Share your cruise experience
July 27 2023
Lately been thinking about going on a cruise 🚢 and have some fun .
Anyone have any cruise experience or tips for first time cruise traveler. How does one seek or look for potential singles or couples to have fun with .. how do u approach a couple or any signs given by other pleasure seekers ..
Thankyou .
2 years ago
If your expectations are that you will hook up with a bunch of swingers, on a normal cruise ship, and be invited into their cabins for an orgy, your chances (as a single male) are probably very slim.
Are there a high % of swingers on cruise ships? As opposed to hotels?
What signs are you hoping to receive ?
Approach slowly & respectively as you would at a normal pub / club / restaurant. Zero expectations nor entitlements.Obi1kenietzsche
2 years ago
Imagine hooking up with someone on a cruise ship only to discover that they are a decidedly “dud root”.
Then imagine being stuck on that same ship with them for the next 2 weeks. 😉.MsSuperFoxy
2 years ago
I saw pineapple shirts at Lowe's, two days ago. Purchase one and wear on the cruise ship. You'll be the life of the party. 😁
Ms Foxy 🍍 🍍 🍍2ofus4more
2 years ago
Go on a dedicated swingers cruise out of Florida.. We went on one out of California a few years back, It was a blast..
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