Shave or natural
October 21 2022
2 years ago
Shaved or unshaven, I don't care, as long as I can eat it
2 years ago
Please no, not shaved! The stubble regrowth is bloody awful.
If you can't handle the wax just go with natural or manicured.The_kiss
2 years ago
I wouldn't be surprised if the guy's (or girls) who like it natural are in fact themselves, and as you said "a few". Personally the merkin can stay in the 70s. I will admit after a wax I can't touching how soft and smooth it is however that's a pat on top not in LOL ...... My thoughts went a little off line and had to wonder if some sort of weaves or dreadlocks form that you can't get your fingers in if you don't shave?
RHP User
2 years ago
I love a bush. Not wild and untamed hippy style. But the look of a woman. Incredibly sexy. The problem with pubes in oral is overstated. Let’s face it the back entrance is pretty close and a whole lot more to contend with than a tiny hair. Plus, if the only discomfort you are dealing with is a tickle between your teeth, you aren’t trying hard enough. Having said that, it is a bit off-putting to have to hack a path to pop a finger in the honey pot. A little trim for practicalities is Sensible.
Open disclosure
1. never been with a fully shaved lady so cannot compare.
2. I have no interest in shaving myself, other than for a one off for fun. I don’t need that kind of maintenance. I don’t require it of anyone else
3. I will admit a shaven pussy is more than a little attractive too!!Kincraft
2 years ago
I was happy with natural until I encountered my first shaven pussy. These days, a substantial amount of hair feels dirtier somehow (even if it's not), and it's a hassle 'wading through the foliage' to obtain something akin to nonabrasive contact. I floss regularly enough that I don't need the experience when going down on a girl.
In fairness, I keep myself well maintained too. Yes, it feels dirty if I've got too much hair.
Contrary to what other people say, I like the fuzzy / prickly regrowth. A shave or trim is only problematic if performed an hour before. Give it half a day for the sharp (hair) edges to dull and we're all good. If you've got 5mm of regrowth, I'll stroke that fuzz until you shake me off.. or give me something better to do.teamaj2
2 years ago
I think it’s just subjective . Like anything else , its about what each individual finds more attractive. Many many years ago , laser was one of the best things I ever did . No maintenance now and we both prefer it . Ax
2 years ago
Nothing more beautiful than a freshly waxed pussy. (tear).
2 years ago
I love it manicured, waxed or shaved. I like the thought that the lady looks after herself, I also think that it gives a closer skin to skin contact. That is why I shave my genitalia to feel that closer contact and clean feeling as well.
2 years ago
My girl waxes and I love it. Smooth, wet and inviting. Guess I’m biased though because of her. 😊
2 years ago
She much prefers hers shaved and it increases her pleasure but then she feels self conscious if there’s any regrowth. She isn’t fussed either way for how a man keeps himself.
I love the feeling of a super smooth pussy and can put up with the regrowth too. I haven’t seen a nice full bush in years and miss it, there’s something also nice about inhaling the musky aroma as your nose is nestled into the bush.RHP User
2 years ago
I do also love the feeling of a smooth snatch from a wax or laser treatment, and by extention I also like to have a close shave so that it there's is no chance for any irritation.
2 years ago
I like the look of a nicely trimmed pussy moreso than bare. Personally ' l think many girls shave , wax , laser because its what expected of them. Ive had girls apoligise because you can feel stubble when they dont need to.. l always let them know l couldnt care less if theres hair there or not .. Personally ' lm trimmed with clean balls...
RHP User
2 years ago
I trim, shaved looks like a child to me. Watching people scratch themselves like they have a genital disease (during regrowth) puts me off the naked look.. I prefer men with hair as it stimulates my clitorus. But I like chest hair alot, so just me
RHP User
2 years ago
What makes you feel sexiest?
2 years ago
I can't keep my mouth away from a shaved pussy. Running my tongue along the smooth lips is so sensual. I also shave and receive the same comments from my partners
RHP User
2 years ago
Personally, I enjoy a woman . The kind with the full burka, but with the little letterbox just to see the eyes.
It's like unwrapping a christmas present. Not knowing what to findjustdo1t
a year ago
i love tongue fucking a freshly shaved pussy its so fucking hot but also dont mind a little fur like a landing strip but not all natural bush thats way too much hair feel like a cat after coughing up fur balls
a year ago
Manicured party on top, smooth lips/underneath. Personality and smile a must 😜
a year ago
Waxed for sure shaven if not available nothing like a fresh smooth moist Pussy
a year ago
Im not a fan of any type of body hair. Im not sure if it's because I like being covered in oil as much as I do. I also much prefer eating a smooth hairless pussy over even a tightly trimmed one any day. That all being said personally if I could take a pill and spend the rest of my life hairless from the neck down I'd di it in a heartbeat!
a year ago
Shaved, waxed or lasered please. A neat landing strip is ok though
a year ago
a year ago
Find it funny people can’t answer a simple yes or no 😂
a year ago
Laser is 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻
RHP User
a year ago
Personally I love a landing strip. Nothing better.
RHP User
a year ago
I am a hairy man myself, and i do groom downthere just because a large portion of the female population dont like pubic hair. I have no preference what so ever. I can even go as far to say a full bush has a really gorgeous look to it....especially when attached to a beautiful woman who is nice and not self conscious about it. In saying that the shaven look is equally attractive to me. Perorming oral on both types is a very different experience though. If you enjoy your pubic hair played with and pulled gently it can be quite yum....well thats what one lady told me :)
RHP User
a year ago
Shaved (/lasered/waxed), with or without a landing strip is my preferred. Just as getting hair in the mouth / on the tongue is not as enjoyable. Still enjoyable, but not as much. The hilarity of course, is how many guys that state they want hairless ladies, but still have as much hair around their genitals as their distant ancestors did when they decided 'You know what? Coming down from the trees may be ok'
a year ago
My choice has always been to be manicured and it’s also a build up and nice to touch after, it’s also a ritual and get the imagination roaring.
RHP User
10 months ago
Shaved all the way for me
10 months ago
DEFINITELY silky smooth shaved for both bf and me, Venus 5 blade leave us both ready for ANYTHING lol
RHP User
9 months ago
Trimmed- above the clit.
9 months ago
Definitely Smooth,, so much sexier and so much nicer to eat ,,, why cover up something so beautiful with hair ,,,
9 months ago
Look I'm going to put it this way I've always been about the bald badger but it never used to be like baby face smooth by the time you got home after the night out! But since they bought the old game changer out..... laser! Jesus's I can't keep my mouth our seriously eating pussy is like Viagra for me! I could have come home done my dead and rolled over to sleep but some nights your just that bloody toey you don't want it to end so I just pop my face the old treasure box and razzle dazzle do round 2 we are off again!
Nothing better than an immaculate bald beaver 😜😜😜ShortKing82
9 months ago
Trimmed is good but shaved is fine as well. I try to return the favour with mine.
9 months ago
we prefer trimed or closley shaved as negotiating the amazon juggle can be hazardess if the pubes are strong wirey type.. the tongue is not a whipper sniper
RHP User
9 months ago
Natural but tidy. There should be a little of sth to hide and something marking the path.
8 months ago
Both have their pros and cons outty’s great with some hair innies better shaved for access reasons lol
8 months ago
Both, not too much but a little is sexy as hell. You’ll both know when it’s too much.
2 months ago
shave for sure it makes it easier to eat and taste better
2 months ago
Definitely a clean shaved pussy...mmmm
2 months ago
I love 💕 freshly shaved very smooth and clean and a shaved pussy looks great and no pubic hair in mouth. I shave and wax for the same reason no ball hair or pubes in partnership with mouth, keep on shaving and playing
2 months ago
Never been with a shaved woman so I have no basis for comparison, but I don't mind a bush
2 months ago
I.love shaved, freshly....smooth as my head lol
2 months ago
Laser is the way to go
RHP User
a month ago
Not Bald and not wild, just tidied up
a month ago
A bare pussy is always much better and much morre attractive
You can wax (ouch), shave or better still laser the hair off
with laser there is no scratchy regrowth.Mrpickle
5 days ago
Either way don’t get me wrong trimmed is great but the stubble from shaved can be a bit much.
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