M34 F33

Sexy chat with other couples

February 08 2024

Does anyone has experience where they chatted sexy with other couple and end up meeting with them .

What do you guys normally chat for a sexy chat. Is it just compliment on photos or dirty chat


  • RHP User

    RHP User

    3 months ago

    hit them with slick one liners until they cave

  • Havinaball3


    2 months ago

    If you click it will be easy , the chat will flow a few other common interests are good too to get the ball rolling

  • BornToBeMild2024


    2 months ago

    We found that it doesn't work. What does work, is meeting in person for a drink, and flirting with no shame whatsoever.

  • dubbadeez


    2 months ago

    Yes. Started in the chat room based on location then moved to messages. Showed pics and asked each other what we each like sexually. Arranged a meet at a local pub after work one night. No strings. I find a casual drink an easy lead in to the real thing. But sexy chat is a great ice breaker.