years ago
I'm shy as well. 😃
Ms FoxyMsJonesy
6 years ago
Fair enough if you want to sit at the bar, I often do that. But not in the corner, as its difficult to make conversation with people if you do that. Sit further down the bar, like in the middle. And when people come up to get a drink, smile, say hi, and try to engage in small talk...such as "having a good night?". For gawds sake, don't lead with a question like "do wa wanna fuck?" You would probably get pushed off your bar stool. 😁
6 years ago
Interestingly it's a woman that is sitting in a corner alone that I will prefer to approach, as opposed to trying to get a word inwards past the other suitors. There's obviously different perception issues going on when it's a man alone.RHP User
6 years ago
Thank you all for the feedback. On most occasions women come to the bar with a partner and I don't want to be disrespectful by approaching them. Do I make sense or am I making up excuses..lol
RHP User
6 years ago
And neither should you put you there OP.Sit at the bar and be open to approaches.Shyness is often perceived as aloofness so just relax.
Hugs QRHP User
6 years ago
Yeah...will make that change and see how that goes
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